Taken from your comments in reply to the article.
".......No one is proposing disbanding the Forestry Commission or relinquishing the tight controls on development...."
Can I suggest you look at the emerging policy here?
The Localism Bill - Local government - Department for Communities and Local Government
I am not convinced that there is enough of a consensus for coherent and informed decision making with regards the development of the resource in either the wider sense or on an arboreal level. What was it you said..? "Lets get some balance.." Good luck with that!
Agreed...the Localism bill is no more than emerging policy, but may become law. This has been discussed but with little response from the forum here...Funny. I thought folk would have been a little more peed off and found more to say..I probably expect too much. It's christmas I guess!
The point has been highlighted that larger organisations are likely to be those bodies most likely to be able to fund acquisitions, or to gain funds by way of loans for said real estate.
You dont have to think back that far to be reminded of the huge sums of money already loaned to the govt in a national response to the banking crisis! And yet, no one political head seems willing or able to insist on a change in banking practices that would see loans to smaller industry and business proposals....Weak and directionless, but that's just my opinion .
What the hell makes the current coalition govt think it plausible or in anyway palatable to suggest that an already cash strapped public purse should be depleted further in order to bail out yet more under the thinly disguised heading of "private business and individuals" Dont forget, we have already paid for these assets by way of public tax input.....Now we gotta buy resources we already own! It aint gonna go anywhere you cant predict.
Its absolute madness ...but dont take my word for it.
I didn't vote for them. Who can say they did....?