As has already been highlighted on this thread so far, taxation is the main reason that we pay so much at the pump. We have the highest rates of fuel duty and tax in the world. I hold no ill feeling towards the oil companies as a whole - with several friends who work offshore, I know how much work is involved in producing fuel. When you think that a litre of the stuff only costs about 60 pence before tax, it's not that bad.
Regarding tax however, the exchequer's enormous need for fuel tax income can be traced to:
* Our grossly inefficient bureaucratic system. We have so many jobs that exist for literally no purpose. There should be a huge drive to force every job to be justified. If you don't produce a tangible product, or offer a tangible service, the job shouldn't exist.
* Reproduction has become a career choice for the lower classes. Having a kid should not get you a house. If you are up the duff and can't support yourself, you have two options - abortion or adoption. I'm sorry if that offends, but the thought that my bloody hard earned tax money goes to support armies of Kaydens, Kayleighs, Kylies and Kerrys makes me feel a little ill.
* The NHS is an unfortunate example of a chronically inefficient tax sink. £111,000,000,000 a year. I'm a strong believer in responsibility for one's actions and I believe that if you smoke, are obese or have wrecked your liver with heavy drinking, you should pay for your treatment yourself. For instance, my wife's best friend died in March from Leukemia. She had numerous complications along the way, including almost complete lung failure. She would however not have qualified for a lung transplant as she had Leukemia, as supply is short. A life long smoker, having wrecked their own lungs, would in many circumstances have been eligible.
I could rant on, but I'm finding myself getting increasingly bitter about the state of affairs in the UK. One popularly vilified element of society I have no problem with is immigrants. In all honesty, the vast majority of them work much harder than Joe Average. I'd quite happily trade our 'Jeremy Kyle' class for a plethora of folk from overseas!