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easy-lift guy

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Everything posted by easy-lift guy

  1. Mr. Trump ran a hard campaign against seasoned politicians and Won the election. Really no point beating yourself up on the distink possibility that you may not be an idiot and Mr Trump may prove yet to be a successful PODUS. If you are correct and President Elect Trump meets your expectations than the only people to really blame would be the voting public that elected him to the highest office in the land. I honestly can't expect most people that have partisipated in this thread to understand American politics and that is fine since I believe the lessons to be learned in the future will I hope reap many benefits and rewards between our Two countries and peoples. Time will tell as always. easy-lift guy
  2. Actually what many choose not to as well:thumbdown: easy-lift guy
  3. Sorry, long day I meant POTUS. easy-lift guy
  4. Mr. Trump will keep everyone on their toes. I would not read to much into his statement about the flag burners or how he would deal with them. These people will continue to complain and riot and burn and loot, and not even vote! Speakes volumes about the mentality of these folks. easy-lift guy
  5. I often wonder how much money is actually made, as in true net profit in the Fire wood business in the U.K.?. Seemingly with the OP presently having some of the major components in place and only seeking 200£'s weekly I really wonder how many hours a day it would take just to produce enough product to net 200£ per week? Like with any business all overhead must be calculated and factored against many variables such as existing competition, having a starting base of customers, production cost to produce a cord of wood or less, etc. I think it would cost a lot more than $300.00 per week here in the states than it would be worth. 200£ roughly equaling $300.00 USD easy-lift guy
  6. Maybe this official could ask for funding from the US Department of Transportation, wait a minute this thread is supposed to be about PODUS and the 2016 Election in the USA!. Never mind. easy-lift guy
  7. Hi Silky, Glad to read your alive and well. All is well this side of the Atlantic. Please send some of that colder weather this way. Temp wise its warming up again and I had my fill of summer by the end of September. All the best. easy-lift guy
  8. phil123, yes you will be using lots of herbicide to control everything under the fabric and on top of the fabric. Just be smart and don't wast your time and money making this amateur mistake again. Future customers will expect better from you. easy-lift guy
  9. Weeds and the seeds produced by same are use to harsh growing conditions. The slightest amount of organic material will suffice to allow seeds to germinate and grow on top of any material. Even if the OP decides to explain his mistake to his customer I would be surprised if the customer would be very understanding. easy-lift guy
  10. Money went further because it had to. Inflation and wages have never been on par with one another. Also the devaluation of currencies to continue to maintain social welfare states and increasing taxes ie. the VAT tax in the U.K. As the population continues to increase more people will be required to work to pay more into the systems to continue to have their stuff provided by respective governments. Anything left will be very little if anything. easy-lift guy
  11. How will your suggestion prevent any and all seeds from germinating on top of any fabric woven, spun or otherwise?. Continued use of herbicides for the duration of the the business relationship with the customer will be the order of the day. No way to avoid the consequences from using any material on the market. easy-lift guy
  12. Mr. Trump will leave his options open. Congress can and will continue to investigate any and all relative claims against the carpet bagger and her foundations/money laundering machines. I believe any actional legal hearings should resume internist by no earlier than 21-1-2017. Seemingly now the carpet baggers camp is pushing very hard any states that pledged their votes for the Republican canadate. I believe this effort will also fail since if Mr.Trump was not able to secure the 270 required the responsibility for making this presidential decision would fall upon congress. Since congress is controlled by the Republicans the likelihood of the carpet bagger being voted into the presidency is just about nil. The very journalist, media that were suckered into believing that more is a good thing with regards to their attempted narrative against Mr. Trump are still in a state of shock and disbelief. I believe business as usual regarding how the media will report and plot against the future POTUS has to and will be completely different since Mr. trump is still in the drivers seat. The perceived need by the media to get along with the opposition that lost is not lost in the mix, it's just not part of Mr. Trumps agenda. easy-lift guy
  13. Very interesting and informative video. Wow what a difference an election can make. Now I understand why Huma's Husband the weiner has been a convient distraction for the last few months. The fact that he is Jewish and her being I presume muslin definitely thickens the plot. I have noticed that Mr. Trump announced today that he would not be persuing charges against the carpet bagger, instead he wants to try and help her once again proves to me that the rope a dope master is spinning the media sworn to destroy his now future presidency at all cost. Even meeting with a group from the NYT today. Looking forward to those leaked transcripts in the future. Hold on folks, this should prove to be like no other presidency in the history of the USA. To be continued....... easy-lift guy
  14. Believe me your not alone. easy-lift guy
  15. Sadly you were sold a bill of goods. Although the material that you used could have worked under perfect conditions, your situation was not only perfect but is repeated thousands of times a day all over the US. In the past a soul sterilent would be a better starting point, however since the environmental wackos successfully lobbied to have this great product banned I know of no examples where weed barrier or fabric has any redeeming qualities, much like tree wound dressing!. Sadly your in a catch 22 and removing all of the fabric and starting over is not an option. By next spring you will have all kinds of material growing on top of the fabric you purchased. I hope your into this job for the long haul since your only two options include spraying monthly or weekly during the growing season or refund the customer their money and write off the job. Sadly this job will be one you will never forget or hopefully repeat. easy-lift guy
  16. It may come to no surprise that over 200 years ago your countries than King was not keen about the idea as well. Fortunately my fore fathers risked everything for their independence and the birth of a new nation. This same Second amendment also came in handy during the war of 1812 and also to help the UK defeat and win Two World Wars. Sure we could have done without the Second amendment to my countries constitution, fortunately that was not in the cards for either of our countries and peoples. I think the Second amendment is brilliant, pretty much like the balance of the amendments and the Constitution as a whole. easy-lift guy
  17. Sorry folks. If anyone actually believes they have any rights to privacy by way of the internet you and anyone else that uses this same means of communication lost any rights real or otherwise once you started. easy-lift guy
  18. Please understand that quoting stats means nothing to me. The popular vote means nothing with regards to the election of PODUS. You will never understand how brilliant my countries fore fathers were when it came to electing a national leader and national representation. Quite frankly it's way above your pay grade. easy-lift guy
  19. Kevin, some states like Maryland not only do not require any form of ID I am certain that many people vote multiple times in many presinks. My cousin works her local presink and she has wittbessed this on many occasions. Maryland is also controlled by the Jackass party. Business as usual. easy-lift guy
  20. Sorry Big J, Your ignorance of and about my countries electoral process is only topped by your overall arrogance of most everything else you don't like or care about. The founding fathers of my country understood the consequences of having a King as a ruler for all. That is pretty much why he was fired over 200 years ago. The electoral college is as fair a means of equal representation there is and has served the needs of the voting population very well. Anyone else that chooses not to vote and still complain or riot need to just leave and never come back to the USA. easy-lift guy
  21. I created a thread some time ago called mans and methods of protecting your kit. You may find the information helpful. easy-lift guy
  22. 10 years ago I received a call from a friend that was a live in property manager for an apartment complex. He was in a bind and really needed some palms trimmed in a hurry. It was a Tuesday evening and I grabbed my 020 Sthil with my 14" bar and drove to the complex. It seems that the owners were arriving for an inspection and the palms had not been trimmed in many months or in one case years. Phoenix reclanata is the species and this palm had 18 trunks at 30' height. So with a 30" extension ladder and my friend clearing froms from the base of the ladder I some how managed to trim this monster in just over 7 hours. There was two more queen palms that were next to the monster that were easy enough to trim. The Phoenix reclanata has really nasty spines that if given the chance can put a serious hurting on ones self and fortunately I did not become a human pin cushion in the process. I started this job at 8:00 PM and finished at Three AM the next morning. I put myself under a lot of pressure to complete this job before the owners arrived the next day and my mission was accomplished just before the city police showed up because of noise complaints?. Some how the apartment complex was not in violation of any city noise ordinance and since I literally just finished by the time the police did arrive I was just happy the job was done During the job we loaded one 40 yard dumpster with debries and I was about as physically spent as I ever had been. The palms did look great by the morning light and the owners were pleased with the job. hardest $500.00 for 7 hours labor ever. No more all night last minute jobs for this guy. easy-lift guy
  23. Go to a tyre shop and collect 4 or 5. Secure a saws all or similar curing tool and cut the material to size and drill holes, wire or nylon rope together. If you build it well enough it will last forever. Cost will be very low, durability will be years. Assuming it does not get lost or stolen. easy-lift guy
  24. Just looked at the item you mentioned. I believe what you were describing in detail was more specific to this industry. I have seen to many people bring products to shows over the years without any sort of IP protection so I wish you all the best with what ever you decide to come out with or show wherever. easy-lift guy
  25. You pretty probably given enough for some engineers to get to work. Maybe see about filing a provisional patent PDQ, otherwise anything that you decide to show at any show will be old news. Remember first to file makes all the difference. easy-lift guy


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