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Everything posted by difflock

  1. Sigh, Being resigned to being a stihl man, yes probably a 660, though I have wondered why Logosol offer the 391? is it, the farmers saw, as the basic choice or then the 660 or 880, I take this odd , though perhaps this 391 has more suitable lugging characteristics, than other more professional models from within Stihls range. PS cheers Rob, I `am in no rush, some indication of likely price would be nice to see how it may or may not rate again the 0pposition. Which to date would most probably be the M8 Logosol, as they have me nicely brainwashed with their regular free newsletter and promo offers:confused1: cheers marcus
  2. Thank you Jonothan, I had noted Rob D's enthuastic posting in respect of this "new" mill, an anyways I like the sound of "flip & rip". Better get the 260 tuned up in readiness:laugh1:
  3. I once visited the brother, as I approached I saw his wife standing outside the garage door, much foul and offensive language coming from within the garage. then a stream of items flew overhead, kids bicycle, deck chair, small lawnmower etc etc. I turned and left without saying a word. When I later enquired what it was about he very calmly said he had had difficulty finding sommat that he had put away in the garage and the wife had admitted to seeing & moving. Good job he lives in the country.
  4. Take your leg off they will:001_tt2: An then you will get Rabies:laugh1: But only after dark, and if you insist in crawling down into the sett:001_rolleyes:
  5. Alec, thanks, any photos though?, (I am now searching on my own btw) thanks Marcus
  6. I wonder was it a woodmizer? i looked at at the APF. Some hybrid model falling between an introductory model and a bigger unit. And Yes "J" I appreciate the potential difficulties in milling, plus my specis of wood is generally fairly poor when grown in a North Irish wet climate, growth rings the width of my wee finger are not uncommon. But hey i appear to like to do things the hard way, from reflections on previous undertakings:001_rolleyes: However looking at the price of bought lumber makes me tink I have a potentially valuable resource going spare. Cheers Marcus
  7. Interesting looking chain with fierce teeth, high revving saw?(my hearing aint that good) Nonchalent saw handling, (& erm! improper starting procedure) tidying out the gob, checking & double checking the felling cut, alll perfectly normal stuff to me cept the saw & chain. Sensible dog too. And quite seriously nowt but what i would expect from a competent experienced woodsman/tree feller. A pleasure to watch, as it should be, true skill making it look easy.
  8. I dammned near bought a special offer bandsaw at the APF. This chainsaw mill/bandsaw mill indecision was my main reason for going. Cept the most likely contender was 3 ph only I just might get away with aa single to 3ph invertor , but would probably go down the generator route. Pity I did not buy all that local Wadkin joinery shop stuff at a local auction recently (in hindsight) However much I like the notion of log cabin construction I am not sure my stems would be taper free enough. But figgered I was not worried about wastage as the timber is free and I can burn the off cuts anyway. Plus figgered with the proximity to the house and yard that I might as well haul/winch them back to base for processing.. So a 3 PH bandsaw and generator it is I tink Perhaps Santa will be particularly good to me:001_rolleyes:
  9. I got a reasonable amount of 35 year old (ish) Sitka not more than a 1/4 mile from the house. Growing in peat it has started to blow down, yet I am reluctant to cut it up for firing as there are right good straight stems of reasonable girth among it (it was never thinned) Thinking of constructing a boiler house (under an existing new tin roof) and just perhaps a lean too to the rear of my shed, 60 foot long by say 5 to 6 m deep front to back. Plus a nice warm shed within a shed to keep me & my tool(s) dry and warm Senior Magagment would also like raised vegetable beds. So if I want to amuse myself milling, where best to start? No suitable chain saw nor no 3PH electric either. So a blank page Logosol? Alaskan? Or a New Granberg:laugh1: What else is out there? or a band saw, either petrol or 3 Ph But then I need a 3 Ph genny (which I would not rule out) Trees should be clean of nails (i hope mostly, despite evidence of local lads camping and building forts) and I reckon I should be able to sharpen the chain saw chains. Thoughts please
  10. ERm, At work I observe that all equipment is used according to manufacturers intentions and not "modified" or misued , well I try to anyway. However at home working to and on behalf of myself I take a somewhat Lassifair attitude. Still got all digits eyes and ears. Despite doing some potentially "fool" things. Which would likely cause injury to the more cognatively challenged. Knackered back though, but hey who hasnt at the age of 50 + I probably hurt it building 4-5 stone (thats 25kg to 31.25kg to young uns) hay bales at 10,11,12,13,14,15 years of age.
  11. Cannibalism will take care of the rest of ones dietary needs. But one still requires salt. One understands:lol: Anyway plenty of salt at Kilroot.
  12. My father 45 odd year ago bought a red DB 990, he maintained that the DB "Selamatic"/"Impletmatic" hydraulic system worked better than Harry Fergusons more primitive sysyem. IF the operator actually understood how it worked and how it should be used. This was the only tractor he EVER traded in simply because I understand they were still worth stupid good money to the Donegal farmers, even after they were superceeded, by newer more advanced models, in our local Co Londonderry market. BUGGER! He also bought a 434 International, again because of better hydraulic output than the equivalent Massey, "we" still got her, and the B250 forby, forby. Actually Dad had a wee knack o picking future classics as a Fiat 640 was also purchased. Still got her too. The Universal 540:lol: was not, however, in the same league. cheers M
  13. 4*4's do not generally have handle bars, do they? Unlessen you mean a Quad:laugh1: And WD 40 is actually a Water Dispersant rather than a lubricant:001_rolleyes: Otherwise I canny argue.
  14. It is my understanding that unless one understands and can work at these particular gearboxs...........leave well alone. An idea that was ahead of its time, that was not understood, was neglected and abused, then blamed when it inevitably gave trouble. And then the average agricultural non-franchised mechanic did not know how to repair. Some owners swear by them and still do some at them (well they used to) Bit like David Brown hydraulics really:lol:
  15. Au contraire my friend. Personal Observations down through the years have revealed the ingunity of the user combined with cable ties, insulating tape, an odd disconnected wire, or indeed in the case of the JD 355 ride on mower, simply timing the flick of the switch just right. Bungee straps also have their uses! Will circumvent most safety interlocks, especially if such interlocks make an otherwise productive machine a proper bollox to use. cheers marcus
  16. Bingo! My dear old DB has a selectable PTO. I often run her at about 1150 engine revs on the 1000 setting powering 540 equipt. The 540 shaft setting needs about 2000 engine rpm or so. So simple sums says 540/1000*2000 or whichever way round it is. Anyway on the rotary mower simply listen to the hum. But for the log splitter simply a fast tickover say giving about 350rpm at the shaft is plenty. When it sounds right it is right:thumbup:
  17. i'm with rich and goaty. As the good ol boy in the Pacific North West said "ye caint fix stupid" Which is often the source of the problem
  18. Unfortunately no matter how much of our money the state throws at the problem, the children will still suffer as the feckless parents get the cash and spend it on booze carry out food gambling and ciggys. There is NO control on how the cash is spent. Even the rent money now gets paid to the claimant and not direct to the landlord ffs. Their childrens basic needs appear to be quite low down on these parents list of priorities. Every child should get free school meals for a start
  19. cough! At only 4 Times the price of red, I tink not. Someone might steal my beloved ould DB simply to drain the fuel tank then dump her. I might rather fix the turbo & leaky exhaust first:lol:
  20. No kindling needed. Simply select and set aside in the kindling basket those particularly splintery logs, finer logs & logs with a relatively high surface area, plus logs with particularily acute angles:lol: (and the selection process can get very technical) Next night a handful or 2 of scrumpled up newspaper, add logs as above and ignite, with the door just ajar. Woomph! An we are well lit. Just like me after 2 bottles of Old Peculiar.(on an empty stomach:001_rolleyes:) But 2 pints of draught Guiness on an empty stomach:thumbup: bliss. As always signed Gibber, Mutter & Twitch
  21. I would 100% agree with Farmer Ben. KEEPING THE LOGS/BILLETS AT WAIST HEIGHT, IDEALLY ON A SUPER SMOOTH STEEL SURFACED BENCH IS THE KEY. (A French zinc topped bar would be ideal) Keep the back straight, reach and slide, then lift & rotate only ideally. Bugger, not intended to shout but I will let it go. NOTE I haint actually got a bench yet:laugh1: but i will. I am also committed to the Continental system of billiting in 1000mm lengths, strapping into a 1.0m dia bundle, leave outside to season, mechanically stacked in a 3 or 4m high stack, then mechanically re-handling with an agri round bale handler, round tubing with flared ends should not cut the polywhatsit strapping. Onto the putative bench to go through the rocking saw and up the conveyor. Job done. Only In my dreams so far.
  22. Interesting, is it not, that in this particular example of "Homo Sapiens", the Skull was obviously the thickest and strongest bone in the entire body, proper "culffed" the chipper that did:001_tt2:
  23. As has been/is being discussed at a recent Political Party Convention. Anyway Senior Managment & me figger. Allow a Max of 2 on full benefits, 3rd only gets 50 % ditto for 4th. Then NOWT more. Regardless of changing sexual partners. Plus ending the automatic entitlment to a Government funded home for individual wee minx that gets knocked for this very reason. Let them stay at home with their almost certainly already Government funded and housed parents.(and 32 year old grandparents forby) PS Also at the very least DLA number plates for DLA cars. Since painting them all the same special stand-out DLA colour scheme is apparently "discriminatory" PPS Bah humbug.................. An ah HATE Xmas too!
  24. IfI recall correctly AC Price told me 3-4k for the kit of bits alone, and assume from MB simply because this was an acknowledged weakness in the design, therefore either no second hand bits or they will be no better than the already defective ones. This was at least 5 year ago. PS Nick if you are selling a "minter" MB1000 at 10k I might even buy her. Funny enough they seem to be coming out of the woodwork recently after being unheard of for a good no of years. Do I need 2 No. though.
  25. I reached for the 40 odd year old 08S recently at home (still fully functional of course) and was astounded at how "wrong" it felt to handle. Yet this was the saw I larned on & loved. The Reminton was def a mans saw, used exclusively by my father between bouts of intermerate language brought on by the Reminton's somewhat tempremental nature. Still got her too. (well the brother has) PS Huskys are some sort of half wolf dog arnt they? Signed Disgusted of Dervock


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