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Everything posted by renewablejohn

  1. Machines start at just under 10k but you can rent them Scott & Sargeant Woodworking Machinery Web site I cannot get the link to work direct to the machine but if you look under dust extraction you will find the comafer range of briquette machines.
  2. Dave Make sure the hydraulic ram on the trailer is a low volume ram as your 955 will have a smaller hydraulic oil tank than larger tractors. Our you could fit an additional hydraulic tank.
  3. Need to get a handle on tonnage first before we commit to modifying their plant. do you have any idea of tonnage available.
  4. I have been requested to convert a small gas CHP plant in Bristol to using woodchip. Whilst technically it is not difficult I need to gauge how much woodchip would be available within a 25 mile radius of Bristol. All fresh Arb arisings and brash can be utilised but being from the North I have no idea of the volume available in the area and I am sure some forum members will be able to assist. The alternative will be shipping wood pellets from Scotland direct into Bristol.
  5. Not quite bonsai but I used to hire out christmas trees with live roots. We used to root prune every year to maintain dwarf growing character and keep trees compact. Every 3 years we would then transplant into a larger pot increase by 5 ltrs at a time upto 25 ltr pot than after that plant out in woodland (approx 15 yrs old 12-15 foot tall) If grown direct in the ground same tree would be in excess of 30 foot so bonsai did work. Mainly Norwegian Spruce and Siberian spruce but also experimented with Noble Fir Frasier Fir Korean Fir Picea konica Nordman Spruce
  6. Yes 100% full details at the address below 23 November 2009 - Press Release - DECC invites applicants for £1.5 million Bio-energy infrastructure grants - Department of Energy and Climate Change Other downsides besides slow payment is that machinery has to be unique to biomass production so tractors and trucks are not eligible and the scheme does not apply to Scotland
  7. Sorry I dont know what type I leave it to the experts who look after my vehicle but apparently certain types of clutch fluid can react with the metal lines and produce air bubbles which is why the pedal degrades over time. It is more noticeable on a long distance journey as the clutch fluid heats up. I have come back on several journeys not being able to use first gear because of this problem until we identified it was the fluid at fault.
  8. Might not be the slave cylinder . My Merc 814 suffers from a similar problem and it turns out after replacing the slave cylinder that the actual problem is the clutch fluid oil. Oil now gets flushed out every 2 years and rebleed to produce good pedal.
  9. Busy Daddy The next round of the Bio Energy Infrastructure Scheme grants is now open and is exceptional in being 100% rather than the normal 40%. We bought our Hazo from the last round the only downside is the government being so sloooow in paying out the grant it took over 7 months for us to receive our first payment. PM me if you want advice on the hoops you have to go through to fill in the application form.
  10. Your problem is moisture content. To briquette you need fine woodchip between 8-17% moisture and for wood pellets fine powder between 8-12% moisture. Briquetting pressure of our machine is 120 kg/cm2
  11. Depending on how soon Alex at A C Price can fit my heizohack chipper to my MBTrac I will be looking for a small job like this to test it. Transport might be the killer as its a long way from Lancashire.
  12. You would be far better cleaning with kerosene and a commercial horticultural sprayer (with sealant rings that dont perish) You can easily get 4 bar pressure for cleaning and when you have finished the kerosene will mix with the diesel and you will not have a water problem.
  13. Anybody who is interested there is a MB Trac 1500 for sale this week in the Farmers weekly at £12500 and a MB Trac 1000 crop sprayer at £7500.
  14. highclimber&timberfallers Put us out of our misery. Have you gone for it or is it up for grabs
  15. How about a quick name and shame. Simple sign hung around the tree saying "please come back and finish the job".
  16. The generators in the avatar are part of a CHP station I am currently purchasing the photo attached is of my two Bellis & Morcom engines and 300kw generators
  17. At the time we thought the paperwork was impossible to fill in however compared to the Carbon Challenge grant we have just applied for the BEIS grant was simple and straightforward. A further round of BEIS grant is expected out later on this year and I would recommend anybody on here to think positively about applying for it just be mindful that if you do get it the banks are not willing to support bridging finance to cover the time delay in reciept of the grant. Apparantly they have had their fingers burnt by the government in the past. I am not an expert in filling these forms in but will gladly point people in the same direction as our succesfull application.
  18. I bought a 3 cyl Lister lighting tower which had a 3 phase 17.5kw generator supplying the lights at 110v and then had it converted to run 3 phase with option of 1 phase to power a demonstration 3 phase pellet press
  19. Not quite right it is just over 150k and is 100% funding of equipment as part of the BEIS grant which is specifically set up for CHP wood fuel production. The negative aspect has been our cashflow totally screwed up as the grant is approved on paid invoices 3 months in arrears which has meant our claim at the end of March was paid on 10th September (3 months ???)
  20. When buying my MB Tracs advice given was to go for the 6 cylinder engine as it is standard in Merc trucks and check out the gearbox as it can be the achilles heel. If you dont buy it I would also be very interested
  21. Looking to buy a BGU myself but have been put off by UK dealers attitude. Was wondering whether to purchase direct from the factory or import via BGU Irish agents.
  22. Avison sprayers have a MB Trac 900 on at 8k but you should be able to get for 6k
  23. Do you have photo. Seems expensive when compared to a BGU
  24. Just bought a heizohack from Masons and he was so confident of his machine he told me to fetch my own timber to put through the machine. The chipper was hooked upto a 100hp tractor and with the first piece of timber (laminated roofing truss) we got halfway through and it stalled the tractor. Underterred the wood was extracted with a crow bar and the machine reset with a lower infeed speed and it worked perfectly. Needless to say I have bought the machine and only time will tell whether it was the right decision but I was very impressed with his calm attitude and confidence in the quality of the machine which he had serviced.


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