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Everything posted by Johnsond

  1. Commercial grade UHF radios available nowadays are more than capable of lasting a whole shift ie 12hrs and are IP rated so weather is no issue. Most are available with headsets/boom mic built into ear defenders too as opposed to just speaking into a mic for people in high noise areas. Make we use the most is Motorola, not cheap but absolutely bulletproof. The best option may be ex hire stuff as they are often upgrading to new kit and selling the old stuff.
  2. Some nice upgrades, Auto lock for the mill head height adjustment would be a nice if retrofittable. The limit i find with a standard 130 is not the size of the mill but the ability to move the logs once on. Maybe some form of log handling/loading options might not be a bad idea but I guess all of a sudden the whole budget mill concept is then priced out of the equation.
  3. I’m afraid it’s far from nonsense. I can assure you I can afford one if I wanted one but after spending plenty of time behind the wheel of Land Rovers whilst in the forces and owning an ex welsh water 110 plus most recently seeing first hand the experiences of friends/workmates with Range Rovers and Discoveries you could not pay me to own one. Mind you I’m 6ft 5”so not really much room in defenders for me. Can’t deny that the RR/Disco are not amazing motors when running but the bills that can come with them are crazy. I’ve just asked one of the guys for evidence of what’s been done to his Disco 4 after 10 weeks in the main dealer. On the other end of the scale I ran a 2003 patrol from 13000 miles up to 157000 without a single glitch and it was still on original clutch when sold. just added part of the bill off the Disco 4 I mentioned, 17 plate with 45k on the clock, total amount was not far shy of 20 grand. And that’s not jackanory type stuff. I’ve left off the owners address and vehicle details out of curtesy.
  4. Hi Mark What set up did you end up going with in regards the ramp and winch etc.
  5. Not a cheap tool for sure, but I looked for ages for a used one and the costs for those were what ended up convincing me to go new. End of the day I reckon/hope at least 50-60% of the value will be retained if it’s kept in good order.
  6. Hi Andy Makita 7104 110V yeah it does a cracking clean cut. Very flattering. We had set out everything previously and marked the position of all steel below the top beam but to be honest I was so focused on using the tool I had a total brain fart ref what was marked up. Missed the threaded rod more by luck than anything else ??. Chains for it are super pricey so very lucky really. Today was only a play with it sort of day and probs a bit over the top for a bit of fence but it looked tidy once done and the lads mrs was well chuffed so happy days. All the timber with the exception of the top beams was milled and dressed by us which in a way is quite satisfying.
  7. The result of bottom end failure on a workmates Range Rover.
  8. First time out with Chain Morticer, thought we would do something easy to get a feel for it. Lucky not to trash a bloody expensive chain ?.
  9. You got the winch set up on ??
  10. Cheers J To tell truth it’s at the bloody hard work to mill stage now. Probs gonna mill it up to like you say the standard easy to use and produce sizes with maybe a couple of larger ones and see what comes from that.
  11. Lol thats my kind of stuff ??
  12. Any images of the sort of tables you mention??, I’m no carpenter so it would need to be simple stuff ?. My woodwork tends to be of the rustic or chunky robust style.
  13. Cheers for the reply Matty No me neither ref trying to make money from it, just I’m sat with these logs now and rather than cut and store random sizes for possible later use I’d rather get something out of it. My line of thought ref oddball sizes was the others ie 4x2 etc are all easy available off the shelf so to speak as opposed to 4x8 or 8x8 ?‍♂️?‍♂️. Who knows !!. Might stick an add on gumtree and see what response I get.
  14. Hi All Quick question ref some excess timber I’ve left over. I bought 25t of Douglas Fir saw logs for a project and have about 30% left over all oversize up to 42inch diameter, looking for the best options in regard to milling this up and seeing what I can get for it. Some of these logs will easy produce several 6x6 or 8x8 beams or alternatively even bigger if going for a single heart centred beam from each log. All logs are min 4.8m long. Big J hopefully you read this, I was gonna PM you regarding the above question but thought I’d throw it out into the open.
  15. Totally agree with everything you say. Advice given politely costs nothing and decent manners are likewise free. No offence meant in regards the comments in the last part of my initial post about yourself and any guidance you offered.
  16. Good luck Carrie with whatever option you go for. Hopefully you get some return for the timber.
  17. Well Conor it wasn’t quite like that was it. The woman came looking for advice or an option to solve her problem based on something she had been told, that information may have been incorrect but I’m sure she’s well informed now to say least. Each to their own but I guess it’s not how I would have put it across.
  18. Quite easy to get the point across without resorting to hitting the send button and insulting people, ie like Jonny managed in his post !. I’m sure by now the woman has realised that the advice she received from the sawmill is probably incorrect to say the least.
  19. Pray tell !! I find them not to give a fuck win or lose and their pockets are better filled with our tax money than mine are with my own. If a case runs for years they don’t care one little bit.
  20. What would be interesting is a set of statistics to show what the actual effect in reality it would have on monies taken in by HMRC if it was a flat rate for all. Be nice to see some of the tax inspection guys having to work in the real world. I’d imagine the savings from streamlining the HMRC would be considerable if all those confusing layers of bollocks were stripped away.
  21. No indeed life will need be fair but as long as people buy into this perception that it’s ok to tax the rich ( Rich as in 40/41% tax payers) heavily then the chance of getting yourself up and into a comfortable position is very slim. The system is geared to keeping things as they are, I’m not sure what you mean ref a balancing mechanism but surely they best way to offer an equal chance to all is to give everyone the same playing field ie you work hard you pay tax at 25% into the system. You work a bit harder you still pay more of the same !!! Rather than getting penalised for trying to get on in life. As much as many may love to see the so called rich getting bumped for tax in reality it’s an illusion that will only serve to keep joe average working guy in his place.
  22. Raising kids, paying a mortgage, everyday bills and taxes , trying and failing right now I may add to put enough away for the time when I may not be able to work !! The pension time bomb that is awaiting millions etc etc means that 43350 as a gross before tax figure is not that much to classify you as rich, it is as Andy says a political decision by some to label those who want to get on in life as something they are not in order to pander to a perceived larger voter base. I’ve read some of your posts and acknowledge that sometimes money is not the be all and end all of everything but unfortunately in the current world we live in without it you are gonna struggle. Am I doing the right thing being on the treadmill, spending months away from my family etc etc I often think not but until I can come up with a solution that is not going to affect them dramatically then I’m stuck with it. Me personally ref the tax I’ve no probs paying into the system but as I’ve said before I believe it should be massively simplified in as much as 25% for all after a set figure of tax free earnings. To me that would hugely encourage the work and enterprise mentality.
  23. The principle is what is relevant, if I owe money I owe money be it £10 or £1000. The obligation to pay is no different regardless of the amount. All this is just greed and envy politics. As was quoted before one persons idea of rich is very different to another’s ie that greedy little incompetent bugger Mackay masquerading as the SNP finance minister claims if you earn over £43350 you are rich !!!!! That figure in my eyes certainly does not even begin to make you rich.
  24. Be careful with the lifting regs if you go down the route of man riding baskets. Worth Looking into as the restrictions and additional hoops to jump through are quite substantial.


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