Back in the UK I had bad sciatica in my right leg for years, (bad, as in being stabbed bad), my social life involved laying face down on the floor groaning , as it got worse I was taking 4 ibuprofen every 2 hours to get through work. Went to the doctors and they put me on diclofenac and Cocodamol. Tried acupuncture, massage, chiro, physio and nothing helped for more than a day tops. Fun.
When I moved to Aus I saw a bloke who teaches Egoscue and Foundation Training, my problems were caused by 1. Being right side dominant to the point where it was causing major muscle imbalance and all the stresses that causes and 2. By not using my back muscles properly. We are told these days to make our stomachs and core stronger to support our backs and this is horsecrap! Your back muscles need to be stronger. Our backs are designed by nature to support our upper bodies and with our glutes and hamstrings are the most important muscles. Bending your back when lifting is a guaranteed way to hurt yourself badly, the spine is not a structural support and must be kept straight(allowing for the two natural curves, but they take care of themselves) and this is where the the back muscles come in. The muscles do the work and take the weight, not the spine. The glutes and hamstrings are there to lift the upper body. Eg, when you bend over and hinge at the hips with your weight in your heels(not toes) and a straight back then the glutes, hamstrings and back muscles take all the strain, the spine is extended and doesn't take weight, THIS IS HOW YOU ARE DESIGNED! If you bend over by bending your back then the weight of your upper body PLUS whatever you are lifting is put straight into your spine with no proper support from the muscles, this causes slipped/bulging discs, pinched nerves, blown vertebrae and God knows what else.
Watch how a heavy weight lifter bends and lifts, or even a toddler picks up a toy, weight in heels and back straight and lift!
Your back muscles basically go from the feet to the top of your head as they're all interlinked. Not using them as designed can cause, foot pain, cramp, tight calves and hamstrings, butt pain, stuff hips, sciatica, hypertension, shoulder pain, stuff neck, head aches and more, that's just what I've had. Oh and I'm taller now.
The creator of Foundation Training (Dr Eric Goodman) blew 4 or 5 vertebrae and was told he needed permanent fusion surgery, he refused now has a very physically active life without surgery just by changing the way he moved, it's on YouTube and it's very effective for athletes to office workers and everyone inbetween.
A lot of people with blown discs don't know as there aren't always symptoms.
I refuse to use painkillers of any kind any more.
Hope this helps someone.
Cheers all, Andy