I just wanted to throw a line for our Prime Minister
plus column
he has kept financial services industry (our biggest source of tax revenue) in this country
he is credited by the winner of the Nobel prize for Economics as a key figure in helping avoid global financial meltdown
he has, in the past week, called for a global response to that near meltdown, pushing for international legislation on the financial services industry (currently the fsi have free reign, if any country tightens legislation they will look to take themselves and their taxes elsewhere)
he is recognised as one of the foremost leaders when it comes to campaigning for action against global poverty
he is recognised as one of the foremost leaders when it comes to campaigning for action against climate change
he took the time to hand-write a letter of condolence to a mother whose son had lost his life in service for his country
minus column
he isn't very pretty to look at
he isn't a real charmer
he hasn't got the nicest smile
he isn't too good at kicking a ball around a park
he isn't, and hasn't married, a pop-star
he made a couple of spelling mistakes
Now I'm not a big fan of politics, but I take my hat off to him, he deserves far more credit than he's got. People are so easily distracted from reality; it wasn't duck houses and all that that nearly knacked the economy, there was greed on a much grander, more organised scale.
Mr Brown is now calling for an international response, and it is only by all countries acting together that legislation can be passed to prevent that whole cycle of greed from re-establishing itself.
Already big bonuses are back, banks are due to make record profits, Fred the Shred is old news, but a man who is trying to take them on, who has already shown some real balls, is being criticised in the most small minded ways.
This week it's the letter, the last one was his eyesight. I for one hope this doesn't stop him from making the kind of changes we need to see.
Well that's just my tuppence worth.