Saw-sick Steve
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Everything posted by Saw-sick Steve
Bloke's an absolute bellend, no doubt about it, but surely it begs the question of why such issues are left to the likes of him and Nick Griffin to raise? Also, regards his ''racist'' anti Islamic rhetoric, by that token does that mean that the likes of Christopher Hitchens, Richard Dawkins and Douglas Murray are ''racists'' too?
Cheers, so any recommendations r.e models? Quite liking what I'm hearing about Makita tbh.
Home use really, but I've got a fair bit of ground to cover. I realise the power to weight ratio won't compare with a 2stroke, but like the idea of using of straight petrol, plus the vibrations are less, no?
Thinking of replacing my old Husky 240R with a new pro/semi pro model, and considering a Makita or Honda 4 stroke - anybody had any experience of either, or any 4 stroke brushcutter?
I seem to be of a minority viewpoint when it comes to Ash in that from a personal standpoint I'm only removing trees that are obviously beyond saving. I planted a fair few acres of predominantly Ash some 12 years as coppice for firewood, and the majority are now showing varying symptons of dieback. If the worst case scenario comes to pass and we lose 95-98% of our Ash, it'll be a tragedy if the tiny percentage that are naturally resistant to Chalara are removed, as they would hopefully provide a reservoir of resistant seeds to repopulate the countryside. Ash, unlike e.g Elm, is a prolific seeder and if enough resistant trees are allowed to stand, re-population could be achieved within a comparatively (ecologically speaking) short space of time.
Need a new saw so thought I'd pick yer collective brains. I don't use a saw day in day out as of old but still a frequent user, and need a good pro mid-range saw to replace my 346. Tempted to just go for a Husky 550xp but heard of problems with auto-tune, so what are the other options? Would consider Dolmar, Echo, Makita, anything else? Ta in advance.
Cheers lads, some things to think about there. Woody P - machine will be at home so no need to be moved. What sort of HP to go for - is 18hp sufficient, or best to go for 20+? Is 4wd essential on machines this small? 2wd fine for mowing/topping, but what if I wanted to add a rotovator?
Got a fair bit of orchard and rough grass to maintain, previously used a ride on but its died and really used to struggle at times. Rather than replace it, thought I'd go for a 2nd hand mini tractor - what do peeps recommend? Kubota, Iseki, Yanmaar or Mitsubishi, and what sort of hp? Like the idea of being able to add implements as and when I can afford to, budget about 5k max. Ta in advance.
So you're equating the couple of hundred people who turned up to protest at state visits granted to the leaders of two of the most oppressive regimes on the planet with the quarter of a million who marched to voice their opposition to the democratically elected POTUS? Fair enough, you're entitled to your opinion - though IMO that's a textbook example of a false equivalence right there...
Cheers for that Mark, thanks for your help.
Not a fan of the orange buffoon by any means, but it's difficult to entirely rebuff the charges of hypocrisy levelled at 'the Left' after the recent anti-Trump protests. Like it or not he's the democratically elected President of the USA and, though open to legitimate criticism over many of his policy decisions, his actions pale into insignificance compared to those carried out by leaders of certain other regimes who seem to get a free pass from the permanently outraged - despite being responsible for some truly heinous crimes. Where were these people when Mohammed bin Salman - head, lest we forget, of a regime responsible for beheading over 40 people so far this year - was here in March? Where were the protests when Erdogan - a man who, amongst other crimes, has classed journalists as ''terrorists'' and had them imprisoned - was here for a state visit last month? Or does murdering Yemeni and Kurdish citizens rank lower on the scale of outrage than wanting to ''grab them by the pussy''?
Never been a climber, but my daughter has recently expressed a keen interest in becoming an Arb and as such has been looking at the 'Proclimber' Fast track 3 week course. Two questions; 1] It seems a lot of money - anyone done it and how does it rate value for money wise? 2] What would you recommend as an alternative -and cheaper - route? I'm a bit out of the loop nowadays regarding qualifications and their relative merit, but what would you need today as a minimum, and what's more highly rated by the industry today - Lantra, C&G, or Fastco (if that's still a thing)? I know she's got a good head for heights, but would obviously be good for her to have a go before laying out any hard cash. Based in S Wales BTW. Suggestions? Cheers in advance.
What if your 'Johnson' has already received special recognition - like, I dunno, being awarded an M.B.E.?
This. If you're encouraged by your holy book to treat 'kufar' as inferior beings then reprehensible acts such as those carried out by the numerous paedophile 'grooming' gangs operating in this country become much easier for the perpetrators to justify. The reaction of one of the Newcastle paedophile ring to a female ticket inspector - when he was caught travelling on the metro without a ticket - speaks volumes regarding the attitude of certain sections of the Muslim community towards those they deem 'unclean' - “All white women are only good for one thing. For men like me to f*ck and use like trash. That’s all women like you are worth.” Hardly a ringing endorsement of successful intergration, is it, and quite why certain sections of the left bend over backwards to defend such medieval misogyny escapes me...
Whatever the result after today, IMO the most important thing is to make sure you do vote. I've met a few who either cant see the point -''they're all the same'' - or simply can't be bothered. Please don't be among them. Even if you go to the polling station to scrawl 'NONE OF THE ABOVE' on your ballot paper, you will at least have given your verdict - if you don't vote, then whatever happens, you will have forfeited your right to complain about it. If it's too wet for you to bother, then wait for a nice sunny day, take a gentle stroll to the nearest war memorial and make a silent apology to the people whose names are carved on it. These men fought and died for many things - country, family, friends, but also for democracy - your right to vote. They deserve a better memorial than your apathy.
Again, why was there debt taken on under EVERY Tory administration with the exception of the TWO YEARS that Major was Chancellor? At least with Labour money was being invested for the public good - hospitals, schools, etc... not squandered on providing largesse for already rich Tory donors by flogging off state assets to them at knockdown prices. I'm no fan of Blair, but the NHS improved markedly under Labour after years of Tory cuts - sound familiar?
Ah, I see. So when the Tories run a deficit, it's down to the fact that there's a recession - nothing to do with them causing it, mind - yet when labour do the same, it's down to their appalling financial mismanagement - am I doing this right? Factor in the enormous North Sea Oil bonanza enjoyed by the Tories, coupled with the fact that they sold of billions of pounds worth of state assets while in power, and the ''Tory good/Labour bad'' economic mantra trumpeted by the right-wing media doesn't look so convincing, does it?
So, what you're saying is that any fiscal predictions and economic models are pointless, as they all make assumptions, therefore it's perfectly acceptable for the Tories to have a manifesto that's totally uncosted? Er, OK....
I think you need to have a good look at your graph again, and have a rethink. According to that, when Brown became chancellor in '97, he inherited a deficit from the Tories which he turned into a surplus for the next 4 years - far better than Howe, Lawson,Lamont and Clarke did, ALL of who ran a deficit. In fact, again, according to your graph, Major was the only Tory chancellor to run a small surplus. Brown then went on to run a deficit - still lower than Lamont and Clarke did, though - until 2008, and what happened then? A GLOBAL financial crisis caused by the financial sector - the same sector that Cameron and Osborne thought Labour were OVER regulating.
A few more of those akward facts for the Tory fanbois to ignore; Next time someone says 'Money Tree' send them this - The London Economic ''The narrative that Labour can’t be trusted with the economy has taken hold to such an extent that they have fully costed their manifesto. And whilst there are no costings in the Conservative manifesto, the mud sticks to Labour. So, it’s worth noting that public spending as a percentage of GDP was lower under the last Labour Government (37 per cent) than it was under Thatcher (40 per cent), John Major (38 per cent), or the current Tory government (42 per cent). In fact, after a decade in power, the last Labour government had cut the deficit and cut the national debt making it the most prudent Government in modern times.''
:_How's this for starters? This whole debate is pointless anyway, too much 'whataboutery' and too many closed minds.Plenty of factual info has been posted and ignored, but if we've reached the stage where people with first hand experience of a particular issue are being ignored because the facts don't suit their particular agenda and an ''I know someone who knows someone...'' anecdote is being used to advance opinion over facts, then why bother? As Homer Simpson once said ''Facts! You can prove anything with facts.''s Still, at least this fellow gets it - more genius from 'Cassetteboy'' .. [ame] [/ame]
So, in summary, you think the solution to our Tory induced funding crisis in our health service is to scrap the NHS, replace it with a American style healthcare system that's demonstrably less efficient and run for the financial benefit of private healthcare companies and their shareholders, to the detriment of the general population? Have I got that right? Did you look at the implications the Naylor Report - the one St Theresa has promised to implement - will have on the healthcare of this country? I can only assume not, as there's no way any one in possession of said facts could arrive at such a conclusion.Do you realise that the US spends twice the GDP on healthcare than the UK, with a far less favourable outcome - over 40 MILLION Americans aren't covered at all, and by far the commonest cause of bankruptcy over there is due to medical bills. Been to the vet's recently? Shocked at the bill? When the NHS goes, vet bills will seem like a bargain compared to your personal healthcare costs once your beloved Tories have got their way. Still, ''ploughing money in to a vastly inefficient system'' is obviously OK - providing it's a private company that benefits, and not the dreaded 'state'. For the hard of thinking, perhaps the 'Breaking Bad' analogy is a good one; US version - Man gets terminal cancer and resorts to selling illegal drugs to secure the financial future for his pregnant wife and disabled son. Resulting show generates enough material to last 5 series. UK version - Man gets terminal cancer, is treated for free by the NHS and him,his pregnant wife and disabled son are all cared for by the Welfare state. Err, no drama there...
I don't think so, off the top of my head I don't believe there's any sort of process you have to go through to become an Imam - I know plenty go through some sort of training, but AFAIK, it's not compulsory. I'll have a look latr, but I really ought to do something constructive...