I went down this route 6 yrs ago, it can be a massive saving compared to buying in logs, all depending on the price you can get it delivered in for, but you do need a lot of space, and a fair amount of time to dedicate to it, I reckon I spend about 6 weeks a year on firewood.
Think about getting a small old tractor sooner rather than later, it'll run a splitter, and a power loader will make the job a whole lot easier, my Ford 3000 rig was cheaper than a new stand alone splitter.
Build a massive wood store, enough to store 45 cube (about one artic load). I've tried using vented bags stacked 3 high in a pyramid covered with tarp, got full of rats so all the wood in the bottom/centre of pile was covered in **** and stinks of ratpiss, some of the bottom bags rotted (and they were on pallets) ended up jetwashing logs and re-stacking in a shed for 6 months just to try and get rid of it. I'm building my 4th woodstore this year so I don't have to use vented bags again, a 10ft lean to each side of a 20ft container I use as a workshop, this in addition to the c.18 cube stores I have already.
Don't buy in softwood, it's just not worth it in terms of processing and storage (softwood uses twice the space/processing for the same calorific value as hardwood), you can't leave it in a stack in the open for long before it'll start rotting, it's only just about worth processing it if it's free. I'm sure pros/people on here will disagree as they can sell it, YMMV! I've just got through 50 cube of willow I got "free" (free is a relative term by the time the log hits the logbburner ) no way would I pay to go though that again
It saves some cash, it's rewarding work, but after 6 years of waking up to freezing cold house in winter, we're planning to have undefloor heating fitted (open loop geothermal via boreholes) so the logburners will be more of an occasional thing rather than a chore. I'd still have woodburners tho, can't beat a real fire, and the resiliance factor considering gov energy policy is a real benefit for piece of mind IMO.
Good luck!