I am after some advice regarding a piece of equipment purchased back in August 2015 with a delivery date of November 2015.
For unforeseen reasons at the time the original delivery date could not be met, so we waited very patiently until An eventual delivery date of April 2016 was given, on this date it was discovered that the piece of equipment was still not fit for use. For the failure to deliver again a good will gesture was made by offering approx 7% off the price.
Unknown to us at the time the finance agreement which had been in place had started even though the equipment had not been delivered.
When this was raised with them they were also unaware (which in hindsight I feel is a lie) and assured me it would be stopped and that our equipment would be delivered soon.
The finance was never stopped, in fact the finance company had not been contacted.
I informed the dealer the delays could be as much as a year with the type of issue they had with our equipment, they assured me it wouldn't take that long.
They did eventually source a loan machine but this was not offered willingly and took repeated request resulting in me threatening to pull out of the deal back in July.
The machine provided was barely fit for purpose, unreliable and didn't perform as expected, when I complained and again mentioned I would pull out of the deal I was by email precisely as the office closed for the weekend and told if I pulled out I would be charged hire for the loan machine and for the machine we wanted to part ex (even though we still owned it!) leaving me seething all weekend.
That was a few months ago in July, its December 2016 and still no date for delivery its unlikely to be this year maybe not even Jan 2017.
The loan machine has continued to be unreliable, with collapsed bearing, starter motor failed, engine protection failed, now the emergency stops have had to be passed to keep it running among other faults with this machine, this has cost us in downtime and the associated losses involved.
We have a large contract starting on the 9th of January 2017 where this piece of equipment will be vital and at present it is not road legal, with safety functions by passed, so we run a risk using the piece of equipment on site.
All the while the equipment we purchased and owned yet have never seen depreciates in our asset register and we continue to make finance payments for something we haven't got.
What would you do?
I have 2 days left at work before taking a long overdue break, normally I would work over Christmas. When I am back we are straight into multiple big contracts with a valuable piece of kit missing essential for these works, and its stand in possibly not up to the task.