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Everything posted by difflock

  1. Not having but one dealing for a low value item offen e-bay, I am as suspicious as the next one. BUt I have to say the advert reads as being very open & honest, incl the known gearbox fault/weakness. I would still like to kick the tyres before I bid though, or at the very least a phone call and freshspecified detailed photos as mentioned above.
  2. Senior Managment still gardens with her fathers 1953 kite marked Army shovel. Been welded twice and re-shafted once. A proper wee honey, the spade I hasten to add:001_tt2:
  3. I'm proper in love:001_tt1: Bobh Pure "sex on a stick":lol: PS Affix an RSJ between the 2 roll cage tubes, as a mudguard replacment. Nowt wrong with the LHS one. Plus a couple a short sheets o zinc on the roof. Bonnet & electrics are 100%, they work dont they?
  4. That sounds like an Echo? Ps I shall love & cherish and re-build if necessary my beloved 1997 026 Stihl. Which must have been built when Stihl were still properly engineered. I dont know that I could bring myself to run a Husky:blushing:( after bad experiences with their strimmers & washing machines) so will perhaps look at Makita or Echo.
  5. Sniff! Well bloody obviously one would:lol: To a farmers Son leastwise. PS Actually actually :blushing:it will still be fine as I ran ours for a wheen o weeks (or months) on the kero settings/jetting before I could be arsed to make the changes:001_rolleyes: Said 17 year old boiler is still sitting on the temporary broken hyd pressed flags her was set on temp, just to get moved in. Should i post a photo? If it aint broke....why fix it:lol:
  6. Erm! Bollocks:001_tt2: I ran our Woster Bosch for a number of years on red diesel. One fuel tank supplied both the tractor and the heating (but NOT the car btw) Changed jets (smaller since higher calorific value in 35 sec oil) and re-set the pressure (higher for better atomisation) But overhall I used a lower BTU output to better match my heating systems demand. Simples, honest. It was all in the wee booklet that come with the boiler. Boiler ran 100% fine, mind when I switched her back to Kero (28 sec) her was plumb bogging internally, soot & sulphur from what I recall. Said boiler still running faultless since 1995 when I/me/mysel installed her. Bloody heavy to move on ones own I do recall, took a chunk out o the patio door frame when I slid it out o the tractor link-box. Been independantly serviced once about 5 years ago. The higher per litre price used to be off-set by the higher per litre calorific value, 35 or 40 years ago it was not uncommon to run them thar new-fangled oil boilers on red diesel. ( VAT back anyone?) I believe this is no longer the case. well in the agricultural community leastwise.
  7. I tink his (above) is a bit clogged with cheap vodka particulate matter.
  8. The fuel quality should have no direct connection to a failed turbo, unless EGT were perhaps substantially elevated,(would running on JP8/kero do that ?) or sufficient fuel wash past the rings so as to dilute the lube oil. Most probably "neglect, misuse or damage":laugh1: cheers m
  9. Note:biggrin: I am not in the least concerned re PPE or site safety procedures:001_tt2: BUT This wee thread is a bit like doing risk assessments, too much "what if" applied to the "n"th degree. Hindsight always being 100+%
  10. I knew of a Bagpipe maker who used it for the pipes. That or ebony, 30 odd year ago, down Cookstown direction. Smaller pieces mind. We had quite a few misshapen lumps at the home place that is Co Londonderry (clue lies in the name from the Irish) Over here in Co Antrim/ the Garry boog it is all bog Fir. Wonderful fun getting that offen/from between ploughshares:lol:
  11. All innocent like:001_rolleyes:! But surely iffen they got their tickets....................they can sharpen a chainsaw:001_tt2: Pet peeve of mine being a non-ticket holder who CAN actually sharpen a chainsaw:biggrin:
  12. I would also add that a %age of ground source heat pumps are badly installed in respect of depth and amount of buried pipe, from what I have seen photos of. I do also however know of a very successful installation by an NIE engineer who dotted all i's and crossed all t's and installed in a new build with underfloor heating. He however backs it up with a big wood stove, just so as to kinda stay focussed:lol:
  13. Ah! I my experience "kissing gates" always are hinged inward, hence my perplexment. To prevent motorbike scrambler access, stray dog access and really slow up younger pedestrians. Therefore unsuitable for wheelchairs. cheers m
  14. PS Everyone but everyone should be oblidged to have a water meter. If the neer-do-wells that have to be kept at our expense run up huge bill, fit a flow restrictor. I am totally disgusted at the cavalier attitude to "free water" in respect of unfixed leaks, dribbling taps, hoses left running, gardening usuage, plus neglected frost brusts. If it cost sommat most would respect it more. They would certainly use less. PPS we are on a meter.
  15. I did not intend to cause any offence, obviously the gate is a bit of tidy work. I was simply plumb curious about what I had either not understood or misunderstood re the wheelchair symbol. We used to have quite a few of these about our LA properties, they have mostly been removed (when due replacment) due to disability access issues. cheers marcus
  16. Which is why I keep asking wtf so many wood stoves are being sold and installed. I get the impression that quite a few of the purchasers have not done their homework in respect of sourcing wood fuel or what it will cost.
  17. Well Derp! Us Norn Iron residents are not necessarily so lacking in cognititve function as to be unable to deduce there is probably another gate. However there is a wheelchair logo/sign mounted to one of the posts. Why? No direction arrow or other information either that I could see. Cheers Marcus
  18. Someone explain how one gets a wheelchair through that arrangment? Per the wee sign on the post?
  19. I understood the Valtras were bought to service the Harriers when deployed in Germany, on zero/minimal runways hence the need for an Ag tractor based unit. From what I recall. Marshalls man did mention that they had another much rougher example also bought from Withams, it had seen us & abuse in the Gulf. I was spited I did not think to pop over to Withams before calling at the APF. Always good for a drool, but with hands kept firmly in pockets. The bugger is getting the odd pallet of stuff collected and del to NI. Yous mainlanders are well spoilt:biggrin: sigh
  20. Buy a 30 year old "G" Wagen chassis, it will still be perfectly sound, though the mild steel bodywork will probably have given up the ghost. NOT galv, just properly painted in the factory:lol: I kid you not. So Birmabright bodywork on a "G" Wagen chassis should be good. PS I thought the heating involved with galvanising robbed some of the strength from the steel? PPS I did wonder:confused1: how had it got through the previous MOT's:confused1:
  21. I know of a gentleman (down the pub) who buys his fine cigars direct from Cuba. About 1 in 3 consignments are seized by Customs. He gets the other 2 out of 3 on average. Even with the seizures he reckons it is only about 1/2 the UK price. And they certainly smell like wonderful cigars. Despite his longstanding order the seize rate remains about the same statistically.
  22. Either http://www.mod-sales.com/direct/vehicle/,44,/44939/Valmet.htm Or JCB, Articulated Forklift, #41789 - MOD Sales, Military Vehicles & Used Ex MOD Land Rovers for Sale I have looked at the wee Valmets before on this site and was tickled to see one of them on Marshall's stand at the APF. They had a very good word on its capabilities, the relatively small wheels would be my only concern. But then the JCB is a big heavy cumbersome brute without a PTO. Sigh.
  23. Sorry, I would argue thoughtless greedy ill-planned house building is the problem. Mostly because (i) Developers like to build on nice level flood plains near the good roads, and (ii) People also like to buy these houses to be near the roads and services. And that pretty River view/setting! And generally tip their waste into any handy hollow/sheaugh/dry stream bed. We reguraly get the job of lifting it, it is clear it was tossed over the back fence, the resident then complains if their property floods. FFS! It is a terrible shame that this is also the most productive farmland. Now if they planned and built a new town on the side or top of an otherwise low value desolate mountain. No worries about flooding, but no takers either. Or do like the sensible continentals and build upside down houses with the lower storey for non critical storage (refer the Moselle valley) Cheers Marcus
  24. Apparently he had trained as an Olympic gymnast!
  25. TCD, Thank you for the warning, I had a notion that VW's 21st century oil film thicknesses might indeed differ from those of Mr. David Brown, who was really so last century:lol: Mind you, do Anglo American do a diesel Aspen fuel.......cos I could need to start running her on it if available.............based on the amount of knackered turbo/blown exhaust flue gases I am currently imbibing. cheers Marcus


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