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Everything posted by cerneARB

  1. I have been revising for next weeks inspection course and as usual i think off more questions than whats normal..if there is a normal. What do you folks think is the opitman angle for a branch before it succombs to fracture? I know it makes a differnce due to its length,diameter,end loading,included bark, cracks and site charactristics. Are we looking at 90 degrees to the trunk (horizontal) as a bad example off opimization? Is there a good angle for a branch which is best for it?
  2. That was lucky...good photos...would like to know if it was definantly Meripilus giganteum. We took down a big oak last week with M.gigateum, then the winds came...glad we got it down before the winds.
  3. Looking at hiring a truck and chipper for one day, Suffolk or Norfolk..any ideas off where anyone? Plus is their anywhere in Norfolk (Norwich) area to tip? Cheers Guys/gals.
  4. For a second their John i thought that was a fungi recipe...thanks mate for the advice =-)
  5. Just had it confirmed today that the boss is sending me on it in December.Anyone else done it..whats it like. Sorry i have not posted for ages..been a little busy. Cerne.
  6. Knowing what goats are like..he probably ate the snap hook!
  7. Llelandyii Prunus avium,wild cherry Acer pusedoplatnus , sycamore Sorbus spp Quercus spp. And lots of hedge species.
  8. Dont worry mate im not taking the mickey, dont be so sensitive mate.I was mearly using the lovely suffolk dialect which i love to hear.I got a few books on it by Charlie haylock, who i have seen a few times.The use of it round here is intresting.The dialect has some intresting words for things.Hence i noticed your word for wasps was written in the suffolk dialect , so i wanted to use it to show how wonderfull it is.Sorry if i offended you David.No malice ment:001_smile:
  9. can tell your a good ole suffik boy David....waspe nest. good idea bor to ave them their buggers near yew path spreeyed, that would have caused a hooly load of troouble for them duzzy lumixs of Noorfolk furners visiting:001_tongue:
  10. Thanks for posting the info..fascanaiting..are trees brilliant or what!
  11. Hi Pommie, i am aware that side Ds are not for vertical hanging off.Which is why i wanted to get rid of a rope grab in the first place.In my earlier posts i wrote i had experimented using a lanyard as a rope advancment on my central d ring on my bridge, not on my side Ds. But that does raise the question...you still use your lanyard in the vertical to 'hold you in place and stop you swinging' Even when its above you on a higher branch? I know its not meant to be load bearing to take all your weight.Its a pendulum swing stopper and to make your work postion more secure. think you misunderstood me mate.
  12. PHEW..good week to be back at work after so long with the heat!Few weeks and you will be back to normal. Takes time to get climbing fit again i suppose like any physhical job/ training.
  13. I agree with what John says, reduce the limbs back, if its an old tree this may be a bit more risky as its vigor is not as strong as a younger tree.Doesnt seem to be much callus growth on the wounds suggesting vigor is not great.Lots of woodlice on it too.The green stuff just looks like lichen, nothing to worry about. How high is it?
  14. Do you put her out at night...my old cat used to like to come and purr all night on your head...that did not last long..out you go!
  15. Cheers Alex..thats what i like keep it simple and cheap:001_smile:
  16. I got a stein..love it.only drawback i find with the smoked and clear visors is that when it rains you need windscreen wipers on it..cant see nothing, so i got a mesh visor on mine now.
  17. Thats great UNP..many thanks:001_smile:Looks like a good set up with photos for idots like me to look at!Pictures speak more to me than words..thank you.
  18. are those fishermans knots conecting to the karbiner UNP?
  19. I did try this this afternoon too, placing the strop on the central D ring..good for ascent but it did get a bit mixed up with my life line and looks crowded.
  20. I agree Alex, rope grabs are fine for lateral force holding you in place but not good in the vertical.Which is one reason i wanted to change my set-up. mmm still not sure how that distal works..i need the idiots guide:001_smile:


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