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Everything posted by Spinner

  1. We (Riko) were importing them for years but decided to stop importing directly when the factory decided to appoint Kirkland UK as a 'specialist' importer for the fruit farming /vineyard market. After a year we got totaly fed up with there customers askingcus to sort out there mistakes! Factory would not do anything about it so we voted with our feet! Johnathan Laytham does not import Antonio Carraro tractors, he just buys the odd one from Kirkland and then tries to sell them on Ebay. Same as he does with loads of products and often likes to give the impression he is the importer for. A visit to his premises would no doubt give you a better idea. Nb. We still sell used ones and still have a parts account and woukd like to know who told you you can't get parts for the one you have. I have never not been able to get parts for old models. But I guess there can always be a 1st time. Please visit the Riko uk web site and send us an email with the model number, the serial number, and what you are after. We will email you relevant pages from the B2B system so you can check we are offering the parts you want. Rgds, Stephen Cabrol. Riko UK Ltd.
  2. Hi Bogieman, saw you post re WP36 gearbox. Sorry we have been so hard to get hold of. It does not help you but our parts chap got head hunted and we have not been able find a worthwhile replacement. Still interviewing etc, it's really frustrating to let people down and we are trying our best to get back to everyone asap. But truth is we are struggling.  I did speak to Pete at Strathbogie forest & garden about this gearbox so I don't know why he has not got back to you. I explained we have never split a gearbox and Farmi's answer was to fit a new gearbox. We have them on the shelf but I appreciate you may want to save some loot and try and repair the old box.  Rgds, Stephen Cabrol. Riko UK Ltd.

    1. Bogieman


      Hi Stephen, 

      Yes, I was aware that you were having some staffing problems.

      Pete and Bob at Strathbogie have been doing their best to help, in fact the gearbox and pump is with them just now. Fitting a new gearbox would be a solution, albeit an expensive and unnecessary one as we can easily fit new bearings, they're simply standard open ballraces, but the major problem at the moment is the fact that we can't separate the pump from the box.The hollow splined shaft which takes the drive from the gearbox to the pump has been machined down at both ends to fit inside the bearings, and is attached at the pump end by an internal bolt. So far it has proved to be impossible to find a socket with a thin enough wall to fit inside the shaft and loosen this nut. Strathbogie don't have one, and neither do I. They have been in touch with the pump manufacturers to see if they have any suggestions. No doubt Special Tool No. abcxyz999!

      They have done this job on previous occasions, but have never come across this problem before, the shaft has always been free to move, not bolted in place. Turning down a splined shaft to fit into a ballrace seems an odd engineering practice, why not use either bearings that fit the shaft or a shaft that fits the bearings in the first place? It almost seems as though they just use whatever happened to be on the parts shelf at the time, so that no two machines are necessarily the same.  Shades of old Massey combines!

      Once the box was split, incidentally, it became obvious why the bearing had gone.  No oil!! The machine is about 3 years old, and I must admit I've never checked the gearbox oil level. Presumably it was full when new, otherwise we'd have been at this stage a long time ago. I never saw any sign of oil leakage, but there is a theory about where it went. The oil level plug on the side of the box doubles up as the breather, so is it possible that the oil, when hot, exited via the breather? It could have done so very gradually over the years and mingled unnoticed with the sawdust. At any rate the box will be getting refitted with the filler and breather plugs swapped over, and the level checked on a regular basis.

      Hopefully back in production shortly.

    2. Spinner


      The pump is held onto the box by four bolts. The pump shoukd then just pull off.  The tapered pump shaft has a male spline coupling that is held pn by a 8mm(?) Nut and tab washer.  This male spline slides into a femail spline in the gearbox. It sounds like you have been unable to pull the pump off the gearbox because the male spline coupling is solid inside the femai coupling? And you are now trying to undo the 8mm nut though the femail spline, from the inside face of the gearbox? 

      I cant see how it could run for 3 years with no oil, but.....

      Can you email [email protected] with a couple of pictures of the inside of the box to show lack of oiL.  Please state serial number. I will forward to Farmi to see if they will supply a gearbox FOC. Its worth a try, you never know.


      Nb. Please don't reply to me via arbtalk as I find it all but impossible to use, hence not beeing aware of your post.  I think the new arbtalk layout stinks and is far from user friendly compared to its old user friendly workings.

  3. I think the Bank holiday sun must have frazzled my brain as I posted a reply on my profile rather than the thread! Here it is in its full glory: Good morning all, a beautiful sunny bank holiday down here on the Surrey Hampshire boarders. I would rather be out in the sunshine with a nice cold beer but instead I bam in the office trying to get organised for the ARB show! And due to the response from my post I thought I had better crunch some numbers and post a reply to hopefully cover all the posts. My original design of the Riko fast Tow trailer was pre-2009 and over the years it has evolved somewhat. The original concept was for a 3500Kg gross weight road going trailer that could carry a small tractor to site. Unload the tractor, remove the 4-piece floor sections, drop in the bolsters and trundle off along the woodland / forest tracks to extract timber. The basic principle is the same now as then, the bed and crane all hydraulically slide back and forth so you can keep the axles and nose weight correct for safe and easy towing. It used ‘over-run’ drum braked stub axles on a traditional style timber trailer axle, this allowed the hitch height on the towing vehicle to vary without changing the load on the axles or the hitch. We sold a couple each year but to be honest it was pain in the arse as the design meant it was a very complicated and drawn out build and low demand prevented any volume production with related savings on build cost. It soon became apparent that the main demand was for road use in the ARB and Council sector with pretty much all road use. I therefore changed the design so a more traditional flatbed version with twin beam axles on a central rocking ‘shoe’. This axle design maintains all the benefits of the first design but reduces the overall bed height. It is still quite a complicated and drawn out build and low demand still prevents any volume production with related savings on build cost. Labour costs etc have rocketed over the past 8-9 years, as has the amount of legislation such as IVA! End result is the retail price has continued to climb at an alarming rate. This build is a ‘full specification’ and has our latest crane so I won’t know the true load capacity until the Arb show but it should be around 2000Kg. This full spec build tops out at £16,900 + vat. We can build smaller versions which increases the load capacity slightly and drops the price very slightly. We can also build a 10ft long X 5ft / 6ft wide version without the hydraulic sliding chassis. This reduces the price more but this means you cannot control the weight distribution of the load in relation to the axles and hitch. You therefore put yourself at the mercy of the old bill and VOSA. But more importantly, if you are unfortunate enough to have an accident, you run the risk of prosecution for incorrect / overweight axle / hitch loads. Or worse still your insurance company using that as a reason to not pay out. NB. Yes we will be at the 2018 APF show, as we have been for God knows how many years. Demo route, stand 40-80, same location as previous years at Ragley.
  4. Riko will be exhibiting our latest RUFT3500, Fast Tow trailer at the ARB show at Westonbirt on the 11th & 12th May. The trailer has agross weight of 3500Kg and has full UK IVA approval. It is fitted with a 4.7 meter reach crane with rotator and timber grab. All powered by a built in Honda powered hydraulic power pack. The RUFT3500 has a unique hydraulic moving bed / chassis that allows you to move the load / axles to ensure you have the correct axle and nose weights for towing. Hope to see you at the Arb show.
  5. Saelen MV Viper chipper shredder for sale. £6,500 + vat. 2005-6, 39hp Lombardini diesel, 4 knives & 14 hammers, 140-160mm capacity, 25m3 per hour. Hydraulic conveyor infeed and hydraulic infeed roller. Road tow fully braked road chassis. Weighs 1600Kg. This machine has only done under 340 hours work. Very quiet to use as the engine is fully enclosed and the covers are lined with sound deadening material. The machine is supplied in full working order with operators manual, parts manual, engine manual, CE certificate etc. Saelen Chippers and Shredders are now owned by TS Industries in Germany and part etc are available worldwide including the UK from PSD Groundcare UK in Lancashire. Vist the used equipment section on the Riko web site for full details etc.
  6. Hi Steve,  I have been trying to contact you via email but not had a reply or read receipt.  Can you give me a call please. Regards, Stephen Cabrol. Riko UK Ltd.

  7. Diesel or petrol there is still pollution. One day we are told to buy diesel the next is go back to petrol. Many years back when diesel was cheap you would struggle to buy a diesel powered commercial vehicle under 3500kg gross. Now it's the other way round. I know a few people that have bought a big American petrol truck and run them on gass. Pull anything and cheap to run and look after etc. What i would say is that all modern diesels are getting so complicated, and reliant on computer management, they are becoming impossible to maintain yourself, or awa from a main dealert. And if a diesel engine gets a fault out of warranty then inevitably it wil cost a fortune to fix. With a petrol engine you still stand a chance. Diesel fuel is bound to keep increasing in price and even now it's getting debatable if a diesel powered machine, or vehicle, is actually cheaper to buy / run / maintain in the long term. Diesel engines are also getting so expensive to build they can often be the most expensive part of a machine. I would not be surprised if we start to see more manufactures of machinery, and maybe commercial vehicles, starting to offer petrol engines again. As for electric, well great let's all go electric, but ask yourself how the heck will they produce that electric power, never mind distribute it though a power grid that is already struggling.
  8. Sounds like it's time for you to stop putting your career in in other people's hands, grabb the bull by the horns and set up on your own. I have yet to hear of anyone binning themselves!
  9. Done, and well done for making people aware of the petition.:* Like him or loath him, agree or disagree with him, agree or disagree withe the USA electoral system. All irrelevant. He was elected by the democratic process that the USA has in place. If people want to voice their opinion for, or against him, or about his polices, then they should use the opportunity of his visit to do just that. And respect the sacrifice that people made to allow us this freedom of speech & freedom to have an opinion, however outrageous that opinion may seem. If people are not prepared to get off their back sides a go and voice their opinions then I wish they would 'zip it', as there is nothing worse than an armchair activist.
  10. Hi there, Message from Carraro UK - Riko UK. Even with a warn gaiter I would not expect oil to come there. So it is more likely the transmission has been overfilled and even possibly with the wrong oil. Equally possible is if they have fed a hydraulic return into the transmission and it is a cavitation issue. Problem is that different models of Carraro have the hydraulic oil reservoir in a different location. Some are rear axle and some are front axle. If you can tell me the tractor model and location of the tractor I may well be able to shed more light on the problem. If you can get me the chassis number, then I should be able to give you the history of the tractor. If its one you are looking to buy I will happily give you a valuation and let you know about parts availability etc. I am on Holiday tomorrow and back 1st March so best bet is to email [email protected] and copy to [email protected] . We can then email you drawings etc. if required.
  11. Hi Sam, Yes we can supply a Farmi timber deck or our own one. The Farmi timber deck is quite basic as its just a box section frame that slopes down to the processor. However, at £1250 + delivery and vat I feel they are a bit expensive for what they are. I can offer one at £1100 + vat delivered as a flat pack kit. If you are looking for something better, we can offer our COLNCC4/150 that has a hydraulic chain feed from back to front and then hydraulic roller feed across the front. Standard one is 4 meters long and 1.5 meters wide. It has an option of wheels and tow bar. Retail is £4,8000 + vat but with a new processor It would be a better price as it would be part of a package.
  12. The Farmi WP36 processors just keep growing in popularity. We have just received our 2nd delivery of 10 machines in the last 2 months. The latest news is the WP36 is now available with 10 ton splitting force or the original 8 ton splitting force. Overall dimensions etc. of the machine remains the same and we have already built the first stock units of the road tow version with the full IVA approval. There are limited supplies of the first of the new 10 ton models so order your WP36TR-10 or WP36TR-IVA-10 soon.
  13. The Farmi WP36 processors just keep growing in popularity. We have just received our 2nd delivery of 10 machines in the last 2 months. The latest news is the WP36 is now available with 10 ton splitting force or the original 8 ton splitting force. Overall dimensions etc. of the machine remains the same and we have already built the first stock units of the road tow version with the full IVA approval. There are limited supplies of the first of the new 10 ton models so order your WP36TR-10 or WP36TR-IVA-10 soon.
  14. The Farmi WP36 processors just keep growing in popularity. We have just received our 2nd delivery of 10 machines in the last 2 months. The latest news is the WP36 is now available with 10 ton splitting force or the original 8 ton splitting force. Overall dimensions etc. of the machine remains the same and we have already built the first stock units of the road tow version with the full IVA approval. There are limited supplies of the first of the new 10 ton models so order your WP36TR-10 or WP36TR-IVA-10 soon.
  15. Pleased to say our first container load of Split-Fire log splitters has literally just turned up from Canada. It’s been a push but we will have a couple on display at the Arbshow, Westonbirt Arboretum, GL8 8QS. 3rd & 4th June. Riko UK Stand A12.
  16. Pleased to say our first container load of Split-Fire log splitters has literally just turned up from Canada. It’s been a push but we will have a couple on display at the Arbshow, Westonbirt Arboretum, GL8 8QS. 3rd & 4th June. Riko UK Stand A12.
  17. Hi guys, picked up on the post re Farmi WP processor bars and as we are the uk distribitor i just wanted pass comment. The new bar was introduced by Farmi a wee while back. Truth is the first we knew was when the next shipment turned up. On a personal level I was happy with the old bar and top 'fillet' as generally the 'fillet' was in most cases a once a year replacement and I liked that owners could get an Oregon bar ( or similar) locally or direct from us rather than having to fit the new genuine 'Farmi' bar. Having said that i am not aware of receiving any direct complaints about the new bar wearing any quicker than the old and off the top of my head sales of new replacemnt bars are almost zero. If you own a Farmi WP30 or WP36 with the new black, one piece, bar I would be most greatfull if you could email us with feedback on how long your bar has lasted before you have had to 'dress' it etc. Please email us at [email protected] and if you don't mind title it 'Arbtalk WP bar'. Include your address & machine serial number in the message or your Riko account number & I will make sure you receive a little 'gift' from Riko / Farmi for your feedback. Regards. Stephen Cabrol. Riko UK Ltd.
  18. Come and see the East Of England Cutters and Climbers along with Riko UK at the forestry arena this weekend at the East Of England Game Fair. It is being held at the Norfolk Showground, NR5 0TP. Open 8AM to 6PM with free parking. We will have our new PRO33 Horizontal splitter on offer at £6,500 + Vat. Anew Combi Pro saw processor with 15 ton splitter on offer at £4,700 + vat. Along with a 3 ton forestry trailer and crane, 70HP Carraro Alpine tractor with 1.5mtr mulching flail and a selection of forestry & firewood machinery. Spend over £600 + vat with Riko Buy something from us and we will re-fund the cost of your tickets (maximum 2 adults one day)
  19. Just a short post about the Kinetic 8X8 mini forwarder we displayed at an event in North Yorkshire last month. The machine then went off to a show in the Czech republic and then back to the factory for demonstrations etc. We plan to have the machine back in the UK in May to June. If anyone is interested in a demonstration then please get in touch. Initial details are on our web site: https://www.riko-uk.com/product/85/440
  20. Just a short post about the Kinetic 8X8 mini forwarder we displayed at an event in North Yorkshire last month. The machine then went off to a show in the Czech republic and then back to the factory for demonstrations etc. We plan to have the machine back in the UK in May to June. If anyone is interested in a demonstration then please get in touch. Initial details are on our web site: https://www.riko-uk.com/product/85/440
  21. Interesting post re processor and comments about licence and insurance implications for road tow. It looks very much like a Chinese one I saw at Elmia in Sweden a few years ago. Looking at the way the draw bar just slots into the main frame and a few other things I cant believe it has European type approval for road use and should not be able to pass UK IVA approval in which case it cant be used on UK roads. 880lbs = 400Kg which is not a lot of metal for 12 ton splitting. Then there is the CE compliance to consider. I might be incorrect but its best for everyone concerned to be aware so seller or buyer can avoid getting there fingers burnt.
  22. Hi Brett, hope all is well. Interesting question and you've got me thinking! On the factory built forestry AGT's the front logging blade is operated by a ram that is above the arm / boom whereas on a loader the ram is under the boom. I guess you could make up a 2nd boom that could work a bit like a loader but as the ram is above the boom it means the chrome rod side of the ram will be creating the lift force so it would have pretty poor performance and most likely the lift height would only be say bonnet height. For years we have fitted front linkage where the two link arms 'slot in'. We make a log blade that fits onto the link arms or you can have a slightly more solid one that replaces the slot in linkage arms. The front linkage pivot set up is different to the factory made Forestry blade so gives more lifting power. We have just completed one so I will try and remember to post some pictures this week. We could make a simple pallet lift that could slot into the same place as the arms. It would be able to lift pallets OK as long as you realise the pallet will angle back the higher you lift. The price of a front linkage type logging blade & the 'pallet lift' would no doubt work out cheaper than a front loader. Trouble is that just as with a front loader on an Alpine the actual lift capacity is somewhat limited by the front axle being driver side of the engine. Hope that helps.
  23. What implement you have on the back can really affect how stable either an articulated or front steering Alpine tractor is. With a 35hp Alpine at 1.4m wide and a 1.35 flail sideshifted to the uphill side its just as stable as a front steer with same set up. On very steep side slopes i have always found a front steer crabs and strange as it may seem this can actually help as it means the tractor is pointing slightly more uphill. If you have something tall like a post banger then the centre of gravity is far higher and when driving an Artic down a slope & you turn across the slope then you are asking for trouble. Whatever make and type of steering you go for i am sure you will soon find out how much better an Alpine is than a normal compact. But at the end of the day any tool is only as good as the oppertor & their experience.
  24. I travel to many countries with my work and on many occasions at first glance it can seem that a particular country has so much more to offer than the UK or is so much cheaper to live in. And yes if you search the web for items in Europe or even non EU countries you can find many things are cheaper. At the same time you will also find the opposite. The biggest factor is exchange rates. Earlier this year £1 bought you €1.415 so that cracking looking house in Germany at €215K would have cost £152K. Currently the rate is £1=€1.263 so the house now costs £18K more. In late 2011 the rate was £1=€1.12 so the house at €215K would have cost £47K more. Or you could look at it and say its 30% cheaper to buy it now! But is the house owner in Germany saying the German economy is suffering deflation since 2011 because a UK chap can buy there house for 30% less than in 2011. No of course not. My point is that by being outside of the Euro the whole of the UK suffers huge swings in the cost of imports and equally exports. Its reasonable to say that at the moment as an importer we are benefiting. However the four years from 2009 to 2013 the rate varied between €1.02 and €1.14 and it had a devastating effect on companies that import from the Euro zone. Its easy to feel like you are being ripped off now but its wrong to take a snap shot view of things at any one given point in time. If your business is involved predominately with importing then you have to look at things over a much longer period than if your business UK & £ based only. There are companies that make hay whilst the sun shines and then vanish when things get tough. They leave customers in the lurch and treat staff like a disposable item. To me these companies are the low life scum of business. Whilst plenty of them have come and gone we are still here after 30+ years. I would like to think that very few, if any, of my customers feel we are 'ripping them off' at the moment. Equally I know my staff have secure jobs. I truly believe that if you look at true comparisons IE. between EU countries, taxes paid in that country, exchange rates over say 5 years etc. etc. In other words the full picture, you will find that overall it all pretty much balances out. My head office is in the South and the cheapest 2 bed flat within 15 miles is £95K. I have a depot up north and the cheapest 2 bed flat within 15 miles is £32K. So 66% cheaper to buy a place up north. However the wage difference is about 10%! Perhaps you don't have to look outside the country to find examples of 'Rip Off UK'. We keep being told we are parts of a Global Economy, that the world is a small place, that the European Union is here to make it all a level playing field! Really, wake up and smell the coffee! As they say, the grass always seems greener on the other side of the fence. Perhaps the reality is more along the lines of 'same s--t, different venue'! There is more to buying something than just price. Things like warranty and service and even supporting UK or local business and jobs. Hang on a minute, I import from foreign factories. So there you go, kettle calling the pot black! Lets face it, the whole thing is a buggers muddle. My advice? Don't always focus on price. Buy from people you like. Do business with people you like. Treat people the way you would like them to treat you. Oh, and stop searching the European web sites for cheep goods, I am trying to earn a living!
  25. Nice to see such positive comments about our AGT ‘Alpine tractors’. We also handle the Antonio Carraro which is certainly the worlds leading brand of Alpine type tractors. I am also very familiar with the BCS built machines as we handled the Pasquali along side AGT before swapping over from Pasquali to Antonio Carraro. I thought the following would be helpful for anyone considering an Alpine Tractor. The AGT835 is articulated steering and is our oldest model with many sold over the years. There was then a front steering model called the AGT835T. Both these models have a somewhat ‘different’ gearbox layout as it’s in the front half rather than the back half. This means the gearstick layout is different to your average tractor. It has one gearstick on the side of the gearbox with 3 speeds and a single lever that comes out though steering column and gives you a forward / reverse shuttle so you can ‘shuttle’ forward to reverse in high or low. The gearbox in the front puts more weight over the front axle which is great for traction. It also allows the whole chassis to ‘oscillates’ far further than it on any other ‘Alpine tractors’. Where this tractor will go is quite amazing and I can honestly say a good driver will take it places you wont get to with any other Alpine tractor. I have even seen one customer drive his up a flight of steps using the artic steering to ‘climb’ as he drove forward! A few years ago we introduced the AGT835 Forestry. A few years before that the front steering AGT835T was replaced with the AGT835TS and the gearbox is like normal tractors with the gearbox in the rear half and gearstick’s between the legs. The advantage of this is it is far more spacious in the driver and has a ‘semi-independent’ PTO so you can engage and disengage the PTO without using the foot clutch. The front steering AGT835TS is near as damn it the same physical size as the articulated AGT835 but still has the same turning circle of the articulated AGT835. Below is a picture of an AGT835TS along with Carraro TRX100. We can fit either with front logging blade etc just like the AGT835 Forestry. At the moment the AGT835TS is on special offer at the same price as the old AGT835! As for choice between front steering and articulated, Richy-B made a comment: ‘If you are in the woods more than 50% of the time I'd go for articulated. Any less go for front steering’. I think that’s pretty much spot on, front steering cuts in like a car etc. Articulated steering means the wheels of the tractor follow in the same footprint so for use pulling a forestry trailer Articulated is great. The comments about skidding out with articulated steering are also correct and with a linkage skidding grapple I would say front steering is best. For working on Steep ground / banks articulated steering can be quite unstable with most implements so front steering is better. One thing to also consider is re-sale value further down the line. The market for articulated tractors is more limited than front steering tractors so if you have a change in circumstances you are more likely to find a buyer for a second hand front steering Alpine. So my personal believe is unless the majority of your work forestry and you really need articulated steering, I would go for front steering.


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