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Everything posted by Dilz

  1. Who tells em they can expect to earn hundreds? course providers? careers centers? how could we get the news out they don't? Is it simply a case that the information that is made available to the newbies is out of date because i know blokes i both forestry and arb who started 15 -20 years ago and earned more in the hour than most arb employees do now. If you hate Leylandi so much dont cut em, if you do it for the money, well you cant hate em that much coz they pay the bills.... non payers are a chore but there are means and methods (legal ones mind) to get what you are owed right? so despite the inconvience this issue usually can be solved right? I spent today with a bloke who is developing a piece of kit called the throw saw.....for what it does it sounds alot for the price....but not when you add up everything that has gone into it. You can buy basic treeclimbing kit that costs less than the fancy new toys, prusik over a lock jack, cambium saver over the ART....people have some choice in how much they invest in kit,
  2. So....that would imply that there is a lack quality breathable water proofs out there that are suitable for the job at an affordable price is the problem i agree.....what would you want from your waterproofs and be willing to pay for? is £100 too much for stuff that does the job and lasts? the wind....well yeah its a pain in the arse.....especially when chipping.....but could a modification be made to the shoot? or the chip box? and lawns.........yeah....will think on that.....not too much you can do....but...how about some cheap plastic matting for the main drag? which is where most of the damage occurs right? that muddy path that gets them all tutting? I dont see people on the beech when its raining coz im in the pub, miles away from the beach so i wouldnt know if they where there:001_tt2:....see plenty of people fishing on the canal though....
  3. i truly hope this can happen one day and you missed out, get them to hand over the money in advance.... but i'll ask again......who is setting the prices so low?
  4. what about customers? brake it down to the most annoying part? is it payment? is it their lack of understanding of what is involved? what exactly? pick one point that bugs you the most about customers......
  5. is your kit insured? how do you make it safe at night? how do you keep it safe in the van/ on site? how can we make it safer? i see chippers with location chips in them now.... i can track my phone position from a computer when its turned on....could we do this with a saw maybe?
  6. What exactly about the weather??? how does it cause problems? (dumb i know but looking for expansion on this point) Surely there is not the wrong weather (bar storms!) just not being prepared properly? It aint so cold if you have the right gear is it? you can buy good water proofs or cant you......and the wind...the most meschievous of the elements.... in short, we cant stop it, so how can we improve the ways in which we deal with it?
  7. Truth! i cant not express how much i agree. So what is there we can do? who is setting these prices so low? why are they getting lower when costs get higher? (i know this sounds dumb and it is obvious but i just want to see what people say..... )
  8. any one recommend a good splicing workshop / training course?
  9. In short...... What is one problem you face with this line of work? the biggest? or the most annoying? a niggling thing that happens every day maybe? a problem with kit? a problem with regulations? it can be anything, but only one at a time.... Then perhaps we can work on some solutions...... just a thought.
  10. this depends.........do you need kit for pole rescues when on a flip line and spikes? My rescue kit comprises of.....a spare climbing kit...harness, lanyard, rope all set to go, a couple of extra slings and pulleys and something sharp, i also have a set up for pole rescue which is a bag with a rope, a Lorry belay device and a couple of slings....one note make sure all climbers have a soft point in their wire core flip lines so in an emrgancy you can cut them free, trying to haul up a 90kg bloke who is ko's or in shock takes time and kit for lifiting. I dont know what kit you mean with the stein, have you got a link?
  11. but why do we? we make a lot of money from them....they should be our favourite
  12. i saw the title and just wanted to say....i agree.
  13. i see the point but it is pointless........i know where you are coming from but you were lost to start with...... There is no true boundary between the terms, both are correct, there is no set level you must achieve to be one above the other, unlike medical surgeons etc. Its true it bugs me when some one who has just got their first climbing kit and ticket advertises as and Arboriculturalist (i think i spelt that right) but there is nothing wrong with doing so. What about qualified Arborist? with a qualification in Arboriculture? you cant say you are a qualified arborist with only a tree climbing ticket surely? you would be a qualified tree climber? anyway....it matters not what you say you are but what you are capable of doing and the level of professionalism you carry it out at......also i dont say im a Arboriculturalist to impress the ladies......i tell em i'm a dolphin trainer at sea world.
  14. Dilz


    live on a boat and then dont care....
  15. Sweden eh?? Complete were recruiting for a now defunked (sort of) company tradfallarlaget, i know this as it was me who got Complete tree care in on it, they made a tonne of money and didnt even say thanks......... Tradfallarlaget went bust but now have other companies set up.... not sure if they are recruiting though. I think after a lot the problems they had they now only deal with swedes..... Tradvardarna was set up by one of the brothers from tradfallarlaget, did some subbying for them, not perfect but not bad.... they might be worth a try but as the seasons drawing to a close i doubt they will be looking to hire. Tradmastarna might give you a trial if you ring them, i havent worked for them so cant say. All the companies are worth a call...but again it will soon be the quite winter season, so you might find you self shoveling snow more than tree climbing.....(these are all based near Stockholm) Try Gothenburg... i hear there are some good companies that way...........and there is always the xmass tree harvest in denmark.............................................................................................................................................
  16. i use to carry my saw down the street and on the train, for 4 months, only got stopped once by an over zealous train conductor, I rang network rail and they told me to stick it in a bag and catch the next train......i even got stopped by the cops coz prince Charles was visiting town that day. They looked at the saw, and me, in full work gear, hi vis etc, i showed them my nptc, the copper said it must be an interesting job.....though i got pulled from a car because the driver 'looked like a known criminal' and searched, and bollocked for having a leatherman in the bottom of my rucksack.... Alot depends on circumstances and attitudes, I always be polite to coppers as they have the ability to make your life difficult, though they should have arrested your brother and issued a receipt and contacted you to confirm the owner ship, i,e prove they aint nicked. If your bro was riding with a toerag then there is a chance said toerag has given coppers grief so perhaps it was a little payback....though again they should have been taken in, questioned and charged. But it is insane that we cant carry the tools of our trade....you can potentially club some one to death with a suitcase or even bare hands if one was so inclined.......at what point is the line drawn????? I guess its just one to chalk up to experience and ensure that we all carry out NPTC cards etc, and if the cop asks, 'yes mate, just on my way back home from the job, but thanks for your concern sorry for taking up your time as you must have some important work to get to, catching criminals etc...'
  17. No. Please enlighten. Wouldn't it slow things down? hassles with then ascending again? Would you need to hold the rope under the 8? thus having to use both hands? Any pics? vids would be better.....
  18. we have a slightly older, open cabbed version working alongside us on the rail in sweden, for those 'hard to extract from places' the driver loves it, but only coz he's on an hourly rate and not an tonnage extraction rate!
  19. i found the OP doesnt have quite the life span i'd like, but cant fault it on much else. My first time i used it i depiberatley bombed around to see how much stick it could take, i was impressed not....i had in my mind that it was a lot tougher. As a rule now i change my cord every 3 weeks or so, and alwasy check after i have been abusing it, which is generaly noted when i have burnt my fingers climbing. I'm back on the Knut after switching back from knut to a vt...still havent made my mind up yet which i prefer....
  20. cow hitch is a great knot, better to tie if the tale is long than a timber hitch. I use the tree runner, it's good but do have me concerns about it getting bashed when chogging down lumps, but alittle bit of pre planning should stop that. Used the 14mm polydyne rope for 3 months now, its rather good to say the least - and just for note my configuration does run along the lines of 14mm rope, 16mm pulley, 19mm dead eye, i also have a 16mm dead eye and smaller pulleys, slings and things.
  21. i use 2 HC's, maybe a little more mucking about hailing up the tail end and tieing anouther vt, but its easier to retrive, if its not so big a redirect needed or i know im going back then the old sling and krab, flipthe tail end back through to pull myself back like an advatage system
  22. Dilz

    Why not?

    my thoughts exactly, the work positioning would be an issue.
  23. I use 100% organic skin, and the cost is such that every one can afford them.....(though in search of decent subzero climbing gloves...)


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