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Found 15 results

  1. We are looking for a qualified climber who has done their share of climbing everyday and is looking for a new challenge and more variation. Keystone Habitats are offering a role which will allow them to maintain their current skills but also expand into habitat creation and management. The role will contain an element of tree clearance but will predominately revolve around creating and managing habitats in the interest of protected species conservation and biodiversity net gain. Other activities such as pond creation, tree planting and fencing will feature with the ideal candidate being comfortable leading a team and delivering a variety of projects. competitive salary, overtime, extensive training and development investment and a fantastic working environment. for more information please call or email: 07894066688 // [email protected] https://www.countryside-jobs.com/job/jul22/ecological-contractor-keystone-habitats-2005-6
  2. Hi Folks, My current contract finishes end of March and thus I am available for work from 1st April. I am looking for ground/fencing/tractor driving or similar work (No Climbing Ticket I'm afraid), preferably 3-4 days a week. I am based in NR15 and willing to travel up to 45mins each way. I have been trained by Natural England, worked with Norfolk Wildlife Trust, and have volunteered on various different reserves for 5+ years. I hold a multitude of conservation-based tickets including (but not limited to): - CS30 & 31 - Pa6/Aw - B+E (Trailer) - Tractor Driving (+PTO's and implements) [Please see included CV for full list of tickets] I have 'on-the-job' training/experience in: - Felling medium trees - Wind-blown trees - Winching - Driving/Using a tracked chipper - Fencing - Coppicing & thinning - Basic survey & field/species monitoring work I have my own PPE and saw (it's only a Husq120mk2 for a coppicing contract). - Dependent on opportunity's available I will consider buying a better/bigger saw! I am keen to learn, enthusiastic and friendly, looking for somewhere to offer my talents in exchange for development. Please see my included C.V for a more detailed account of my knowledge, experience & tickets. With Thanks, Tom M: 07794934078 H: 01508 471181 E: [email protected] Curriculum_Vitae[Tom_Bowers].pdf
  3. Well established, Dorset based conservation contracting company seeking enthusiast, hard working contractors for immediate start. Ideally with experience of forestry and conservation work. Work based mostly in the Dorset and the New Forest. Pay depending upon experience. Please email: [email protected] outlining your qualifications, experience and interests.
  4. We are a new business providing tree care (domestic and some commercial) and conservation contracting. We are approved contractors for Tillhill, the FC and some other large organisations providing scrub clearance, selective felling, coppicing, hedgelaying, ecological mitigation work, de-veg, invasive species management, bat surveys and veteran tree management We are hoping to build relationships with local subbies that share our ethos. We are paying good rates for people that are knowledgable, competent and have an interest in ecology and conservation, but the most important thing for us is that you have a good mental attitude and don't mind a bit of hard work! We have a busy start to the New Year and we could do with some help. We do travel across the southern half of England, and people willing to work away would be very valuable, and well paid. We cover all expenses and nice lodgings. Please email [email protected] outlining your qualifications, experience and interests. Cheers, Harry www.greenmandorset.co.uk
  5. Man has always had a direct link to the landscape, though that link, whilst it is always there, may not be in the form that it once was. Keeping with the wood pasture theme, which I am really enjoying learning about through books and journal articles, I thought we’d look at how the manner in which we approach the ecosystem has changed over the centuries (quite briefly). Of course, what is written below doesn’t stop just at wood pasture – it has cross-over to other ecosystems, where the reasons for interaction with the landscape have altered through space and, more pertinently, time. Historically, wood pastures were managed for economic purposes. The grazing of animals on grasslands containing trees (and the feeding of the livestock with cuttings from pollarded trees, and a tree’s fruit crop), such as cattle and pigs, was for the direct benefit of communities, who relied upon the produce of the livestock (milk, meat, and so on) in order to make a living, and to generally therefore survive. Of course, the wood pastures needed to be conserved, so that they did not disappear, due to over-grazing. In this sense, they were actively conserved (by replanting dying and dead trees, and limiting grazing intensity), though largely because, without actively conserving them, the livelihood of many tens of thousands of people would be challenged. A by-product of this conservation of wood pastures, for the benefits created from grazing livestock, was that the sites were very rich in biodiversity – birds, fungi, insects, and plants, for example. The complex mosaic of niches within the wood pasture, ranging from open and disturbed soils through to the (perhaps sizeable) groves surrounded by the mantle and fringe vegetation, meant that a large number of organisms could viably frequent the site. However, for all of the biodiversity present as a result of the careful management and conservation of wood pastures throughout history, biodiversity was not the reason for management – until recently. The shift, in Europe, probably begun when wood pasture became disliked (for hope of a better word), during the 19th-20th century (varies depending upon the country). Foresters wanted to maximise output from the trees (coppice – sometimes with standards), and farmers wanted to maximise agricultural output. Therefore, the two practices, initially married, were divorced from one another (somtimes farmers were forced to stop grazing their livestock in wood pasture!). Wood pastures were thus either cleared of trees entirely, or alowed to regenerate into forest. With this came a decline in the richness of biodiversity and, eventually, this loss of biodiversity caused a rather evident of panic amongst conservationists. Ironically, therefore, the rationale behind creating and maintaining wood pasture became largely ecologically-driven, in place of economically-driven (though, particularly in Spain and Romania, wood pastures remain, are these are generally economically viable). Regardless of reason however, the status of wood pastures essentially went full-circle. A fantastic wood pasture in Estonia. Source: Ideas for Sustainability. Of course, this new found love for wood pastures does not necessarily mean that they can ever exist in the manner in which they did before. First and foremost, wood pastures are extensively grazed, and thus, for operations to be self-supporting financially, they must cover large expanses of land (unless the wood pasture is maintained for subsistence purposes, or grants are provided as a means of financial support). As farmers in Europe are generally in ‘the game’ for profit (they must make a living), managing livestock in wood pastures is probably not going to be all too popular, as it’d probably signal a marked drop in profits and / or a marked increase in labour input (at least, initially). Scope does exist to harvest edible mycorrhizal mushrooms from the wood pasture, such as truffles, though this is a specialised pursuit that is far from the current farming status quo of Europe. Furthermore, European culture has changed. Gone are the days of communities being self-sufficient, and instead many Europeans now work a job (that they may even hate) and buy their food from the supermarket (or even order it online). Therefore, is there even the desire to re-introduce wood pastures, for anything other than ecological reasons, or to supply the market with a niche animal product (such as Iberian ham from the black Iberian pig, in the holm oak dehesas of Spain). With this change in culture there has also been a change in learning priorities, and unfortunately many today seem to be fixated with knowing pointless facts about sports teams and celebrities. Functional and practical knowledge is largely gone. As a consequence, the management of wood pastures will be left to an expert few, where knowledge has either been gained academically, or via being passed-down through the generations (usually limited to rural areas where grazing still takes place). However, as more people now live in cities than in rural areas, and this trend will likely continue as rural areas are swallowed up by urban sprawl, or people move into cities for economic reasons, this tradition of passing practical knowledge on and keeping up the family tradition of extensive livestock grazing within wood pasture may very well become ever more the stuff of legend. The black Iberian pig grazing amongst a landscape of holm oak, in a Spanish dehesa. Source: Andrew Petcher. Society is simply in a different place than it once was. For this reason, the conservation of wood pasture is to be far from mainstream. People are certainly aware of nature (of which wood pastures feature), though more and more awareness comes from watching on the television and less from direct experience, and with this comes a discord. There is less emotional and cultural attachment to nature, and as a result, less of an impetus to associate with nature. Why help with the recreation of wood pasture when you can watch about its conservation on television, utter some lamentations, and then switch the channel and soon relegate it to a mere memory? That’s even assuming people watch such programs, in large numbers, in the first place. This probably turned out far more dystopian than I ever intended for it to come out as, though hopefully this illustrates how social changes have led to landscape management changes, with specific focus upon wood pastures in Europe. This is obviously applicable to other landscape types as well, of course. The principle generally carries across. Source (of inspiration): Hartel, T. & Plieninger, T. (2014) The social and ecological dimensions of wood-pastures. In Hartel, T. & Plieninger, T. (eds.) European wood-pastures in transition: A social-ecological approach. UK: Earthscan.
  6. Ellieb

    My house

    Easy unload onto private pavement/hardstanding, easy rear access and located just off the top of menear road (recycling centre roundabout).
  7. Hi - estate worker required for conservation contracting team. General labouring type work. Contact Gary on Mb. 07801133836 for details. Working in the Dorset area
  8. Forestry / Conservation worker required for work across the south of England mainly in and around the New Forest. Chainsaw, spraying and brush cutting qualifications desirable but not essential. Please contact me by email if your interested. [email protected]
  9. I have started listing trees on the Ancient Tree Inventory and went to an Ancient Tree Forum event recently on Hampstead Heath. Anyone out there done a veteran tree management course or some such? I am located in the South East so hoping to find somewhere that does this around here. I think veteran or ancient tree conservation is becoming or has already become a major concern. I would like to get more involved in this area. If anyone wants to post pictures of ancient trees and their whereabouts on this forum, then please do. If I may be so bold. I have attached photos of a veteran Common Beech (Fagus Sylvatica) at Hampstead Heath woods. Not ancient but nice and old. I think it is important to bring up public awareness on this subject so that we can keep our most valued trees in tact for hundreds of years or more. There is a lot of technology out there being used to ensure some of our most valued trees do continue to live long and prosper.
  10. A bit of a conundrum with this pine tree. The tree is looking great and looks in pretty good health. One of just a few remaining at the top of the site where I work and this one is still growing well. Its also evergreen and keeps things looking interesting in its locale. However as you can see in the photos the roots of this tree go under a fairly heavily used path. The path used to be tarmac and the roots ripped up the tarmac. In 2015 the path was dug up and then resin bound gravel was put down instead. The roots are starting to come through the path now and this will be an ongoing saga I can only imagine. I think I need to either move the path, which would be a bit odd looking or potentially put some sort of bridge over the path area, take up the path and leave it as soil underneath the ramp/bridge. But again that also may look odd. Anyone got any ideas of what is the best way to solve it. I am surprised the tree itself is still doing so well. Apologies, the photos are not the best.
  11. I'm Graham and I'm a new boy, I've got academic history in Conservation work but it has made me decide to get into the Arb Industry so I am here to learn, Based in the SW (recently moved from Lancs) This is a change of direction for me at 35 so any tips and advice would be very welcome, a friend in Arb referred me to this site as you guys seem to know everything. I'm booking courses as we speak so any advice would be good. Nice to meet you all
  12. Hi, We are currently trying to encourage a greater use of our online application service on the Planning Portal (Planning Portal - The UK Government's online planning and building regulations resource). Its free to use, available 24/7/365, saves on paper, ink, postage etc etc. We are working on away of submitting a tree application from your iphone or android phone - would this be of use to you? If you want to find out more please replay to this post or e-mail me direct on [email protected] or 07990 551807. Ashley
  13. Hi, Just a quick one. I put in an application to fell a tree in a conservation area. The 'application was refused' but no TPO put on it. Can I still go ahead with felling as I understood that the only way to refuse the works is to put a TPO on a tree
  14. HI ALL, I'm interested to know if there is a data base of sorts or a map showing where trees with TPO's are located. or is there another way to find out ? (without felling it pruning etc to then find out the hard way) the reason i ask is a friend wants to find out if their Tree is a TPO tree but i can't find out as the tree officer is away. The tree is a snake barked maple and is probably a self set and only about 20-25 years old maximum. also it is in the back garden of his house and a neighbours, but the neighbour insists it his my friends not his, he has looked on the survey taken of his house and there is no mention of the tree or any TPOs. He comes under City of Lincoln Council Thanks
  15. I know that there is a six week notice for conservation application... but is it six weeks from when you send it in and it has been received by them or when it goes on their system. So if I email it is that the date the email is sent, and of course that is checked by the servers, or is it when they say. I think it's the time that I serve it on them, it's not my fault they can't pull their fingers out in time.


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