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The best up to now imo.
I dont think thats a crime. The way I think about it, not all the oil is removed at an oil change, at least a film and probably some puddles are left. Brands must get mixed the whole time surely?
I dont doubt that for one minute.
I'd trust Bubba any day of the week over Ben & Jerry.
MissThomson joined the community
You know that a lot of redneck magas will be bumping fists and high fiving him. Best sitcom ever.
I have over 37 and a couple of partial years but due to changes in 2016 I needed more however the incremental increases added to the tax on top of my current pension doesn't make much difference when my savings could be making money at the same time so for me it is not really worthwhile but for some it could mean quite a lot.
- Today
Wow decent pots! I'm very jealous!
entish joined the community
Well done, I bring a few homers back when I cannot get the job done in the couple of hours our repair cafe runs. Rust steel swing seat in my garden in mid repair today. As has been said tool handles were often cleft, not because it was easier but because the grain is more likely to be continuous where a saw can cut across and leave it "short grained". I know scythe handles were steamed to get the curves but I imagine some were straightened similarly to make rake handles.
Blimey, he has turned in to Martin Lewis but on a serious note, he is spot on. You need 35 years of paid up NI, if you opted out of SERPs or are not sure and need to check, you can do so but may need your self employment Government Gateway info or a phone call.
10k plus for a 94 Hilux running a lift, oversized wheels a dumb arse bull bar complete with some go faster stripes and a bright yellow paint job 🤔🤔 What was someone saying about vanity vans ?? Snap it up ya eedjit 😂😂😂😂😂
Soft power, are you having a laugh. If the MSM are to be believed the USA and UK are hated, so value for money it's obviously not getting ANYTHING positive is it so why bother!
Never heard that expression. Does it mean to spend a lot or work a little so as to break even or only make (show) a modest profit?
F*cking score! That's a great haul. There is so much waste in horticulture, both legal and ill, that could easily be siphoned off to domestic users.
How many would actually pay it anyway rather than just moving somewhere else?
I reckon a Zetor would happily run on whale blubber.
So, my brother was out this morning doing his civic duty. Helping to clear up some fly tipped rubbish. Big commercial grade plant pots. Obviously been dumped as the bi-product of a large weed growing operation. Must have been very large, industrial, as he took 120 but said there was still 100s left. I'll be having a fair portion of them for the garden, they're ideal for cucumbers, tomatoes and other large plants. Had some similar that I got years ago, from a police raid apparently. (Or maybe they'll come in handy for my retirement. 😉)
My Zetor seems to run on anything, and have inadvertently put many different oils in my land rover, both are still running. I say go for it.
Allotment Holder looking to accept woodchips.
Wordle 1,379 4/6 ⬜⬜⬜⬜🟨 🟩⬜🟨⬜⬜ 🟩🟩⬜⬜🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
That looks the bollox, regardless of colour. Snap it up I say. My mate swaggered around in an even brighter yellow than that Toyota MR2 years ago, the chicks loved. Or so he maintained!
Peachy C joined the community
JFDI. That’s marketing right there. You’ll be the English fellow in the yellow pickup.
Another point worth considering is that with the withdrawal of international aid and development, that the US loses what can reasonably be considered it's most valuable asset - soft power. Until Trump 2.0, the generally esteemed international position that the US held was largely as a result of the development programmes that it supported in the world's poorest communities. Much like the Chinese, the US sought to influence the development of economically emergent nations by way of USAID, and other agencies. It wasn't just a one-way flow of cash with nothing in return - it was mutually beneficial, even if it wasn't immediately apparent. On that note, international development aid is also one of the most effective ways of keeping people in developing countries in their own countries. If you withdraw the support that they were dependent on, they are much more likely to become desperate and try to emigrate to a more economically developed country. So, Trump's anti immigration agenda would actually be served very well by supporting those prospective immigrants to stay put. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - As a completely unrelated point, I was just thinking that the most amusing outcome of the Greenland issue would be if the Greenlanders decided that yes, they wanted to secede from Denmark but that they would like to hitch their wagon to Canada. I cannot think of a more effective F**k You to the US than that, and actually might make sense too as Canada is a fellow arctic nation and unlike the US administration, the Canucks aren't a bunch of self-serving, self-important, egotistical c**ts.