Nice work matty.. yes, this type of work can be done well by a good climber, BUT in my territory, those types of climbers are few and far in between.. Most companies are hacks, I've seen horrible pruning done by even some of the bigger names..
As far as the stubs.. I personally have transcended the knee jerk reaction to target prune every cut. I AM diligent when the cut is important.. But in many cases, such as making small cuts on branch tips, it makes NO difference to the long term health of the tree to when those stubs are left.. It is far worse to cut in to the live tissue of the remaining wood, which is often the case when target pruning is attempted..
I know you guys are going to jump all over that thinking.. BUT.. tell me where you get your knowledge about how bad leaving stubs are... (when left on branch tips) .. it is only because if your training.. Its the way you were taught and you have yet to question the why... You have no empirical evidence to argue against the practice, nor is there any science... You are simply mindlessly doing as you were told.. I don't have that problem
Before you go crazy with your mudslining.. just come up with the science... where is the paper that shows the harm done by leaving stubs on branch tips?
Also.. here's a PM I got on an American site and my reply.. For your consideration..
I try to avoid that practice, though I used to do it all the time. I do not suggest it.. if the client asks for it, I explain that is is harmful for the tree and better to leave the lower limbs so as not to make wounds on the trunk, and keep the shade on the trunk and root zone, keep away soil compacting traffic etc.. if they still insist, I suggest heavy reduction cuts on these limbs rather than removal, as it is better to allow the tree to keep the limb(s), or even if the limb dies, better to let the stub die, then cut off the dead portion after it is clear exactly where the collar is etc.. They usually listen
Good luck with everything..