Your line of work seems a bit specialised Andy so you’d expect training costs to be high in the early years.
That said, I’m currently looking at a comparison between a fixed term 2 year direct employment and a contracted out option for a business opportunity I’m assessing.
It has come as a bit of a shock to run the actual numbers behind the assumption that an employee salary is multiplied by 1.5-1.75 to give the ‘cost’ of that body to the business.
The higher the training, equipment and tools / machinery requirement, plus T&S for a mobile role, the higher still - obviously.
Personally, I’ve run for years without direct employed - predominantly because I don’t do full time, but having just run the figures in detail, I see money / cost as just 1 of a whole raft of issues which makes direct employment so much more trouble than it’s worth for micro / SMEs.
As it stands, it’s looking like a +/- 30% cost efficiency from contracted services over fixed term direct employment contract and it’s likely (as an ‘experience based’ assessment,) that contract staff will deliver output in about ½ the time of direct employed primarily because of job and knock motivation.
Because I have had to get right down into the detail, rather than just rolling with a gut feeling, I am shocked by what I have found in terms of how hard it has been made for a micro / SME to work effectively.
To get back on track, actual staff performance is just 1 headache of direct employment - there are way too many others!