Turned 53 in October past and been pretty hard on my body most of my life.
Have ridden and raced motorcycles since my mid teens, mostly tarmac now but raced motocross when I was younger. Back then Irish championship was 40mins + 2 laps and that was wrestling 500 Maicos and such like around, I've crashed bikes just about every way possible and got some serious beatings.
Working life hasn't been much easier, working on farms doing all sorts, crushed with cattle, out in all weathers and at all hours, got some serious soakings and founderings, have suffered from just about every disease that can be transmitted from animals to humans, salmonella, lepto, ringworm, had an attack of farmers lung one winter which nearly killed me. Then after I bought my own place, to help make ends meet I done a bit of contracting along with the farming, road work, landscaping, water mains, building sites, whatever, and that was another foundering session.
Anyway, the past 10 years or so things started to get really bad and I found myself reaching for the painkillers on a more regular basis, but of-course didn't realise it at the time. Then things came to a head about 4 years ago, firstly blood pressure went through the roof (headaches, real bad dizziness, sickness) and while that was going on had an attack of sciatica for the first time which just crippled me. Anyway all of this forced me to the GP, medication for stress and high blood pressure, painkillers and steroids for the sciatica, all of which to be fair I DID actually need and helped no end. It was only when I was getting back on my feet again and the main issue became the side effects of the medication that it dawned on me what was happening. I asked the doc what the drill was for stopping all "this stuff" and he just casually said "oh no, you're on all of this for life" and it was only then I caught on where I was heading.
So I weaned myself off the medication to see what would happen and actually it was OK. Looked in to the "worn body" thing in a bit of detail and the medical opinion is basically that if you've taken a lot out of yourself then the damage is done and you take medication the rest of your life to mask it. Against that, a good friend of mine is in to martial arts, exercise, herbal stuff and all that and he told me NOT to slow down. If you've been active all your life, stay active, maybe decrease the stress, the weight of the things you lift or whatever but stay active.
So that's what I do, keep busy and on the go. The medical people will tell you if you try to do something and it hurts, stop. This is bollocks, it could also be telling you that you need to be doing it more often to keep yourself flexible. I'm not getting any younger and I can't help that but I'm not much worse than maybe 10 years ago and certainly better than 4 or 5 years ago, and no medication. With the exception of the odd twinge the sciatica hasn't returned as yet and I was told it would trouble me the rest of my life. The worst thing for me is a day in the workshop stationary, so I break it up a couple of times by doing something else for 10 or 15 minutes. Change certainly, but don't slow down or stop and either stay of the medication or seek to use it as little as possible.
Hope this helps.