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Everything posted by Rupe

  1. Rupe


    By the way, go for small improvements from now on. no more than 1-2seconds a mile per week. It will all add up to huge improvements within a year.
  2. Rupe


    Good work!! Vintage bikes fetch good money these days so if you ever wanted to upgrade to something new you could consider selling it. Have a look on retrobike.com and see what kinds of things are selling. I remember team banana, so I'm sure others will aswell.
  3. No, what was the problem with the scores?? I wasnt there on the monday. I know my position overall, and that JOn won it, but thats all.
  4. Oh, ok, sorry. I'm not Ltd so I dont know but thats what I thought. So with one director who I assume is you, you always get a majority vote on everything. Great!!
  5. A ltd company just means that you (in effect) work for that company and then your personal liablity is then "limited". Its not to do with how much you earn, but if your a sole trader earning well over 100K a year and you get a contract that doesnt pay and end up owing suppliers etc. you woul dbe personally liable for that debt. With a Ltd company your liability is limited, and you wont lose your house if it ever came down to that. Same with any damage/injuries to public or employees, they would sue the companay which might go bust but your laibility is limited and you wont lose your house over it. Ltd companies need three directors (you can be one of them) and then you cant do anything without a 2 to 1 vote from your directors. Of course if the other directors are you your mum and your wife then you should get your way. You get paid as an employee of the company but can take directors dividends if all is going well. So, dont even think about Ltd. companies, registering a business name etc. all a million miles away.
  6. Your shot into the ten target and subsequent SRT access to retrieve the stuck line was V. impressive!
  7. What did the throwpod score in TCC event?
  8. Each to their own, but I wouldnt ever employ a self employed worker who had a sign written van. Sub contracted tree company maybe, but only maybe, depending on where they are working and who for, but nay indivisual working for me leaves there vehicle in my yard and does not wear their own branded clothing. To the OP, the trading as thing is only relevant to the classification of you your business, you dont need to write TA on the vehicles etc. You can be whatever you want but the tax etc is owed by Gordon Rochdale not the company, i.e you are trading AS XYZ, but you are not XYZ and XYZ is not liable for the tax ( or any risk liabilties for that matter, so insurance etc is given to Gordon rochdale not XYZ) My advice would be to stay as you are, you certainly dont want a name like freelance tree care, how would that look to private customers. Just be you until your own clients outnumber you freelance work and then bring in a trading as name, or give out cards etc with a trading name of you want but you would still be GR, so any inovioces to other companies or private would still be paid to GR but the private ones could have a compnay name on if you wanted. But freelance tree care is not a company name, or a sole trader name, or a tading as name, its just a description of what you do. And re reading your posts, I see your a self emplyed groundsman, a bit early for company names etc just yet, let time work it out for you, you will see which direction you are heading.
  9. Well all you actually need to do is not hit anyone or put them in danger, how you achieve that is upto you but the plan HAS to work. We would put signs out but leave the pavement open, then have a groundie that can give you the all clear and stop work signal according to pedestrians and traffic. It will be busy there during school coming and going times and then not much activity after that. I agree if you actually physically close the pavement you need to provide an alternative, and if the alternative is in the road you need TM. Good groundies are better than TM anyway because its possible for TM to be ignored, so you still need eyes on the ground.
  10. Theres loads of space behind the tree to rig into, its just a turning area at the end of a no through road. Easy days work for most, no crane, no traffic lights, no worries. Close the pavement and rig between red lights if necessary, i.e when the lights are red the traffic is back from the tree anyway, and no matter how "busy" the junction is (yes it is a busy most days) its still only one lane of traffic. No ones going to pay you for road closure and cranes etc. on a little job like that, but no you dont want to shock load it but why would you? If its out of your league then leave it.
  11. I assume she doesnt want any money off you for anything either? You cant not have a landline, not having one implies far too much to many people!
  12. Hi, I could do with two extra helpers on friday the 7th June. Just dragging stuff, maybe putting it in a chipper but mostly dragging small amounts at a time narrow access. Would make reasonable work experience but not the best as the this particualar job isnt the most sophisticated of jobs and you'll be busy dragging stuff. Did I mention its dragging stuff? Oh, its in cheltenham so if you can get there by car or train for 9am that would be great.
  13. Rupe


    Yep! I have done it a few times before, most recently as part of the "hell of the north cotswolds" 50Km MTB ride, so I figured I could do it on a mountain bike (retro of course, 21yr old bike) without going into granny gear, I could do it on my road bike. Was a good day out, but i feel very tired this afternoon.
  14. Rupe


    Well done. Try a run or two during the week and I reckon you'll take a minute off that time every week for the first 4 at least. Did the BHF ride in a leisurely 4hrs! With friends at various paces of slow.
  15. Rupe


    Good work. Yes, Im doing BHF ride tomorrow.
  16. I dont think there is any confusion about double lines using a single rope aswell? SRT doesnt mean one rope only, it means there is a single line that you are working with. SRT can be set up using two lines of you chose to. One line could go through a gri gri or similar and be used to lower down the aother line, thats still SRT but two ropes. Doubled rope technique means there is a doubled rope that you are working with, and that is one rope doubled. Same as twin anchor points and two systems can be achieved with one rope(this is not DRT) or two ropes, and DRT double rope technique is also achievable with one rope or two, it means two fixed lines. So SRT isnt a sytem it only refers to the set up of the line, so the "system" is what you choose to attach to your SRT line, to ascend with, so you might use RAds, or Frog, or HH or RW etc etc. Then for DdRT, that only means the set up of the rope, you then need a sytem of your choice attached to it, prussik, HC/VT etc. And DRT means the set up of the rope(s) i.e. two fixed lines, and then you need a sytem for ascending that, double ascenders or footlock strop, etc. I really think there is no need for confusion, but the only thing that is new really is working off a single line. SRT does imply an access set up, not really a working set up. So SRWP or SLWP is not a bad idea at all.
  17. I mean victim as in injured party, the person whom the Hse regs are there to protect so if they are not protected they could be described as the victim?? Just a turn of phrase, don't take it too seriously. But if this 16 yr old is used to carry out work on the cheap and gets injured then victim would be an appropriate word!
  18. I'm surprised that anyone thinks DdRT is two ropes? If that's the case then the confusion is there before SRT Gets discussed. If non climbers are the ones getting confused then that's understandable and ideally they should not really be learning everything from arbtalk. But DdRT does spread the load over the two legs of rope so there is some truth in it being safer, certainly it's better for your ropes. Of course force at the TIP is the same so overall it's not safer.
  19. Yes but H&S law is aimed at the employer, not the worker (victim) and employment law is also aimed at the employer not the victim. So I agree with everything you said above. And yes, you "could" be liable if you employed a 16yr old electrician with no certification or experience. Of course you could!!!! What kind of a total **** would empliy a 16 yr old to fix a plug!!! And if you engage a tree surgoen and you expect them to be an expert you would of course be liable if that person was sixteen yrs old with no certs or experience, I can see the no win no fee lawyers lining up now! BUT, its not against any law for that sixteen yr old to get on with the work!
  20. To the OP, I would be interested to know why you are being offered this work (considering your age and lack of experience and certification) and who by?? I would assume its because you can be had at a cheap price, so the person offering you this work is actually shafting you with a big stick, and its they that would be breaking the law.
  21. Maybe this is a good example of the confusion. Not all workers have to change to a working system after access, thats the point of SRT its single line for the whole job, and hence why some changes are being suggested.
  22. When do we mean two ropes when we say SRT?? Maybe I am confused! Im starting to agree though, SLWP makes a lot of sense, and SRT can be left as an access method only. but SRT does mean one rope doesnt it? DdRT means one rope, and DRT means one or two ropes but in two fixed lengths, and again this is for access only.
  23. Hi, you are infact agreeing with me there then! Thats what I said! Everyone at work regardless of employed or self employed has to be competant and suitable trained! Yes, thats what I said. It doesnt have to be in the form of NPTC, yes I said that too. But thats the employer who has to abide by employment law. In a domestic situation the homeowner "could" (I say could as in possibly, not stating a fact) be seen as the employer and be prosecuted in the event of an accident. The worker would not be prosectuted by HSE if he cut his own leg off! I think the HSE would consider the fine to have been paid! The employer or homeowner however could be prosecuted. There would be no action taking by the HSE if a 16yr old made money from domestic work and there was no accident or complaint. It is still wrong though, so agree the 16 yr old should get some training, but in my opinion that should be NPTC plus 4-5yrs work undersupervision.
  24. Have you not tried just adding a basic pulley to your prussik sytem, or tying a distel or vt with a length of cord and adding a micro pulley?? Maybe you just wanted to spend £££ but there really was no need, you can try the sytem with the kit you already have to see if you like it. Then buy the HC et al when you know its the way you want to go. The performance of the HC is no different to any pulley based friction hitch, and the "rapide" will make no further difference at all.


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