Tree surgeon Adam Baldock killed in chainsaw accident | Mail Online
Tree surgeon Adam Baldock killed in chainsaw accident | Mail Online
Dear all,
Firstly I would like to thank each and every one of you for your heart felt messages of condolences to us and to Adam’s family and friends. They have touched us all and the kindness that you all have shown has been over whelming.
I would also like to thank Justin for organising the fund for Adam’s little girl; I know that we and Adam’s girlfriend and family were truly moved by this generous gift from such kind people.
I would like to thank those people who did not pass judgement and speculate and showed support and compassion instead. I would like to echo what other people have said about not believing everything you read in the papers. The media twisted this sad story and portrayed a picture of bad practise, they did not have the correct facts and this resulted in a lot of upset for Adams family and us. I would like to point out that we are one of the oldest companies in England and we pride our selves on the high standard of work we carry out and all our Health and Safety practises.
My two men on site with Adam on that tragic day where truly courageous and showed such bravery in what they did and they need to be recognised for this. My men were highly praised from the emergency services for the care they gave and they were described as ‘Faultless’.
We do not wish to name the tree surgery company who also came to the scene but I would like to say that we regard you as family and without your support we would not be able to get through this difficult time.
The loss of Adam has been devastating for us, he was a beautiful young man who’s dream was to always be a tree surgeon, his pride and joy was his little girl and girlfriend who he always spoke about with such joy.
We have lost not a colleague but friend. He will forever be sorely missed and remembered and we will never get over loosing him.
Our hearts will always go out to Adams family, his little girl, girlfriend and friends.
Thank you once again and stay safe to all.
With much admiration,
Ken and Tori.
Thanks for the donations so far, keep them coming guys and girls, even had money sent in from abroad.
Fatal chainsaw accident fund contribution | F R Jones and Son
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