Oh ok, the reason I asked is because I thought you were new to the game. Well, I went out there in a very very similar position to you. I'm presuming it's your wife's qualifications taking you over? Because arborists are no longer needed really in any form, especially if you're over thirty? Once you are there, there really is plenty of work going around, finding a good company is hit and miss from my experience. The hours I worked over there were over 65 at a minimum every week, week in and week out, the only difference is what kind of meat machine you'd be working for as the climbers are predominantly 21 year old brits who get paid what they consider good money, they work for a year or two and then bugger off so longevity is not on their minds, this sets a precedent so to speak on how British arborists are treated. This is obviously only my opinion but I was called old man in the gang as the second oldest person was 22, he was also the foreman. Big trees! You will be doing massive take downs regularly with the odd prune here and there, it's heavy timber and it's hot, did I mention the bastard things are massive! The good thing is they use heavy machinery for everything, why? because there's glorious space, huge bandits and Vermeer,s make for "easier" days. It's expensive, really expensive! I started on a thousand pounds a week ($2000 a week), I obviously worked my nuts off for this wage but I thought I'd landed in butter considering I was hired as a bog standard climber. I soon learnt that the food was really expensive, as in 2 or 3 quid for broccoli! Rent is very expensive if you want to live in a half decent house, internet and cars are also crazy expensive so that wage suddenly only scraped me through each week, luckily the beautiful outdoors is free. Salaries of 65k a year is really nothing out there, you need at least 75 to 100k a year to say you will be comfortable, I'm basing that on your age obviously as the 21 year old climbers out there live 9 in a van smoking weed for breakfast and dinner, so to them 2 grand a week is more than they'd ever earn in the uk as newby climbers. The quality of life is EXCELLENT! The people are friendly, it's beautiful and there's load to do. You can spend decades traveling that massive country and still have room to travel some more. If you're going over and not having to rely on your qualifications but your wife's instead then I think you'll have time to shop around for a decent company to work for whilst you get your self sorted. It's worth it, especially if you have kids.