As you are all by now probably aware, there is a draft out for the revised BS3998. Its in a consultation period now but as the document is a bit hefty (and a bit intimidating?) I thought I'd pull some chunks out of it for you all to chew on.
Remember, this is the standard that you should be referring to in your quoting and is certainly the standard to which you'll be conditioned to follow with regard to planning and TPO consents. So its worth having a look at what the changes will be!!
Case in point Section 9 Crown Management by Pruning and related annexes (my emphasis in bold)
9.8.1 General
...NOTE 2 Within the context of crown reduction as opposed to “topping”, the diameter of cuts would
not normally exceed 100 mm.
Worth knowing don'tcha think? Is that something you work to already??
Annex E.1.3 Severity of pruning
Pruning can be regarded as severe if the total cross-sectional area of all the
cuts is more than one-third of the cross-sectional area of the trunk. As shown in Table E.1,
forty-eight cuts of 50 mm-diameter have the same area as a single 346 mm cut (see also
Figure E.1 concerning reduction of the volume of the crown).
So, a useful rule of thumb? Impractical? What do you think?
9.8.4 Specifications for crown reduction
The specification for crown reduction should be accurate and clear, so that the desired
result is achieved. To avoid ambiguity, the specified end-result should be stated either
as the tree-height and branch-spread which are to remain, or the average equivalent in
branch length (in metres). End-results should be specified for individual branches if
the growth habit of the tree creates a need for this.
NOTE 1 Specifications for a “percentage reduction” are imprecise and unsatisfactory without
reference to volume, length, height, spread etc. A 30% reduction in crown volume can be considered to be approximately equivalent to a 12% reduction in overall branch length (i.e. radial distance).(See
Figure E.1)
NOTE 2 Specifications for crown reduction which state what will remain are normally used to enable
verification, but, to assist implementation, may be translated into what is to be removed (e.g. length of branch).
Therefore, you will no longer be able to recommend just a 20% reduction to BS 3998. Will that affect you? How many people out there quote using percentages? Do you do it to give the climber a bit of flexibility?
This is the sort of stuff that will affect your day to day work and believe me thats just a tiny proportion of the changes. To me this looks like a hugely comprehensive document, definatley something that will help UK arb.
I'll pull some other points of interest out over the next few days.