The reason for the internet (imo) is for the sharing of information, experience and knowledge. We can agree/disagree with whatever is shared, we can take the positives and negatives from this information and do with it whatever we like, it is the freedom of information.
If some one is sharing dangerous techniques then the reader should be able to make the informed decision to either use or discard this information. The good side to forums is that people can voice their opinions, so as to let others know any dangers involved in anothers post, so if someone on a worksite were to have never used a certain technique (maybe they came up with it from their own invention) then they have seen the method and know the dangers and should be able to make their own judgement.
If someone posted that they exit all trees by unclipping at 15ft and pulling a para roll as it was quicker I would hope we would all have the judgement to either use or discard this method appropriately, even maybe comment their thoughts on using this technique. I would not however advocate some sort of character assassination on the poster as, if it works for them then good luck to them, at least someone would have warned them!(the beauty of forums, info can pass both ways and we can again use or discard the information given)
I'm sure all of us do things we wouldn't want a newbie doing, that's what experience brings, I saw things I wouldn't try, so as I never tried them myself (or waited until i had the experience). learn from others mistakes as well as successes, it's all learning. I make these judgements and will always try and make an informed decision.....however the point is made!
With the posting of these methods, safe or not in whoever's eyes it means more information out there for us to make our own judgements, it can only be a good thing imo!
This is just my opinion on how forums should be used and am in no way encouraging others to do anything they or others consider to be dangerous.