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LGP Eddie

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Everything posted by LGP Eddie

  1. Just that time of year for getting some wish list stuff done. Many projects now want the material moved to the chipper (bigger chippers and chip going off as biomass) so thought it was time to sort a towbar setup out for the 13 tonne long reach. Could be handy on some Highway jobs just to move a light tower or shunt a trailer about too. It’s done in such a way that one person can install it, and extends out to the end of the tracks if required. Should open up a few options, just trying to find a decent bolster trailer on wide tyres for it now. Eddie.
  2. That bucket/grab/shear combo is a well tidy effort, that very much reminds me of the GKB Lumberjack grab/shear that I’ve long admired as being a great bit of kit that would be ideal just to plug into hired in machines with hammer/shear and rotate circuits. I’ve seen some better videos and the shear really does have some power, but hides away when required so normal grab operation can be resumed.
  3. I’ve looked at the Yeti option for many years and it’s been the subject of debate lately with a couple of friends who have needed such options. One dropped on a 4x4 Caddy Maxi van and has put a set of BFG All terrains on it, making a real handy setup, the other bought a standard Caddy but is looking for a Yeti after a bit of research found they can easily make a decent enough van. I’m not certain on years, spec etc, but they were offered as a Commercial you could get from Ireland called the Sherpa which are a tidy thing. Apparently standard seats are designed to just lift out in full individual units and can easily be replaced. You can then fabricate a tray to give a flat floor and protect everything. I’ve always looked at them and thought with the back windows wrapped or tinted and the seats out they would make a great little 4x4 van that wouldn’t look out of place anywhere. A quick google of the Skoda Yeti Sherpa pretty much confirmed that. Caddy 4x4 with BFG’s Yeti with seats lifted out and a fabricated flat tray. If the jobs absolutely on it’s arse and they won’t pay for digs, then this!😂
  4. I had a sort of plan, and that went out of the window by about the first stand! I made it around most 5/6 tonne machines though and great to have them all in one place to really see the differences first hand. No doubt about it, how this year has gone so far it’s seemingly a long way to the APF, but it’ll be upon us before we know it, and fingers crossed it’ll be a good one. How things have moved on since the last running of the show on the mechanised side is incredible.
  5. Had a trip up to ScotPlant and it was a great show, but one day wasn’t enough, as absolutely everyone wanted to talk! Anyone visiting or having a stand at the APF best factor in that everyone just wants to catch up and you’ll need an extra day at least! Some nice kit about, nothing special in terms of innovation, and some of the tales of machine/component supply issues really are scary going forward. Certain items like Tiltrotators seem to be really suffering from delays and I believe some models already can’t be supplied until 2023 and April 2022 isn’t even over yet! My main reason for a visit was to get a good look at all the 5.5/6 tonne machine offerings as I’m currently in the market, and it was a fantastic opportunity for Callum and myself to check them all out. Incredible the differences across the manufacturers when you’re just comparing specific aspects for a task. No surprises in the shortlist, but without operating either I prefer the Takeuchi TB260 over the Kubota Kx060 for a slightly larger cab with better top window for vision, but I need to get some seat time in both to see how they go. Engcon finally had the full S40 setup with Ec-Oil on display, which should make for the ability to have some nice setups on 5 to 6 tonne machines, but no doubt it’ll be big ££. Indexators new XR350 rotator was on display, and this should be a very tidy reliable option for the 13 tonne machines. I did like the Powerhand grabs, certainly looked a match for the Intermercato. I was really impressed with the new Manitou rotating telehandler, some brilliant details on this machine, hopefully Manitou will sort out a solution for the Westtech and GMT attachments, as it would be an ideal carrier. Seriously nice Liebherr that really did have all the details covered. Eddie.
  6. I think your thoughts were probably spot on, the problem with walking excavators is quite simply ground pressure and the fact that no matter what, you can’t get away from the fact that it only has limited contact patch on 4 tyres and if you happen to end up on 2 or 3 at times then everything gets magnified. They don’t have huge power in the actual drive, it’s the massive power of that arm that gets them about in challenging places, but it’s incredible just how quickly the wrong conditions can get them into or making a real mess. The diameter of the tyres is critical, as if the rolling radius can’t overcome even what can be a small amount of material in front of it, then they just plough through or slide a huge piece of clod with them as they go. Incredible the difference if the winch is connected and the machine is able to use this for assistance, virtually eliminated the wheels cutting in on a site where we’d had issues and turned things around. Like everything they have their place and properly planned they can save huge amounts of money on projects.
  7. Yes that was the hope Steve, it’s getting a good balance of ambient noise feedback from the machine that’s important for me, and if they can eliminate the noise spikes that occur it’ll be brilliant. I need to ascertain just how wide a range of helmets they fit as it’s something I’m not familiar with. I just get a range of the sweaty horrors launched through the van window, with expectations of fully working comms being provided in minutes!
  8. I’m liking the look of these very much having become very adept at lashing up comms on pretty much every project I go on now. The current weapons of choice are the Senna 20s which have proved a worthy upgrade to the 10s, especially in terms of the units actually latching onto the base securely, and none ever having fallen off. They do pair pretty easy if you’re just using two, provide very clear comms and integrates well with my i phone. Downside is the general lash up of an arrangement required to fit them onto guys helmets on site, I’ve become a bit of a master at it now and something perfectly workable is easily achievable. The one downside of the Senna for me is sometimes you get caught if the guy you’re working with gets really stuck in with the saw and you’re not expecting it, can be seriously loud! The others I use are the full Rail type Dect Comm headsets, but with one side having openings to allow normal levels of ambient noise. These are heavy cumbersome things for a shift in comparison, and guys on the ground don’t like them if they’re running a chipper or the like, because you’re not getting full ear protection. I’m liking the idea of the ProCom if it really could be as simple as clicking one onto guys existing helmets (possibly needing adaptors for some) and be ready to go. The ambient noise feature is the bit I’m most interested in myself, as I’d happily wear the headset in the machine without needing a helmet if it really can convey normal sound, as it’s essential to hear the machine. In theory if they’ll click onto most available helmets, and the headsets units can convey normal sound with this ambient feature, then for me they’ve probably cracked it. Very interested to give them a try, as good comms really are essential around machines these days. Eddie.
  9. That’s always been the case, many dip a toe in with a cheap used 1.5 tonner, next minute a 2.7 tonner replaces it and the attachments start to arrive, and then adding in a 6 or 8 tonner as things grow. For me 8 tonner is the one for ultimate versatility/performance, it’s just moving them that’s the hassle. Eddie.
  10. It all depends what your own applications and circumstances really. I have a good mate who’s a Farmer and spent many years down the loader bucket/boiler suit/wellies/chainsaw route until he got educated what a tree shear was able to do. He now runs a 5 tonne Bobcat e45 and Intermercato T cut shear as his ditching and headland clearance setup, and I’d say it’s probably as small as you’d want to go for shearing and still be able to produce a serious amount in a day. It’s proved to be a very good setup for him, and soon had a few neighbours calling him or purchasing similar. The 2.7 has always been the natural progression from the 1.5 tonners, you can’t beat them for the ability to sneak them about and that bit extra size makes a massive difference. There’s lighter shears about now specifically for these, but I’ll be honest even on bigger jobs sometimes a few good lads on a saw will decimate small stuff and stack it real quick, then just use the excavator and grab to handle it, rather than chasing about with a shear. Eddie.
  11. Back in the GC days. Yes that would have been me on the Liebherr with extension arm and felling head, with almost certainly Bob loading the Bandit with the Kubota and nightmare of a grab setup. It was red hot weather, we watched them silage at that Dairy Farm, a few weeks later the place looked like a desert and the poor guy had to open the clamp and use it as feed. Callum was with GC then, he does a fair bit for me when I have something on, I’ll have to remind him of that! Eddie.
  12. Yes the very same, It was perhaps deemed as it’s first day out on hire, but I did the Demo myself with it prior to it being approved and the machine manufacturer did training for some on it. Likewise it was Callum’s first day on hire, not the first time he’d sat in it. There were no cable strike incidents I recall, but yes Rail is an absolute disgrace in terms of scrap lying about and cable seemingly anywhere. I learnt a long time ago you don’t just grab a pile off a slope with a long reach and head off, you’ve got to tease it off the slope and watch for any black snakes on the bank before putting some lift/speed on. Like anything it has it’s place, but Rail is notoriously difficult to educate from anything that hasn’t been done this way for the last twenty years. Eddie.
  13. Here you go Stephen, not in the UK but you can appreciate just where it can go with very little impact due the unique abilities of the track system. Just listen listen to that Mulcher with a Cummins engine supplying uninterrupted power!👌
  14. No a second was purchased, arrived but never put into work. Sold straight back over the water for real good £££ to someone desperate to get their hands on one for a Rail contract. Left to a few people to sort, they would have been absolutely killer bits of kit on the smart motorway work, plus they are something else on slopes with cable trenchers etc.
  15. This comprehensively pisses all over a Menzi in it’s intended applications, you soon get over the Menzi rose tint once you get one in some UK applications. The old saying if you want a mess get a 3cx, could be magnified several times over with a Menzi in the wrong conditions! In the right place absolutely incredible machines and awesome tool carriers. These are literally hand built by the guy, yes you can have an extending dipper if you like, and yes they are street pads that actually work very effectively with little impact even in wet ground due to the fact you can actually angle them to fit the profile of the ground. In use we looked at steel pad and maybe some grouser options, but Callum used to manage to get it to stick to pretty much anywhere in sensible conditions. Price, it’s actually peanuts in the Rail world, and it’s ability to replace manual labour doing track side clearance on day shifts with trains running, put it in another league to alternatives that needed night time or possession working. Hell of a piece of kit, brilliant to operate, it could have been better setup on the Tiltrotator front, but what a Mulching head, and the feeling of using one where the power in reality hardly ever dips. Delivered it’s intended project absolutely brilliantly, no real issues, and could have gone on to do so much more, but that’s a chapter closed in a few good people’s lives. I was lucky enough to get to operate it, got it through the demo for Network Rail and worked alongside Callum on it. Nobody’s ever revisited the concept, but take it from me, it works and in the correct application they are absolutely incredible. Eddie. A Menzi pretty much defeated by a straightforward wet clay field, my LGP Kubota could work on that a week and not put a rut in it. Horses for courses and Instagram ain’t real world! Forestry lads will laugh and say crack on until the ruts are up to your waist, it doesn’t work like that on third party landowners arable ground involving land agents in new Discovery’s and red trousers!🤦‍♂️
  16. The machines load chart will tell you what you can and can’t fit. No point having a shear if you’re off the chart full reach over the side in weight terms before you’ve even started. Eddie.
  17. There you go and despite literally growing up with them, it was an instructor on the LandRover experience half day I was given that proved every day really is a school day. The fact he also told me beforehand nobody has ever got a 110 around that bit of the course in one go without a shunt, also ensured it was a school day for him!😂
  18. In a Defender etc (of a certain vintage) the easiest to get the diff lock light to go out is simply pull the handbrake on, put it in reverse and bring it up on the clutch to the bite point. Just continue to drive against the handbrake (no need to move it’ll just rock back a bit as all the transmission takes up) and the light will go out.
  19. Never priced one, but I imagine the Ibex is really the only thing left in the marketplace that could truly be seen to be in the market where the Defender used to sit as a true working vehicle, and able to be modified into so many different options.
  20. As I said to the guy on the LandRover experience who had obviously just done his party piece by going up the steepest side slope he was happy with and looking down towards me in the passenger side smugly “if you want steep mate, I’ll take you out for a ride in a CAT D6!” It’ll be the 6 cylinder diesel, and I did tick the fixed towbar as you hear all sorts of these stow away types.
  21. You’d like to think I’m getting scratchy, but what’s the point? I have one on order, I may or may not see it yet, but could sell the build slot tomorrow for a tidy profit if I want out, and if I don’t get on with it after 12 months I’d probably not lose out. It’s bought to be an SUV with overalls and 3.5 tonne towing when required, that’s all it is, and all I need.
  22. You got those vehicle credentials off the script for a new series of Scrapheap challenge? If you don’t like them or the purchasers of them it’s really no issue.🤷‍♂️
  23. I switched out to a MK7 Transit 4x4 and apart from towing capacity (not actual ability) wish I’d have gone that way a Defender or so ago. However it’s had more niggles than I ever imagined, and some stupid money thrown at it a few times unexpectedly. Nothing is perfect and looking at fuel costs a nice 600cc Trail bike is looking ever more attractive for nipping out and pricing type stuff.
  24. Yes I agree, but because they’re going to get hammered and people will still want full warranty on them for a reasonable duration, then they too will have to come with a cost premium.
  25. If you mean viable off road vehicle as something around 20k that comes in overalls so you can dog it to death for 3 years and take it back under warranty for any squeak, then the good times have gone. Why waste a build slot in that market when you can sell absolutely everything you can build for nearly three times the price, into a market where bumping up a kerb is considered off road. However don’t let the fact it’s looks aren’t to everyone’s taste or it’s price tag is high detract from the fact they’re incredibly capable on or off road.


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