Buy bulk, fuel, machinery,process, store it, dry it, bundle, waste carriers, deliver, insurance - not Arboriculture.
(Here in NW ireland very tight margins judging from recent prices of artic loads for soft wood - inherent lack of hardwood given the pilfering over the last so many centuries - daren't go down that path !!)
Removal of trees (Tree work/ Forest/woodland management)- Environmental Policy, Waste disposal statement, waste management, recycling.
It will most definitely be Policy with most treework outfits big or small to state the end use of all waste, by-products or arrisings from working at trees.
Of upmost importance to make use of all arisings.
In most cases, if firewood is integrel for financial purposes to treework folk then prices for removals/pruning may be lowered to take oboard firewood value.
commercial sawmills work on 'recovery rate'
Arb/treework works similarly if its done with ethics. That is x amount of 'by-product', 'waste', 'arisings' is suitable for planking, turning, charcoal, whatever (added value products) and the remainder is firewood.
Tree work - small scale (cottage industry for eg)
A) a valued aspect to treework for taking a few days out of climbing in the week to devalve and still ataiin some income
B) a valued aspect to treework when times may be slack or actual treework is required to be spread out to keep a balanced income
C) treework small scale is a passion, for the love of it, so every little bit that involves working with green wood is just another great way to spend time, from using your family to help out, to the people you gather up as customers they eventually become indirect friends.
I produce firewood not for the dough but to make use of the arisings from jobs. I have a few, a handful, of customers, who all know they et a relatively equal cut of whatever split wood is produced throughout the year.
Yes it is an extra income, but by the time everything is ringed, split and delivered it aint that big os an extra income. besides when ringing and splitting goes on there is definitely no rush, push or shove let me tell ye.
keep er lit.