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Everything posted by RopeKnight

  1. Nylon webbing foot holds work great if you feel you may gaff out. I ahve a sternal grab I use often to hold my centre of balance firm. As long as the piece you are handling is manageable working underside can be safer because your centre of balance is suspended with lesss chance of tipping. I agree with Albedo as well. Side pull adds stability, Remember your ground guys can also help to hold you in a secure position.
  2. Right on, thanks for input. Rk is 6.5" or 16.5 cm long. We worked hard to match length with weight plus having the ability to personalize weight customizable. So the length is mostly to allow the insertion of 2 oz metal rod or the like. We can make it a bit shorter by a few centimetres or more but then the addition of weight is limited. Do you think the length is a deal breaker? or is the weight customise-abilty as important or less so than having a shorter weight? We have designs that function short or long, light to heavy. Adding to the confusion and adding to the cost. We can do what ever you want? As you wish. Made to order! Cheers
  3. Hey Drew What seems to be the matter? Cheers
  4. Many times it is easier to think like a Sloth and suspend your weight under and to the side slightly. Balancing on top can be more difficult than suspending or sitting in your harness. Limb walking requires sharing the load between your mainline and foot and hand holds and when there are no foot or hand holds flip lining or setting another line or grapple or srt into position. Cheers
  5. Address De Meeten 54, 4706 NH Roosendaal Tel +31 (0)165 532 992 Fax +31 (0)165 554 945 Above is the silky contact for the UK> Cheers
  6. I sent Silky an email to reply. Hey Hulk/tank, If they don't I think we should go knock some sense into them! Cheers
  7. I experienced this a few times as well. . Nothing or no one is perfect. A little to the left or the right or forward or along the pole will cause it to tip the head of BigShot, no harm ever came of it. Its in the release and the way it is pulled and held in the pouch. Same idea as the Long Gun technique the two sides of the rubber allow for some discrepancies. Keep everything centred true and its all sky high from there.
  8. Hey Ben Yep you can add weight, totally customizable and easily to with common rod or even nuts and bolts. There is cavity that fits 5/8" rod so up to 2 ounces can be added in Brass and little less than that if its steel or you can slide on a sleeve for another couple of ounces. Weight starts at 8 or 10oz. Honestly I was 12oz bag thrower before the Rk and find because the Rk is fast and smooth through the crown all the weight is not necessary but for insurance I will let it drop and attach another Rk in perfect tandem to isolate the tip for example in big ol dirty conifer or scrubby ol Bur Oak. Two RKs are not necessary just makes it easier for isolating. Two throwlines works great but I have better luck avoiding snagging another line and let the Rks do there job. Throwline is my new nemesis now. I am trying to improve my system. My biz is to get in the tree as fast as possible. I start making real money once I am in the tree. Check out the vids I put together here. RopeArmor - YouTube Cheers
  9. Environmentally Aluminum and Stainless steel is a good choice. Mining will always be hard on the environment and the use of other metals in a weight with the potential to spill out back into the environment compounds the waste of resources, renewable and nonrenewable. RopeKnight can be recycled or reworked and machined to new. We offer a Life Time Guarantee. Arbclimbers are quite attached to their Rk's and are personalizing them in ways similar to Zippo lighters. I like flying the Canadian Flag and the Incredible Hulk on mine. We sell them las an anodized blank slate. You choose the colour(choose a nail polish colour, its tuff stuff), sticker, engrave or take it to your Tattoo artist for something seriously personal and meaningful to you. After all it is the start to your climbing day and nothing is cooling than throwing your very own personalized weigh. We personalize hard hats and other stuff. Losing a weight really sucks, hasn't happen to me and I am still throwing my orginal I consider it to be like a watch or piece of jewelry. Enjoy it while you own it, keep an eye on it and have a special place for it. I am proud to say Ropeknight will not contribute to further fouling of the environment and fouling of your own local environment. Proudly Independent Cheers
  10. Thanks Cary and especially for helping to lift the blinders. Have you seen our throwing technique the Long Gun technique? it takes the advantages of the one hand throwing style and builds it onto the two hand style. The accuracy increase is 25 to 35%. please, give it a try and let me know how it throws for ya. Cheers
  11. My eyes are open but the blinders are on at times, true. My apologies. Pricey goodies can be replaced, moved or protected. An injury on the other hand is never acceptable. Throw weight, chainsaws or any tool for that matter. We just had another RopeKnight client the other day call my wife to say how thankful he was for the product and how well and wonderful it works for him. Different strokes for different folks. I hope to sit down some day and share a laugh and drink with you. Brockville brings back some great memories and beautiful country worth another visit. Throw true my friends.
  12. Cary you say "bounce wildly". I think you are imagining things, its predictable what happens when it hits a limb. Bounce/throwing wildly? Your points seem to be lacking clarity. It will deflect and bounce with more vim and vigor. True But I and many others prefer this feature opposed to traditional Bag that falls short of its target and gets jammed and stuck because of its malleablity and surface tension. RopeKnight is a speed freak! It is designed to fly past sets of leaves and twigs and continue its descent through all the shrubby bits to you on the ground. Faster, smoother with ease from the throw to the ground and through the crown. Personally many arbclimbers prefer it for that feature and less worried about not hitting the target. Cary you say "it will do more damage" and again I suggest you place the vinyl protective sleeve or foam or use the Bigshot if you need more accuracy.. Being able to throw or shoot well in this industry is crucial. Plenty of money can be regained if this is done professionally. Cary you say the "bag will conform and adsorb some shock" and this is good only when it hits a none target. What happens when it meets an obstacle in the tree, on the way to the ground, on retrieval or isolating your tip? A malleable bag conforms and hangs up, tires out and snaps throwlines, wastes time and money. It can be very frustrating. RopeKnight does not conform it slips, slides, ducks and weaves and on occassion will throw a punch. Chin up, guard up Man! How do you not get this? What is it that you dislike about RopeKnight? All your roadblocks make little sense when thoughtfully considered.
  13. Cary, There may be only a dozen scenerios that the RopeKnight will get stuck. I throw or bigshot almost every day and to date I have not been able to get the Rk stuck on the job and the testing field. The line is the going issue for me. Sinking into soft bark, friction wraps and the tight inclusions. There are scenarios to avoid of course and things to try if and when the scenario may present itself. I will refer you to the Specific Instructions and Helpful Hints and Tips. Trusting yourself to throw is what it is, Best of luck and thanks for clarifying
  14. :confused1:Cary no disrespect intended but if you took the time to read the Specific Instructions and Helpful Tips and Hints you would have skipped or jiggled the line to slow its descent and avoided getting your fingers hit. I just let it hit me in the soft part of the outside of the hand nothing more than a feather punch. Are you joking:confused1: I will speed line directly my 200t to my partner on the ground from 60 plus ft and all he needs to do is shake the rope vigorously to slow it down. You have totally missed the mark on that one! Cary, you where able to get the foam stuck. Please, more detail. The Foam protective sleeve will not get stuck. The foam protective sleeve was designed to slide easily on and off when necessary. If we can slide it on by hand how the heck will it get stuck. Did it pull off of the RK and then get stuck in the tree? Cary, you say "time consuming". Did you read the instructions and practice it a fair bit before passing it off. You can use it in the exact manner as a throw bag. Please clarify. . I am really confused by all three of your points please clarify for us all. We need to make sense of what you have experienced. Cheers
  15. I wish them all the luck in the world! I tried and the RopeKnight is the best improvement I could come up with. It has taken a century or more for a noticable throw weight and system improvement. Why wait another second in the dark ages? The twentieth century throw weight is here. Cheers
  16. One has been recieved and is being tested! DrewB has been at it now for a week or more. Man moves fast Eh:driver: I understand completely trusting me is all together different than believing me. Proof is in the pudding. Reg Coates, Kevin Bingham, TCC champions and many others will and have attested to its performance. The arbclimbers who are primarily purchasing the ropeKnight are poor throwers. RopeKnight levels the playing field by making a bad thrower better. The comment is because it is all metal, it forces them to focus more intently on targeting and the slip and slide allows easier tip isolation and retrieval for those off target shots. No one is perfect but with the RopeKnight in hand a guaranteed throw weight improvement in performance and responsiveness is not just a shot in the dark. When you mention seeing is believing please remember our illuminated version for low light or darkness conditions RopeKnight "Lightning":thumbup: Cheers Thomas
  17. Blue foam fits in the hand nicely so you can throw it like a North American Football or a traditional throw. Spiralling at the target. fun to throw 1/2 the size of a bottle of beer and fits thumb to finger tip when gripped. Blue foam is for rookies or throws with the high probability it will hit something that will break and/or cannot be easily repaired and can't be moved. tile or slate or glass roofs, vehicles etc. Throw bag damage is greater than a foam sleeved Rk. Revised price is $160 canadian. Canadian memorablilia was a gift. I run tree service full time in Cambridge On and the best thing I do for my business is to always let the customer win a lil something or do more than what is expected and so that is all I ahve done here. Really nothing more than top up on your pint of cider/lager. the white ball on the string is a homemade retrieval ball. If you make one might as well make twenty and then share a few. Cheers
  18. I can guarantee RopeKnight is significantly less damaging than a throw bag. Have you ever been to a throw line competition? I have been to quite a few including an ITCC championship. The trees targeted lose bushels of leaves and small limbs from the consistent jamming and snagging of the classic throwbag. Trees suffering at the hands of sport. They have to rake up and pick up sticks between competitors. And said tree has usually been crown cleaned and removed of redundancies prior to comps to facilitate a speedy comp. Speaking practically, with a tree in the backyard of an HO that has never been pruned you will surely see significantly less unintentional damage plus the RopeKnight may one day help prevent an unanticipated failure due to a limb or leader that is structurally compromised(dead wood, decay etc) that is shaken loose or the pulling down of hazardous limbs to the ground. Jamming and snagging is far less with the RopeKnight will be less of concern in many situations. The geometric form we have incorporated is scientifically the best for flight and bypassing obstacles. Land, air, sea and trees Beside all that, Ropeknight deflects more than it darts. Especially on rounded stems at the tops of trees that look nothing like a dart board. See what I mean? Does that make sense? Cheers.
  19. . The price of precision. It works and pays for itself the 1st time it gets you thru a troublesome tree and thereafter. 3 main components Precision machined, hard anodized in Ali and stainless steel,securing bolt plus more. Compare this with other precision tools like Rw, LJ, and uni. Guaranteed for life!Guaranteed for Life! 6 tools in one; two RopeShields to smooth over transition knots up to 23mm , hand puller, retrieve and isolate tips, set and retrieve cambuim savers and anything else you care to try:001_smile: Can you imagine saving hundreds $ $ $? . Money and Time lost with jams and snags, tiring and fatiqueing throwlines from snags and jams, throw higher and more accurately, bypassing obstacles on the way up thru the crown and down to the ground. etc. RopeKnight is not just a throw weight(go up - come down). It is a task specific tool and system that does exactly what we expect it to do. Bypassing tree obstacles smooth and easy. Skate in your sock feet or slide and glide on metal. The effecencies afforded by metal are not new in the industry just new to the classic throw bag. You can pay a lil more for one that can be used in the night. New Rk "Lightning" . Please if you will consider the cost of other machined tools on the market you will see that it is a fair price for all that it is and what it offers. Apples to apples! Analogy; You can buy a hammer and then you can buy a multi tool type hammer. If all you need is a hammer, fine. But if you need a nail puller, hatchet, pry bar, screwdriver and plier than there it is if you want it. Its not for every thrower but the arbclimber who wants something that improves the whole of the task is in for a pleasant surprise primarily fast, accurate, smooth and easy rope positioning. An all in one tool at a reasonable price. Cheers
  20. Give it a punch if it shows a back door should go
  21. Positioner 2 | ART Click on the manual and that should clear things up. Only one pin holds it in place from what I saw. Cheers Positioner 2 | ART
  22. The Long Gun is a meter plus or minus of line with screw link. The meter of line affords you a greater sight line to aim down and hit your target. When I basket throw with the doubled through the ring length of line to pedulate the weight, my aim would alway be off slightly because on the release one finger would hold slightly longer plus the lenght of all the extra line in the basket also contributed to an off throw. So the LONGgun technique brings your hands closer together and reduces the doulbled over line to a few centimetres plus gives you one long continuous line to weight sight plane to more effectively hit the target limb. Reduces the vectors, reduces variables in friction, reduces slightly imperfect two hand releases and increases the length of the sight plane and from my experiences increases the accuracy of the throw. I need to be as effective as possible because every shot is money made or money lost. I prefer the money shot!
  23. The faster method if you are looking for a quick tie method that mimics the classic ring on the bag is to use our FASTattach system. Personally and my opinion is knotless connection of the RpeKnight is faster.Iam all thumbs when it comes to tying a bowline to the end of the throwweight:001_smile: Basically it moves the ring to the outside but is still attached to the interior of the RopeKnight. Interior and exterior connection of the throwline and access ropes are still available. The versatility is great and the adaptablility is great with the RopeKnight. The other advantage is the options of attaching your climbing line to the exterior or the interior of the RopeKnight. The LONG Gun technique is the other advantage to the FASTattach system Increasing your throwing accuracy considerably. My estimate is approximately 35% better. 35% accuracy increase is through the increased length of your site plane. In essence lengthening the barrel of your gun for increase accuracy. An adaptable, customizable, multipurpose and just as fast as a ring and bag throw weight device and system.
  24. Thanks we tried for a beep beep beeper. Need to make a little more room and some perforations to make it audible. It won't have the Life Time guarantee either. But still no throw ball gonna catch me [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0644kLpAuEs]Bo Diddley - Road Runner - YouTube[/ame]
  25. Update Yes we are still throwing this around. Treepedo is now marketed as RopeArmour. Our products include the RopeKnight and RopeShield and the all NEW RopeKnight Light Available at Freeworker in Europe, Atreas in Australia, TreeStuff.com in the USA. and http://www.ropermour.com in Canada. Have a great weekend!


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