interesting topic, but no one has asked the vital question.....what effect does more oil have on the a/f ratio....easy, it causes a leaner mixture....leaner mixture runs hotter....hotter 2 stroke= siezed engine, stihl, hursqvarna, echo, etc, have all set there carbs up to work the f/a ratio as close to perfect as they can based on a 50-1 ratio of oil, if you run less oil, the mixture gets richer, and effectivly is the same as running on choke...fouls things up, the more oil you run, the leaner it gets and lean runns hotter and hotter till it siezes, or worse, melts the piston, anyway, your saws and strimmers, do what you want, oh and the more ethanol, the more water it absorbs, the leaner the longer it sits