I'm trying to get some money saved up to start training and get my initial tickets.
I have no idea how long I'll be retraining. If I can do C30/31/32 in a week then in theory I could be doing some basic stuff to get some experience. Maybe its worth me looking into insurance too? Then I guess talking to anyone I can get work from as to what skills / tickets they need most.
I emailed a load of local people last week, asking for work experience, I'm more than happy to start off doing voluntary stuff when I'm free - seems that a lot of people locally don't do much stuff on evenings and weekends, or there is the health and safety issue as I'm untrained.
Someone is ringing back to discuss some possibilities next week, and a company has said they currently have no vacancies but are recruiting trainees soon.
My leave year starts in October so I'm going to use a week or two of that to get some tickets started. Gives me a couple of months to see if I can get the £500 or so together for C30/31
I know! I've been looking at courses in the Bristol area and further afield. I have friends around the country so possibly look elsewhere if they're cheaper / more available. It's a pain that the costs are always +assessment, which is the most important part.
I think I'd like the comfort of being an employee initially. I'm happy to effectively be like a school leaver again and go in at the bottom. I reckon as long as a company will honour minimum wage I can make it work. AS I get more skilled I can look to do some subbing work and some own working. Ultimately I do think I could look at being self employed - especially if I can get a network of people I can trust to use for subbie work etc.
My fiancée is amazing. I know she would support me, we've had long talks about how my current job affects me and what I want to do. It's just taken a while to work out what it is that I DO want to to do. We've worked out what I would have to put in each month and I know that if there were months that I couldn't then she would support us both.
There may be a chance that the team I'm in will be disappearing. I'm going to talk to the management about chances of a package, which would obviously make getting into local training and getting some kit together much easier. I'll speak to them this week.
Its been really insightful, supportive and inspiring reading all this, thank you for taking the time to post. I will be going back to planning and researching with new vigour tomorrow.