The Stihl MSA160BCQ is good, as is the Oregon one but that isn't available here yet. We tried the Pellenc stuff a few months back, and to be honest, while it's nice in a way having the battery pack on yer back, it soon becomes a pain in the arris when you want to manoeuvre in and out of stuff, climb etc. You have to switch off and disconnect, then reconnect and switch on.... it's a hassle. Also, the cable gets caught up in stuff. ALSO, one of the pieces of equipment we had on demo were the Pellenc hedgecutters. Again, a nice idea, and they're light to handle, but the balance point of the long one is completely wrong with far too much of the weight out at the end and nothing to counterbalance it. ALSO, the mechanism at the hedgecutter end for adjusting the angle is crap - it's a moulded nylon ratchet type mechanism with a hand screw to clamp it down. The Stihl and Husqvarna are both much much better.
The final deal breaker for us with the Pellenc stuff is the cost. The rep was going on about savings in fuel over a year, but when you think about it, the real world difference is probably nothing. In fact, it would probably cost more to own and operate the Pellenc stuff. They wanted £4k for one battery pack and charger, a short hedgecutter and a long pole hedgecutter. They do a blower attachment which is feeble as feeble can be, yet costs getting on for £800. Think how much Stihl or Husky stuff you can get for that sort of money, and how much fuel you can buy, and it just becomes a joke. The price has got to come down, and the equipment has got to get better to match Stihl and Husky. Sure, there are some benefits, like you're seen to be green and you can operate in school grounds with kids in class. I'm looking into the possibility of getting green grants pay toward the equipment.
The Stihl MSA160BCQ chainsaw is something like £400-£500 all in, and I think represents pretty good value. Sure, the run time on one charge isn't as good as the Pellenc, but with fast chargers and access to electric (genny, inverter or mains) I don't really think it's such a big deal.