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Everything posted by Gnarlyoak
Actually, I think the helicopter gubbins means you're over qualified......... I don't think you'll have any prob's picking up work pretty quickly once you back to UK. Market is generally quite good and on the up in some areas. You should have no difficulty getting taken on full time in that area, but as a stop gap or another alternative you could go freelance and work for yourself. Again in the South East, a good climber should be able to command a god daily rate. Easy option would be to pimp yourself out with an ad here on AT's "Employment" section when you get back and wait for the phone to start ringing. All the best, and welcome home.
As title... Any recommendations on best SatNav platform, in terms of reliability, cost, ease of use and updatability etc. TomTom Garmin Smartphone..................... Cheers.
If they're only small trees, 3 ins, then just fell them to as close to ground level as possible and just paint a generous amount of neat round up on the fresh cut stump with a decent sized paintbrush. If any basal shoots appear next year, just rub/snap them off before they get going. After all we only want to stop the tree from regrowing don't we, not poison the environment. Please don't drill the stump the stump and fill it with diesel. You'll be leaving the roots and cambium intact so the tree will flush with a lot of basal growth next spring, whilst mean time the diesel is insidiously poisoning the ground all around the tree, killing off a lot more flora & fauna in the process. You can slather the stump with as much roundup as you've got in the back of the shed mate, and what doesn't get absorbed by the tree and roots will quickly becomes inert once its absorbed into the soil. If you've already got some Roundup, then you won't have to fork out more dosh buying some of the other recommended products in previous posts, and you won't have had to do any drilling either.....
Cool, glad its not just me at the moment suffering the indignity of personal physical injury at the hands of the tools of out trades. Heal quick mate.
Erm...... Yeah......... 2 yrs ago actually, almost. 20 Sep. 2012! Fell over 30ft and smashed my right ankle to pieces!
Sadly not, so having to learn how to wipe my arse with my left hand..... I'm a freelance climber mate, so usually I am the help!!
Cheers Dig, a kind offer. But even if I could drive I'm half way through trying to ease the discomfort with a nice bottle of red and codeine.
Doh! Had a bit of a mishap last Tuesday whilst dismantling a dead multi stemmed HC. As I was chogging off a section of one of the stem, cutting holding the saw with my left hand ( I know operating a saw one handed ) and pushing the section with my right hand to stop it from pinching the saw. The section broke away, as planned and expected, but my left hand with the running saw rose up and I didn't move my right hand away quickly enough resulting in a mid air contact! The tip and top of the saw cut into the palm of my hand and down my wrist towards the underside of my forearm. Youch! Came down out of the tree calling for the first aid kit, but once I took my glove off quickly realised there wouldn't be enough plasters in the box to cover it and a trip to A&E was called for. Still thought after a couple of stitches I would be back on site in time to help the lads out cleaning up. Sadly it wasn't a simple as that and I ended up in hospital for four days, requiring an operation to clean up and repair the damage.............. A stupid mistake to make, and despite the mess you see in the pics I was still extraordinarily lucky as I managed to miss all of the vital structures in my hand and wrist, such as the tendons and arteries by a fraction of millimetres. This was an entirely avoidable accident. The diameter of the section I was cutting was just over the length of my 12" bar on my MS200. I elected to cut straight through the section one hand using my free hand as leverage. I could/should have used either a step cut, or a gob and back cut, and probably used a bigger saw instead as well. These options would have cost a few extra seconds, maybe a couple of minutes at the most changing up to a bigger saw. Instead I've unnecessarily put myself into hospital for four days and out of work for upto 3-4 weeks!! Muppet. So think about what you're doing ladies and germs, and stay safe.
Well an unseasonably cool August and observing leaves already start to turn on some tree, tells me summers over and autumn has started. Here's hoping the work picks up, I've been pretty quiet last couple of months....
Depends on how much you were offering. Can remember Capel Manor on here a short while ago pimping one of their 10 week courses and saying tree surgeons can earn £30k p/a.
Myerscough Foudation degree pre entry help
Gnarlyoak replied to jimmyp's topic in Training & education
Now I might be wrong, but I think parts of the campus may still be open during the summer hols, including the library. Trying calling first to make sure. So if you live near enough to make a trip to the college, it could be worth going along and using the resources there. Take your paperwork with you and explain to the staff in the library why your there and I'm sure they will be accommodating. Until your accepted as student you won't be allowed to borrow any of the books, but they do have a photocopier available!! Of course this does breach copyright, and I'm not encouraging you to be a naughty boy, but no one will stop you.... I know this from experience, as many moons ago I was in the same position and its exactly what I did. Though my assignment was on a different subject. Good luck with it mate. Sadly although I was accepted onto the course, the first year went well but I crashed and burned in the 2nd year, as I just couldn't devote the necessary amount of time required to keep up with it all. -
Perhaps another consideration if you're thinking of going down the "car derived van" route is the Vauxhall Corsavan. If you fancy treating yourself, try the Sportive model. 6 speed, air con, sports seats, alloys. Nippy, economical. Love mine. Cheaper than a VW. Because its not a VW!
If its not genuine Stihl, then best avoided. Crappy Chinese copies will only cost you more money, time & grief in the long run. Whilst I wasn't buying c/saw engines, just about every other Chinese copy Stihl part I bought during Stihls ridiculous & infuriating no online sales policy, I ended up having to replace again within wks/mths! Remember, BUY CHEAP, BUY TWICE! Stihl may have changed their policy now, but so have I. When your 361 dies, buy a Husqvarna. Thats what I've done, I replaced my dead 361 with a 560 XPG. The 361 was probably one of the best saws in its class at the time, but the Husky 560 is the mutts nuts!!
As others have already said. Your tree is a very nice example of a semi mature Monkey Puzzle. No work really necessary. As others have mentioned this species naturally causes itself to shed its lower limbs as it gradually grows taller. In the natural cycle, the limbs gradually brown off from the tips backwards towards the stem. If it looks too unsightly for you, you can cut them off at the stem, without causing any harm. And ditto, your mould is in fact a Lichen. Not a problem for the tree. Have you collected any of the seeds and considered propagating them?
If its the silvery/rainbow streaks on the bark, then tis nowt but the dried up slime of slugs and snails that come out of a night and crawl up and down the tree grazing the algae that grows on the barks surface! Or am I missing something else too?
So what you're saying is that the council have refused you planning permission for you to build your bungalow, because in a few years, maybe decades, down the road a possible future resident of the bungalow you intend build might (just might!) request to have the tree removed because it is now excessively shading the property you want to build!!!!!! That's bonkers. Is that the only issue, or has there been other concerns raised about your planning request. Rather than throwing away more money on more "consultants", you do have a right to appeal to a higher authority. You may find more info to help you in that process by following this link: Planning Portal - Appeals and other casework Personally IMHO the council would be better off letting you crack on with your build and worry about the request to fell the tree in another 50, 100 years time, if there is still a planet left to worry about the possibility of a tree maybe being felled or not.!!!!
If they're any help, permission granted.
If you agree to be my bitch, Dig, I might let you stroke it...
The perfect combination......? New Husky 560XPG married up with a Sugihara Pro bar and Stihl chain. Cos the 560 is a superb saw, but the husky bar & chain are pants.... Big thanks to Rob for supplying bar & chains. Excellent service Sir.
Hi Robert, Ahh. Yes, I can certainly see where you are coming from mate, regrettably I do have an unfortunate habit of coming across as sounding rather pompous and bombastic when trying to make a point. As I'm sure anyone who has worked with me could probably testify. An annoying trait that's dogged me for most of my adult life. Maybe its some sort of Tourettes, like "twatish syndrome" ? So sorry you're also not going to like my most recent post in reply to eagleye's advice. As its in the same vein, so I've a feeling you're gonna feel lectured again. Ooops! Inside my head it sounds like a casual conversation over a brew stood about in a yard somewhere. But then between brain and mouth and hand, it tends to come out as twatish! If I have unintentionally offended you, then I offer you my unreserved apologies, as it was certainly not my intention to do so. All the best, Rick
My apologies if my post sounded overly patronising, but I stand by what I say. The OP was dead wrong in his lame excuse of being ignorant of what the law of lands says on this (towing) issue. And in MHO got of lightly with a fixed penalty. He should have known better, and he should attempt to re-acquaint himself with what he can and cannot do when out driving a large vehicle and towing before he gets himself into more grief which could also have dire unforeseen consequences. You only have to read the current thread here on AT posted by Forest Gough and the unimaginable devastation that his family has recently suffered as the result of a road traffic collision. It not just a work van & chipper the OP is driving for his business, loaded or not it is a potential WMD, a guided missile weighing a few tons. And if the OP does not fully understand what he can or cannot do to operate safely on the public highway then he really shouldn't be there! Period. A fact that even seems to have completely gone over the OP's head, given that he came on here questioning the police officers interpretation of the law and seeking advice as to wether or not he could have the FP overturned in court! Perhaps if the OP had read Forests' post. He might have sat and thought for just a moment about the reasons why you are not allowed to tow in the middle lane. About the consequences if something had gone wrong, and the impact that could have had on him, his family as well as other innocent road users and theirs. If he had then come on to this site and post a heads up warning and acknowledged the error of his ways with a suitably contrite attitude, then I would have been less judgemental. So yeah, my post might have been a bit preachy, over bearing, patronising even. But the OP started this topic feeling unjustly persecuted and treated the law, which he didn't believe existed, as a bit of a joke. So I'll stand by my stance and continue to stick my neck out. Thanks though. Stay safe "eagleye", all the best. Oh, and keep one of them eyes on the road ahead mate, loadsa muppets out there everyday who don't know how to drive properly......!
Stihl MS024AV, which like Andrew Gale's saw, is similarly stamped "MADE IN WEST GERMANY"
No ifs, no buts, no vehicle of any description is permitted to use the third lane when towing. Be it a M or A road, and it never has been! The only exception to this would be if there has been an accident or road works occupying lanes 1 and 2 and you have been directed to lane 3 for safety reasons. The rule does not apply to dual lane M & A roads. I don't know how long it is since you passed your driving test, but I find you're ignorance in this matter quite staggering. Whilst you are not expected to know every UK Road Traffic Law chapter & verse, it is your responsibility to have a basic understanding of what you can & cannot do in relation to the vehicle you are driving at the time. Suggest that if you haven't already done so, get thee to a shop and buy a current copy of The Highway Code and revise what your responsibilities are when out on the open road. Far too many people these days seem to think that once they get their driving licence they can throw the rule book away and do as they damn well please!
Hey up Greg, long time no see. Hope your keeping well. Aye, got the 560 this week. Gotta say mate its luuuuverly. I'm glad I went for this over another Stihl. Well worth a consideration IMHO.
Hi All, Just wanted to give you all a heads up that I have recently received a phishing email purporting to be from HMRC telling me that I'm entitled to a tax rebate. (ha, yeah right, if only.... ) Body of the text goes:- Tax Return Notification Dear taxpayer, I am sending this e-mail to announce you: After the last annual calculation of your fiscal activity we have determined the you are eligible to receive a tax refund of : 247.29 GBP In order for us to return the excess payment, you need to send a request to HM Revenue & Customs after which the fund will be credited to your specified bank account. Please click "Get Started" below to claime your refund: This is a definite scam, the link within the email is flagged up as a phishing site by my AV software (Kapersky). HMRC advise is to report it to them, send them a copy of email then delete it. Details on HMRC website here: HM Revenue & Customs: Recognising and reporting phishing emails So if you get one.... report it and delete it. Stay safe.