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Everything posted by Johnsond

  1. Hi Andy looks tidy, far easier than pushing a chainsaw for sure. I take it you got the issues with the damage sorted then ??. My woodlands is now off its rails and I'm working on the installation of the indespension units. Hopefully get it up and running shortly but then I'm defo gonna need a way of loading stuff onto it. Seems that one job is leading to another at moment. Good to see you molly coddle the Jeep ??
  2. Shamina Begum wanting to get back to the UK What's people's thoughts on that situation ??
  3. Cheers for the info I'll probably just forget about it as it's more than likely gonna be more hassle than it's worth. Shame something useful can't come of it.
  4. Cheers Guys I tend to think it will be greenheart rather than oak as the beams are reclaimed from what looks to have been a harbour upgrade or demolition job. I've dealt with greenheart from this environment before and yeah it's a pig to cut and deal with. To be honest all we've ever done is scrap or burn it !!. The possibility of it being green oak ?? I asked guy twice what it was and I got the same reply as in Greenheart Oak !!.
  5. Quick query ref some ads on Ebay, couple of ads for greenheart oak reclaimed beams. Are these guys selling mistaken ?? as I understood it greenheart is greenheart and oak is oak ie totally different species. Cheers
  6. Some decent flat spots for sure. Id guess they were knackered which is a shame as he was a contract hauler for the quarry, short trip so only £60 in it for him. Mind you he walked away from it so compared to some other examples he was lucky.
  7. Tipper driver dropping some granite chips pulled forward with the body up contacting the lines on some wooden poles. Not sure of the voltage but the dark patches you see on the pic is where the rear wheels were arcing to the ground ie as in up in flames ? hence the soot deposits !! The noise too was like something from an old Frankenstein movie Certainly gives you a bit of respect for the old electric. Driver was fine stayed in cab and backed away from lines. Mind you I wouldn't want to be going too far on them rear tyres
  8. Not mine unfortunately, mates latest purchase ex utility pole auger/crane job down in Wales I'm sure if the guys who used it today are on the site they will recognise the pics. Apparently needs a bit of work but certainly a nice bit of kit
  9. No it wasn't Mark 2 it was a link to a an issue with a guy you have slated on another topic elsewhere on this site. my imagination played no part in it. Shame because this side of the forum is a great way to gather info. Political bullshit is best kept where it currently is in the Lounge
  10. Good to have input but why the political link to a brexit issue ie the opportunity to knock a boris decision. As it happens getting rid of the material at the base of the pile would be standard practice. Actually I should not be even responding to this as if you wanted to drag politics into the conversation there are other ongoing posts on this forum covering such items.
  11. Hi Battery was supplied although site stated it would not be hence I'd ordered one. Laughed when I turned key ready to use pull start and the starter motor engages ?? hey ho looks like the mower will get a fresh battery this spring. The building and setting up was fine apart from the methodology for tensioning the drive belt which is definitely open for improvement I'd say. I've a box of the ripper 37s ready to use once the original blade is done.
  12. Hi Agrimog Thanks for the comments. Steel is actually 120x60x5mm ? so hopefully more than man enough to do what it needs to. All the M18 bolt heads are welded in place and rails sit on nylocks and washers for now. I may well mail them as you say as that was a total pain to align motor. I intend to make something up to be able to level stuff-up for sure but am not quite sure what route I’ll take. Yeah I agree the woodlands trailer is a smart bit of kit for sure but a bit too much spends right now. Got a couple of ideas ref the axles etc and getting logs on but it can wait. Bit nippy anyway at the minute for fab work outside cheers
  13. Managed to get saw build completed today. Spent a lot of time making sure everything was square and set up as per book and online advice ie you tube. Had a nightmare with adjusting drive belt tension as as soon as I tried to set it the motor pulled off at an angle. In the past I've always altered positions or tensioned the belts on a stationary engine with at least a pair of bolts to push the motor square. I ended up making up two adjusters at opposing corners to make sure I could get the clutch square with the two band wheels as opposed to measuring from the engine mount plate etc. Proper pain in the arse but it worked out better in the long run. At some point I will remove the motor and weld two permanent adjusters in place. Anyway on a positive note the first few practice cuts on some pieces that will be used as saw horses went well and saw was cutting square so pretty much happy with that side of things. Base frame is completed and just needs painting. I'll lower the rails a bit yet to minimise potential of damage to the bolts holding it. The frame is keeping everything square and level over the full bed length and proved very easy to level up. Contrary to what website said it did come with a battery !!!! Ive now got a spare !!!
  14. WTF poss a shortage of fresh tulips
  15. Got this pic off a Trailer for sale on gumtree Inverness. Quite like the boarded floor look
  16. Do I think it will change much err no not really not in the short term but it's now out there and people are talking about it. There's nothing I need to know about being flexible and self employed/subcontracting vesp ive done it since I came out the army in 1990 and managed to pay my way to pay the mortgage and never once claim a penny from the state, I'd class myself as reasonably savvy in the ways of this game but I've been burnt and found my back to the wall with no slush fund. Shit does happen in life unfortunately and the reaction of that guy whilst wrong can be half understood. What is bollocks is how easy guys can fold up firms owing a fortune and start again virtually the next day
  17. Come on vesp you are getting a wee bit excited there I would hazard a guess and say most members of the public are not looking at a building site and thinking there are hoards of criminally insane lunatics waiting to come flying out tooled up with a mini digger intent on wreaking havoc. Jokes aside yes he went too far but the issue of non payment to subbies is something that needs looking at. Sometimes it's not always possible to amass a slush fund or be as fiscally responsible as one would wish especially if you are self employed.
  18. Sturgeon !! Yeah that would be one for the team for sure. You'd have to man up and brass that one out
  19. No ex army though and we have standards
  20. A tad harsh there Vesp !!. Whilst I agree you can't just go crazy every time that you don't get your own way and in no way to I condone wanton vandalism. I'm not sure if Joe public is aware of how much of that sort of thing goes on ie contractors nailing subbies, that's what needs sorting out, the amount of people taking a cut at different levels is mental. Ground level self employed guy has virtually no rights or leverage. I've been there myself. Yes he probs went too far but he has brought the whole topic into the public eye big time. 5 years is a lot nowadays when you see the piss poor sentencing that occurs so often for far worse crimes.
  21. Would any of this have happened if he had been paid ??? £600 can make the difference between paying your mortgage and putting food on the table for your family. I would tend to think the contractor whom didn't pay him has had some questions to answer to travelodge!!.
  22. I've used old scaffolding boards in the past, handy as if you bust one it's an easy replacement. Quite like the old school look too. Buffalo board like others have said. Any big civil Engineering concreting jobs going on near you ?? as it's often used for shuttering and then dumped.
  23. Agreed I was bumped as a subbie for 10 grand a few years ago, news that I wasn't gonna get paid was given by phone on the evening of the 23rd of Dec whilst I was driving to Dublin to catch the ferry home. Xmas eve was spent driving from Holyhead to Aberdeen thinking how I was gonna get through the so called festive period. Credit card Xmas was what it turned out to be. Biggest kick in the balls is the individual whom was responsible wound up one firm and started another basically straight away and got away with it Scot free. So regarding Vesps comment if he was the judge etc etc and small claims courts it's difficult to comment or pass judgement unless you know all the facts. Me personally I say good luck to him and as like others have said if one good thing is to come out of the whole event it is that it publicises the fact that this bullshit is so prevalent in many industries ie subbies getting treat like shit.


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