The filter on the 501SX is a perfectly good filter.
I had Two of them, just met a man I never seen for Eighteen months,
and recently acquired another one.
Dust does get in the carb box, if you find a way of blocking the hole where
the idle is adjusted through, you will have way less dust.
The other thing I noticed, one of mine came with the filter not seated,
there is a rubber ring on the collar of the inlet where the filter sits over,
I put vaseline on this, now when the filter is sat down, it slips over
the rubber ring and seals, before this, the plastic of the filter would
GRIP on the dry ring, and not go down, this resulted in the top cover pushing
the filter down and pressing it little out of shape, this out of shape can open the joint between the two halves of the filter, then dust gets in, and when you loosen the top cover the filter springs into shape again, so no gap to be
Get a piece of filter foam and cut it so it cant slide back forth up or down
and lay it inside the airbox, you can soak it in oil first and squeeze it out
before fitting, these filter are no problem at all.
@Saw Troll
The Echo will outlast the 550xp.
To me they are saw for different purposes.
If I was working in the wood, or getting paid for commercial work,
I would take the 550xp, its nimbler, revs quicker and higher, thus I
would get more done and get paid more.
For me that cuts firewood mostly, the Echo is a better saw,
I do not get paid for cutting my own firewood, so the slight edge
in cutting speed most due to the rev boost is not important,
whether you think so or not, high revs like that are not good for
an engine, heat and shorter life are usually the result, ok if your paid
as you can move on to another saw, but the fire wood cutter cant
afford that, for he is not getting paid and it would make his wood
a great deal more expensive, same if he has to take the AT controlled
saw in for repair, it costs him, where he can probably sort a non AT or
MT saw on his own time.
Standing in the one spot sawing log after log for hours at a time
really works a saw, the Echo in my opinion will hold up better,
look on other forums that mod saws, the Echo cylinder and the
rest of the saw get mentioned for their outstanding finish and
the materials used.
They knew Fifty years ago that two rings on a piston transfered more
heat away from the piston, so who does Husqvarna put one in the 550xp,
they can't be that stuck for cash, they did put two rings on some piston,
those saws simply lasted too long.
Also, the fire wood cutter needs a saw that he can keep right, give me the
tools to do this with the Husqvarna and I will buy one, till then, unless I
was being paid well, I will stay well clear of AT or MT.
Am I here to bash a brand, not a hope, as said, I would gladly buy the
newer tech if I were getting paid well enough to replace it at sooner
intervals, I can't switch my head off and pretend there were no issues
with Husqvarna's AT, and indeed Stihl have had plenty of problems too.
Old reliable tech for me any day, electronic components have a short life
span, then one has to buy again, false economy.
Hope I have not offended anyone, this is why I like Echo, as opposed to
any saw that depends heavily on electronics.
OH, I have to get this in, the Echo's start when you need them, imagine that,
no cooling down, no altering springs in the carb,
no removing the primer bulb and joining the pipes,
no filing bits off choke flap, no computer required either,
and thats after a few fruitless trips to the dealer,
hows that for time lost instead of working.