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Everything posted by trigger_andy

  1. I mean seriously. What kind of school tenders and cheaps out on the quote from a bunch of cowboys and then somehow you find a way to blame that on Brexit? Never before has this meme been more relevant.
  2. The most thermally efficient school in he U.K. did not consider hiring the right professionals for the job? Sounds retarded. Let me guess, they voted Remain. 🤣 Even here in Brazil Angus is famous.
  3. He never uses toilet paper either! I think you’re onto something!
  4. I’m all for that . I’m a small cog in the process that keeps the energy flowing into the tanks and batteries of the good people (and a few knobbers, you know who you are ) that keep this forum alive. It’s a thankless task but deep down I know they offer a prayer of gratitude at bedtime.
  5. Intrinsically more valuable I’ll assume. His ineptitude is cringeworthy. It’s like playing hide and seek with a toddler who insists you can’t see him because he’s holding his hands in front of his eyes.
  6. You’ve had your answers. Now beat it.
  7. You did a few pages ago you prize plum. 🤣 Good grief you’re shite at this game. 🤣
  8. I really don’t. I live in Angus. My salary provides me a way to enable my wife to stay at home and ensure my mortgage is paid off in a timely manner and I’ve taken care of my pension. The remaining income is no different to the vast majority of families. I have to watch the pennies like everyone else. Lots of Trades need paid better because they have seen a genuine drop in standards directly linked to the influx of Eastern European Immigrants. You can’t deny that, right? So a shining light on the benefits of Brexit is these guys getting a wage that someone living in the U.K. deserves and needs. Less productive how? Less productive because they are getting bent over the work bench and asked to take it without lube? I’d be less productive too if my wages where decimated by an influx of cheap foreign labour. Your anecdotal story of a British Chippy crew being expected to intuitively understand the complexities of a Continental Kit House is just silly. Sounds like the school cheaped out and took the lowest quote without considering if they where qualified for the job. Come on BJ, deep down in your bones you feel you have the answer. 🤣 We finally agree on something though, the top 1% or more realistically the top 0.1% need a day of reckoning. Never gonna happen though, not when we’re at each other’s throats over the pennies .
  9. The NHS is certainly on its knees. It could be argued that’s not anything to do with lack of funding but how the NHS squanders the bloated budget it receives. As mentioned a huge drain on the NHS is the frivolities the very left Leaning management squander it on. I’ll go out on a limb here and assume the very same managers that hire 700k “diversity managers” did not vote for Brexit. Wise up man, seriously. Your continued attempt at impartiality is a joke. Or have you dropped the farcical pretence now? I don’t think anyone apart from your chums in your echo chamber have taken one word you’ve posted seriously.
  10. No denying it’s squandered. That’s not the point though. The Remoaners demand more for the NHS since Brexit (and rightly so) and they’ve got want they wanted. Now the NHS needs to sort out the Remainer types that hire 700k diversity managers.
  11. There’s that impartiality shining through again. 🙄 Cheap labour that brings the British wages down have left. British wages in skilled fields up. Companies within the U.K. starting apprenticeships again due to the lack of access to cheap foreign labour. The NHS better funded than ever before. As I said, leave off the Poker you’re kidding no one.
  12. Could you point out a period in recent history where the NHS has not had more money poured into it? If Im not mistaken has not the latest budget added an extra 6B to the NHS on top of the already astronomical amounts since Brexit? That’s another win for Brexit. The NHS has never been this well funded under the yoke of the EU.
  13. I wish you where funny. At least you’d have that going for you. 🙄
  14. Yes, the very same. I live in an area of Scotland where soft fruit picking, tatties, daffies and daffy bulb picking was on the whole carried out by Scottish women and youngsters looking to make some extra cash. This is going back about 30 years ago. The wage was worth the time and hardship to harvest and provided a much needed boost to the family income. Fast forward to when we had a mass influx of Eastern Europeans willing to live like sardines in dirty caravans for pennies on the pound on the farm and Scottish people where no longer welcome. We where suddenly told we/they where too slow and our services no longer needed. We have become far to used to impossibly cheap produce provided on the back of dirt cheap Eastern European labour. The price we pay in no way reflects the true cost of production where we to pay British people a wage worthy of the work involved. A small punnet of Strawberries in Scotland costs what? £1.50-£2.00? In Norwat it’s at least double that. So what’s the answer? Farmers have to dry their eyes and get used to the idea of going back to paying British people a wage worthy of the work. We need to get used to seeing Strawberries as a treat and not a staple. The only reason fruit rots on farms is because farmers refuse to adapt to the change they eagerly adopted. An anecdotal side point is the Fruit Farms local to me do a roaring trade in pick your own. Everyone’s a winner. Below market prices, farmer gets paid more than Tescos offers. The “one for me, one for the punnet” rule holds true. If you think your line on impartiality is holding true may I suggest you don’t play Poker? You’d suck at that too.
  15. Yeh, paying someone a wage they can genuinely live on is fueling inflation, let’s completely ignore the obscene profits and transfer of wealth during Covid and now Ukraine, as the real reason. 🙄 Does not fit your narrative. I find it insulting that you or others keep mentioning my wages. I earn that wage through personal sacrifice and lengthy periods away from home. I’m also heavily taxed both Norway and the U.K. I drive an old 4x4 and Mill on the side for extra income. I certainly do not live s flash lifestyle or never have to watch spending. I work more, and earn more so my wife does not have to work and I’m putting a hefty amount away into my pension. I don’t live a glamorous lifestyle by any means. So my POV os not in any way shape or form warmed by my slightly higher than usual take home pay when the above is all considered. People manage, that’s it in a nutshell, they manage. They barely get by and it’s getting desperately worse for them, for everyone. Hell, you dipped out of the U.K. for s number of reasons but a huge factor was the price of housing verses the wages you could generate. Yet here you are berating a builder getting an extra £10k a year. 🙄🙄🙄 If anyone has a warped POV I think it’s you. “I can’t afford a house in the U.K. so Im leaving. They can’t afford a house in the U.K. either so they bloody better not give a wage that will allow him to do so.” 🙄 When wages have stagnated to the point being on Benefits is a genuine consideration you know the system is screwed. Skilled Trades have had their wages decimated over the decades and that is significantly down to joining the EU and the influx of cheap labour. Surely you can’t deny that? Bouncing skilled labour back to the levels they where 30 years ago is never going to happen but with the Slave labour disappearing since we’ve taken control of our boarders back we seem to be on the right track. The cost of living again? 🤣 🙄 Noway, Switzerland, in Europe, not in the EU. Both lower inflation rates. The inflation we’re seeing in the EU, the US and globally is down to Covid and the Ukraine. You desperately want to it to be Brexit and that’s heavily warped your perspective.
  16. I don’t really care what you’re talking about to be honest. 🤷‍♂️ There’s a bigger picture out there and for someone who claims to be impartial you sure have a heavy inclination. To intentionally ignore the fact that two European Nations that chose to remain outwith the EU and have lower inflation rates and prosper greatly without the need to be within the EU shows there’s no actual need to be within the EU and your choosing to claim this is irrelevant is quite telling. Anyway, I’ve replied to BJ regarding some very real benefits to leaving the EU. And have a look back through the various threads for others. Stop expecting to be spoon fed. 🙄
  17. This a bloody good thing though! Paying British people a genuine wage they can thrive and not just survive on has to be a positive surely? To think you’re actively wanting to keep the working man in the gutter is quite astounding.
  18. I seem to move throughout Europe quite freely. 🤷‍♂️ The loss of Eastern European Slave Labour has had a well reported surge in wages for the British. Case in point being Lorry Drivers. British workers now have a chance in getting paid a real wage for their labour and if the exodus of people that are happy living on scraps have left then all the better. Companies are starting to take on British Apprentices again as it’s not as easy to just import a ready made Eastern European with his Weatabix Box qualifications. Pushing prices up. 🙄 Good grief J you sure like to twist things. I travel fairly extensively and prices are up everywhere I go. (But not as high in non-EU Norway as you so kindly pointed out to me ) Migration is a total disaster just now, this has nothing to do with Brexit though is it? They’re arriving in Boats FFS. It’s all to do with Politics and nothing to do with Brexit. But you wrote earlier that we’ve lost the Eastern European workforce. Why was that then? Could it be that we’re now controlling migration? This control of migration is allowing the British people a foothold bank in the Job Market. You’re actually selling the plus side of Brexit better than I am. 😁
  19. Brexit has been so hamstrung from within the U.K. and with the EU that the success it could have been has been severely hampered. But again, with Norway and Switzerland both being extremely wealthy countries that have a far lower rate of inflation that within the EU and the U.K. there is no real reason why a country within Europe must be in the EU. I really don’t get the Stockholm Syndrome mentality that we absolutely have to be in the EU to prosper independently when clearly we do not. By all accounts both countries should be on their knees for refusing to submit to the will of the unelected EU, but they’re not. If the Political Class put the U.K. before their Trough Dipping and open their eyes to the reality that we’re out of the EU and we’re not going back then perhaps the U.K. can make Brexit the success we see in the countries mentioned previously. There has been many success stories since Brexit, I know because I’ve been one of those posting up links about it. It’s just ignored by the usual suspects who are die hard Remoaners. Who then ask “what have been the benefits of leaving the EU?”. It’s all been posted before, so if you’re genuinely interested have a troll through the pages.


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