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Everything posted by Sutton

  1. poor choice of words above ref milling not the act of cutting boards/posts with a machine but "To move around in churning confusion"
  2. Congrats on post number 13000. What you say about selfishness is true. There are vulnerables indoors and ijuts milling out and about or cramped and enclosed in extreme close proxy. When the ijuts visit the vulnerables, then you get selfish results...
  3. Sutton


    I raise you your Clint Eastwood with a californian wine that presumably is only kept for unwanted guests! Stupid As******
  4. Arbtalk has huge value for its living technical knowledge. And free too. I put our cranab up for sale last year or so and a forester came up from one of the estates for a look see. He claimed that old cranes are more fixable/repairable than modern ones. Different quality steels, thicknessness etc, he said. It's had a few welds etc. Phil Cooper said he'd almost certainly would have converted the forwarder it came off from manual levers to electro-joystick. Even old machines have a history
  5. Gone are the days of hoolies on MayDay marches. Having a voice and being heard are very different. Besides more pressing things to worry about
  6. No complaints. Just interested how fishing has some curious parallels with woods. Our daughter does wholesale fish. Obviously restaurants, airlines & cruiseships been shut but the takeaways are still larging it nicely with fish in the SE. Have been for months. Most of us eat fish regularly. We're an island. Approx 180,000 are employed directly yet v few in the UK own quotas (5 people own 29%). V little news on brexit negotiations over fishing rights. Closed doors policy - not surprisingly. Wondering if UK waters might become a soveriegn/commons partnership or whether it will revert back to the favoured few at the top or something else?
  7. I used to fell/extract timber out of the woods. Sometimes alone with no mobile signal. Being a primary producer is important. Stay safe. ? (I got a question about fishing which you might know something about. I'll put on another thread as dont want to de-rail this)
  8. if by braver, you suggest foolhardy. Fair enough. I've been stirring but trying to positively. Public spaces like forums can be about airing options. But I'm only a retired machine stoker so don't have a lot to lose ... except the whole country going down into recession... Tree folk are necessarily resourceful which sometimes means questioning the trust you put in the usual ways of doing things. One prob we face is what is happening in the wider world and how that'll affect what we do locally. Most of us will naturally be cautious except perhaps some notorious non-arb arbtalkers ...
  9. It's not to blame for its inadequate machine learning, Les. Blame the master, I "triggered" it last night with politique just to confirm. Here's an image that it wouldn't understand which you certainly will https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Geppetto_1940_Pinocchio.jpeg
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lfrvOEnoaCM
  11. Thought that wake you up! Your opinion is your own - just as mine is mine. Try not confuse yours with what's best for everyone else's. I was comparing tory incompetence with labour's misjudgment in the context of a tragic crisis. If you can't see that. No worries. Let it lie
  12. The lockdown was necessary but there were mistakes. Like the Tories bought £20mil of maleria medicine from the US (now thought materially ineffective) possibly as a placating gift in the US-UK trade talks. Got to be worse than Gordon Brown's selling off the nation's gold reserves. One rule for being a tory is 'Never do anything for the first time.' Their mistake is still using Blair as a model: inconsistent press releases to keep all factions together as each believes their needs are being answered. But no one is satisfied. The world has changed. Blair's style of media psuedo-manipulating hootchy kootchy is irrelevant. As Hiphop used to say "Gotta keep it real." If you're a politician and you think being popular=>success then you'll never win against C-19
  13. Round here, judging from what neighbours say, rear gardens are getting the treatment - looking better for attracting insects/birds judging. Others are DIYing under permitted development rules. Keeping busy locally so must be good
  14. Alot of it is beyond our ken. Talking of Ken, my grand daughter is wanting rid of her Barbie dolls, when do the charity shops or carboot sales/fairs open again? Or will the trade in secondhand goods be non-existent now?
  15. 1st v puntastic and still producing them (Stubby's "battering"). V good. 2nd had to stop &take a break after 3 pages. good links ?
  16. Recently retired so more active here now. Sold firewood, composted greenwaste for 20+ years
  17. Yes, it's boosting consumer spending power but if it's all based on the say-so of someone you end not believing, the house of cards might collapse. When everyone says "I can buy whatever I want" then sellers say "Time to put the prices up" then you get run away inflation. Don't rush out and buy shiny new kit just yet
  18. True. That'll teach me to believe what I read on here without checking elsewhere. Still none of us wants inflation as, in effect, we'll have less coin in our pockets and as I remember it, the more cash swilling about leads to one thing...
  19. Supermarkets/Housing developers are famous for it. Buying land and then doing nothing with it, just waiting for the value to go up. So a forestry plantation after 2nd/3rd thinning will increase in value nicely after a time if you sold it then - depending on markets of course
  20. Agreed. 'cept 1 thing. Inflation. If that goes up then generally so do interest rates. That might be the sting in the tail (or small print)
  21. Landbanking by venture capital investors make UK woods being worked less likely. Some Arbtalkers demo great proof what it is to work the woods. Perhaps more can be inspired to use these untapped potentials?
  22. Wasn't after info on how few ships we have to defend our waters. But was really thinking how analogies can be instructive, is all. i.e. getting youngsters into fishing or woodland management
  23. Woodland caretakers tidy up after littering, poaching, log goblins, squidgers and storm damage. What's that like? Say there's 100 acre wood on your doorstep but you only had a quota to work a tiny area of it by law. The Commission told you so. Then you hear that there's a free-for-all. Others can trawl through the rest but you can't do a thing about it. And if you or they mistakenly harvest too much or the wrong type, it has to be thrown back. You have to accept that too. Then you hear there is a chance you could work the whole lot. What would you say?


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