Afternoon folks,
Just having a wee nosey browse on here to keep my hand in and thought I'd chip in with a few tuppence worth - hope it's of some help to somebody.
Not true I'm afraid - LINKS from different websites, and subsequently IP's, around the web - ideally within your theme or topic definitely do help, but traffic alone doesn't.
Again, this is a bit of a myth - Google does class a single page view as a 'bounce', however it doesn't make any difference in terms of where a page is ranked. They don't use any analytics data to influence search rankings - from the mouth of their own Matt Cutts [ame=]from the mouth of their own Matt Cutts[/ame]
Where a high bounce rate is (or should be) used however is as a signal that something on your page isn't perhaps right. People are arriving, not seeing what they expected, and then leaving. It's a great tool for looking at ways to improve your website.
Hmmm, as a general rule of thumb - 'probably' but Google is only looking to discredit links that it deems to be 'unnatural'. Let me give you a couple of scenarios where reciprical links are both natural and perfectly fine.
Joe Bloggs owns a tree surgery site and a firewood site. Why would he not want to include a link to each from the other site he owns?
Andy Bloggs owns the web design company that built Joe's sites - he's included a wee link in the footer of each saying 'Website Designed by Andy Bloggs'. Because he's so happy with them, Joe then adds a small blog post on each of his sites along the lines of 'Thanks to Andy Bloggs for my new sites - I think they're great'.
All perfectly natural, and something that people actually would do. Nothing to worry about.
Where people run into problems is by swapping links with all & sundry, just to get the link. Think about it - why would say, a Mexican restaurant in Brisbane legitimately link to an Arb site in Dundee?
That's the sort of linking that Google might punish a site for, and should be avoided.
Not true - clicks won't do you any harm whatsoever.
This I can confirm to be true.
He's advising you well, to a point - see above. It all depends on the link scheme.
Links are good, used properly they count as votes from one site to another - don't be afraid of asking for and getting links to your site.
See above - it's all about relevance and whether it's something that would actually, naturally happen if people weren't trying to scam the search engines.
Your web guy knows what he's talking about - this is the single best bit of advice I've seen on this thread. By providing something that is of real value, use or interest to people on your website it will naturally gather links as people share it with others. This in turn will naturally bring in more traffic as the word spreads, and subsequently attract more links. The more links you gather, the higher up the rankings your site will go, thus attracting even more traffic.
That's the way to do it!
Depends what you class as 'nearly always top'. Anyone can be 'top' by paying for AdWords - but it can turn into an expensive game.
A lot of the time, the big sites (like the ones Mark's mentioned - Yell etc) rank well is because they:
A) Are old - old sites tend to be more trustworthy in Google's eyes
B) Are big - look at Wikipedia - they're not paying anyone yet how many times does a Wikipedia page top the rankings? Big sites are more likely to have an answer to something, and thus tend to get served up quite often by search engines
C) Have a 'lot' of backlinks pointing to them. I've just done a very quick check, and alone has in the region of 750,000 other webpages linking back to it.
Happy to help if anyone wants any other pointers on this.