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Everything posted by sime42

  1. Great. I thought you wouldn't be disappointed. The more modern friction hitches, (of which the Distel is but one, a fairly basic one at that), are vastly superior to the old timers like the Prussick or the Blake's. I'm not sure why they're still being taught on the courses. They were when I did mine 15 years or so ago anyway, maybe things have changed now. I guess it was because the Prussick for instance is very simple, so not easy to get wrong. I only use a Distel, on all my ropes including wire core flipline. Never had any issues.
  2. Are you concerned about a potential weakness in the top platform, due to the grain direction of the wood? Front right corner, it looks to be diagonal there, not parallel with the rungs.
  3. Bang on there with that point. Far too many people waste far too much energy, (money), overheating their houses. I'm not sure how it became "normal" to be dressed in shorts and t-shirt all year round, but it has. Going from hot houses to hot cars to hot workplaces to hot shopping centres, with minimal time outside in the real world where it can actually get a bit chilly in the winter. The opposite is rapidly becoming the norm in the summer too, with the overuse of air-conditioning all over the place. Since the precedent has already been set in this thread;- It'll be a massive blessing in disguise if everyone has to consume less of everything in future. Less domestic energy, less calories, less fuel for unnecessary car journeys, less water, less pointless plastic tat, less fast fashion etc etc. A recalibration of what's really important in life is long overdue. Need has become confused with want.
  4. Most has already been said but here's a few more thoughts. Its definitely not going to be a hedge trimmer job. Even if the 5ft that you're taking off is all new growth, i.e. it was reduced to 10ft a year or two ago, you're still talking about cutting at least 1inch diameter stuff, too much for most hedge trimmers. At best it'll be Silky work, but more likely a top handle chainsaw as well. I really wouldn't bother with the Henchman ladder, unless you do a lot of hedge work, can already afford it and were going to buy it anyway. They're quality tools but a lot of money just for one job. Climbing inside the hedge for a reduction like this, with harness and lanyards, will be much easier. Tripod ladders are good for hedge trimming high hedges, but don't really help with wide hedges or hedge reductions. The species of tree makes a big difference. I'm guessing it'll be one of two from what you've said so far. Personally I'd rather it was a laurel hedge rather than crappy Leylandii. The latter will be dusty, spiky, awkward to get a decent work position most of the time and will take years, if ever to form a decent top surface . The former will be more benign and will heal up much quicker but will be slightly harder to get a good finished top line on the day. The waste will be a major component of this job. If you have a chipper or access to one you'll need it. If not you'll spend most of the time getting rid of the copious arisings.
  5. I have the exact same combination of lanyard and friction cord. I never have a problem with grip. I believe that it's the choice of prussick knot and as has already been said, both ropes being new that's the issue. I use a Distal Hitch. It's so much better. I recommend that you give that a go. One nice thing is that you can easily vary the number of wraps to suit the situation. E.g. I use more if one or both ropes are new or I've just re-tied the hitch, less if it's wet and it keeps jamming.
  6. As you specifically asked for recommendations. I got mine from Aldi about 5 years ago, it's still going strong. I can't remember exactly but it was < £30 I think. It doesn't seem to be available anymore but you could try a similarly low priced fan as a trial to decide whether they work or not. I know people with much more expensive examples but am still undecided as to their effectiveness!
  7. Yeah, to an extent. They're still more balanced and factual than other news outlets. The BBC has certainly got worse since they started including all the overly sentimental Twitter bollocks in every article.
  8. Looks like you may soon be joined by some of your neighbours. ........ Solar panel sales boom as energy bills soar WWW.BBC.CO.UK More people are turning to renewable energy as a way to cut energy costs.
  9. Expanding on the point about PV panels on new builds, a very good one..What a collosal missed opportunity. As well as that, what about mandating the installation of them on the roofs of new industrial/commercial buildings, distribution centres in particular. There's loads of the buggers around these days, with more springing up every day. A lot of them are immense, you're talking acres square of roof space, rather than feet. There must be a huge potential for solar energy capture there. Plus an economy of scale factor at play. It's got to be more efficient to do one big flat industrial roof install rather than hundreds of small pitched domestic ones. In a similar vein; we ought to be mandating rainwater harvesting on all new builds as well, both domestic and industrial/commercial. Not a bad approach to the ever worsening issues of flooding and drought.
  10. Not the best crop of garlic I've grown, but not too bad this year. There was about twice as much but we've either eaten it already or given it away. Only just got round to stringing it up.
  11. They are. That's partly why we're going to be paying so much. "Between April and June this year, Shell reported worldwide profits of £9.4bn while BP made £6.9bn, more than triple the amount it made in the same period in 2021."
  12. No. I just refuse to get drawn into an argument about Covid, despite the incessant provocation. It's futile, it's boring, and it's long since time to move on. I have an opinion on the subject, you very clearly have another. I realised long ago that we're obviously not going to reconcile these, that's fine, shit happens. If you want to stoop to this level that's up to you.
  13. I'd recommend going round and knocking on doors of local firms, as well as looking online. Nothing like introducing yourself in person. You're right about a driving licence; it's pretty much a must, so I'd prioritise that.
  14. What happened to your info about the superiority of Scottish water? On a par with Scandinavian I think it said. Meanwhile the privatised English water companies are dumping so much into crap into the sea that we're pissing off our continental neighbours. https://www.itv.com/news/2022-08-25/french-meps-accuse-uk-of-turning-english-channel-into-sewage-dumping-ground
  15. Don't get me wrong, I'm not knocking it at all. I'm glad there's people prepared to attempt hold the ££££ makers/stealers to account. I'm just not very hopeful with such a broken system.
  16. I've just noticed Cyclamen out in flower in the garden already. Too early.
  17. For all the good it will do ........
  18. I've heard a general rule of thumb being that if your house has less occupants than bedrooms then it's worth being on a meter. It was the case for us, £800 > £~500. No doubt the unmetered water rates were calculated long ago with some now outdated formulae. (Rateable Value of the property). The sooner we're all on a meter the better. I believe that there's also a big difference depending on where you are in the country. Rural areas being more expensive than urban for example. SW being particularly high.
  19. I have a few good friends and family in the Health Service. One, an A&E consultant in one of the big London hospitals told me back in July that they had just gone into Code Purple status, (used to be called Code Black, but that's a whole other story). Something that normally only happens in the depths of winter. My sister in-law is an ICU consultant in a Midlands hospital. She's currently off work with stress, on the edge of a nervous breakdown unfortunately. Due to her department being crazily undermanned and having nowhere to discharge patients to. Neither are paid enough, and indeed have too much integrity of character, to be participating in the mythical "Great Lie". It's no wonder we still have so many excess deaths.
  20. That's not too bad at all, similar temp. to a decent swimming pool. Guessing you won't be swimming quite so much in the winter though. Can you skate?!
  21. Whilst Michael Gove is like old school Coke;- full of cocaine.
  22. What temperature is the water? I mean is it pleasant or "bracing"?
  23. Pozidrive have an extra 4 points/ridges, mini intermediate ones that sit in between the principal 4. That's why they won't fit into Phillips screws. As well as the angles being different.
  24. Brilliant analogy that. Even more applicable to the current PM. (Actually, have we even had one for the last couple of months?)


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