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Everything posted by john87

  1. Hmm. Not so sure.. Pretty glad they invented antibiotics and anaesthetics... john..
  2. Problem is, the law surrounding all this is so complicated and social services take full advantage of this to lie to people to avoid providing services and thereby spending money. I say to them, "so you have no money, TOUGH SHIT" the law is still the law, it is the will of parliament, if you do not like the law, then i suggest you go into politics and change it. If i was stopped by the police with no tax on my car, do you think it would be ok if i were to say; "Officer, i have not got any tax, but it is lack of resources you see" Do you think they would say; "well, in that case sir you may ignore the law" They normally go a bit quiet after that.. john..
  3. That is a great idea!!! Not sure it will work with the tree i have in mind as there is a fork i have to get past, but brilliant idea though!! I will go and have a look at the tree when this wind stops, see what i think, if i could use slings like you say.. john..
  4. Hmmm, I think the bacon and egg, that sound great, BUT, if the cholesterol gets you, remember, no legal right to treatment from the NHS!!! john..
  5. Hi all, Not promising i can help, but i will try to point anyone that is a bit stuck in the right direction if i can.. john..
  6. I am going to start a new thread. I will call it "Help for those that need it" Anyone need any advice i will try to point them in the right direction. I cannot stress to much though, if you need any kind of help, you MUST purchase the books i mentioned, as social services and the NHS staff WILL all lie to you, and by the time you find out, it will be too late.. john..
  7. Every social services department has a "duty desk" and a "duty" social worker [so there is always someone there] This means you could telephone them today.. A word of advice though, you MUST secretly tape record every single conversation you have with them, as, if you have to go down the legal or complaints route, they WILL lie and conspire together as a team.. Your mum might also now qualify for various benefits from the DWP. This [at least in wales] MUST be covered in the assessment. They might well help with this as they will be charging her for help they provide.. The maximum cost in wales would be £100 a week, in england i have no idea.. Good luck.. john
  8. Hi all, Advice required!! I have to remove a silver birch. Problem is it is surrounded by buildings on three sides and leans towards them [just to be awkward] so i have to climb the thing and dismantle it. There are no trees close to it so i cannot climb them and traverse across either, and it is a skinny spindly thing too. If it were vertical i would not be worried, but, as it leans a fair bit, i am not very thrilled with the idea, as i have not climbed a leaner on spikes before. As i have to climb to where it is only about five inches in diameter i would double wrap the flip line round the thing, but as it leans, i am worried about falling round to the "wrong" side. If i double wrapped the flip line and then slipped round i would imagine that i would end up nearly horizontal, so not doing that!! I am planning to use the flip line as normal, but use it in tandem with my lanyard [choked off round the thing attached to the bridge of the harness] and advance said flip line and choked off lanyard in tandem.. Does this sound ok?? john..
  9. Thank you, that means a lot.. john..
  10. Ok.. You need to contact social services and do not ask them, TELL THE LYING BASTARDS, that your mum needs an assessment of her needs under section 9 of the care act 2014 and YOU need one for yourself under section 10. They are NOT allowed to "ration" assessments, they are not allowed to make you wait either.. Oh, and they MUST give you a WRITTEN copy of the assessment [they will deny such a thing exists] and then, if she [or you] has/have care needs covered by the act, they MUST then prepare a written care plan [what they are going to do to meet the needs] and give you a written copy too.. Assessment of an adult’s needs for care and support.. (1)Where it appears to a local authority that an adult may have needs for care and support, the authority must assess— (a)whether the adult does have needs for care and support, and (b)if the adult does, what those needs are. (2)An assessment under subsection (1) is referred to in this Part as a “needs assessment”. (3)The duty to carry out a needs assessment applies regardless of the authority’s view of— (a)the level of the adult’s needs for care and support, or (b)the level of the adult’s financial resources. (4)A needs assessment must include an assessment of— (a)the impact of the adult’s needs for care and support on the matters specified in section 1(2), (b)the outcomes that the adult wishes to achieve in day-to-day life, and (c)whether, and if so to what extent, the provision of care and support could contribute to the achievement of those outcomes. (5)A local authority, in carrying out a needs assessment, must involve— (a)the adult, (b)any carer that the adult has, and (c)any person whom the adult asks the authority to involve or, where the adult lacks capacity to ask the authority to do that, any person who appears to the authority to be interested in the adult’s welfare. (6)When carrying out a needs assessment, a local authority must also consider— (a)whether, and if so to what extent, matters other than the provision of care and support could contribute to the achievement of the outcomes that the adult wishes to achieve in day-to-day life, and (b)whether the adult would benefit from the provision of anything under section 2 or 4 or of anything which might be available in the community. (7)This section is subject to section 11(1) to (4) (refusal by adult of assessment) When it comes to providing care for your mum, they WILL lie and say they have no money, or "we have to apply to the funding panel" and much more bullshit.. You need to google the national eligibility criteria, THAT decides what they must do, NOT them or their boss, but, when it comes to her needs, a social worker has the final say, but, they MUST involve specialists as part of the assessment if her needs call for this.. As i say, Wales is my area, and if you were here i could email you every act or regulation you needed, but england is not my thing.. Here is some general guidance for you though.. Care and support statutory guidance - GOV.UK WWW.GOV.UK Be warned, it is all HUGELY, unbelievably complicated, and you NEED to buy yourself a book on community care law. There are two you need. One is by Professor Luke Clements, and the other by Michael Mandlestam. They will be about £70 each, but, by god they will help you... Sorry i could not be more help, but this will have pointed you in the right direction.. john..
  11. Yes, i would start a new thread. What should i call it?? I have not watched the video yet, i do not need to really, i work in a hospital and i can tell you that it is ALL being prepared for sale. In addition, shamefully, despite what lying politicians will tell you "the NHS is not for sale" and it will always be free etc, they have changed the law so that they CAN charge.. Even more shamefully, it was tony blair that did it.. Now, unlike with social care where in certain circumstances a person has a legal RIGHT to care [provided you have the money to sue the LA that is] the NHS DOES NOT have this duty. The NHS does not have a legal duty to provide care, the government must merely promote a "comprehensive" health service. As i say, this has been held to mean in general and not a duty to any one person, so you have NO RIGHT to help from the NHS.. Worse, in the 2006 NHS act it states that; "The services so provided must be free of charge except in so far as the making and recovery of charges is expressly provided for by or under any enactment whenever passed" So there we have it, no matter WHAT lies politicians tell you, they have ALREADY changed the law in order to be able to charge any time they like.. The problem is, the laws surrounding care are so complicated that the LA think people do not know what they are entitled to, and even if they do, they will lie as to what the law is and ignore people, safe in the knowledge that they will not get legal aid so there is not too much that they can do.. If anyone needs any help i am a bit of an expert at this, but only insofar as the law relates to WALES [ours is similar but different] so can point people in the right direction if needed.. In england it is the care act 2014 and in wales the social services and well being act 2014.. You say; "As for myself my mother of 92 is being cared for in her own house by what seems to becoming the new system of private companies gleaning everything from folk who worked and paid to the national health system with their life long NI contributions expecting that they would have been taken in with open arms and been cared for and valued by the propaganda that they were led to believe in, but it seams that in fact they've been duped and have been dumped for the profit of babes" Yep, 100% correct.. My hospital had about 800 - 850 patients. Now they have about 60 or 70. What do you think happened to the remainder over the years?? Well i can tell you. In the main, either homeless, in jail or dead. As for the remainder, apart from those on S117, any care they get [most do not] that is NOT provided actually in a hospital, will NOT be provided by the NHS at all [they refuse to], but by social services [under duress], which means that the patients have to pay for their care [as i say, if they get any] themselves, anything up to £100 a week and that includes those on "benefits" before anyone starts talking silly.. john..
  12. Thank god he got the S3 then.. Would have been S2 first then S3. All the "it would be quicker" is just their lies. Biggest problem with the NHS is too many chiefs, not enough indians, and the chiefs they DO have, are all useless and avoid making any decisions. The waste of money is insane. They have good ideas, buy LOADS of equipment, change their minds, hide the stuff they bought, then quietly scrap it all.. Seen it over and over.. They simply cannot understand that the best people to decide what is needed are ward managers, and no, a hospital does not need an army of staff with "made up" job titles.. Back in the day, health and social care was all the same thing. We had wards in my hospital just for dementia sufferers, then thatcher threw them out into private homes run by friends of the tories.. Now, i ask you; What is the sense in the state [in most cases] paying vast sums of money for people to be placed in private care homes [making vast profits for the owners] when the state could do it itself, save money, AND do a better job?? Wait for all the comments now about i do not know what i am talking about.. john..
  13. I never knew that!!!!!!! john..
  14. Going off at a tangent... Why does ivy grow up buildings and telephone poles?? What is in it for the ivy?? john..
  15. Strictly speaking maybe not, but it is not far from it.. john..
  16. Well, i stopped to think if it is true, and it most certainly is.. If ivy will destroy a building, what you think it will do to a tree?? Anything that stops the sunlight getting to a tree [and harbours damp etc] will obviously damage the tree and promote decay etc. Ivy is a parasite like any other.. Anyone going to tell me that worms do not hurt their hosts [animal or human] john..
  17. Because they paid national insurance all their lives in case of illness. The government then deemed that things such as dementia were not "illnesses" but "conditions" and dumped the responsibility onto the local authorities instead of the NHS. The hospital where i work had about 850 patients, they were simply discharged and dumped, the most vulnerable in society, bullied, because they could not defend themselves.. john..
  18. I take it you have private medical insurance?? Great, but i would read the small print if i were you. If you ever need long term care your insurance will not be helping you.. You mention "benefit scroungers" David cameron had a disabled kid. He claimed disability living allowance for the kid despite having 20 million pounds in the bank.. Is Mr cameron a "benefits scrounger" ???? john..
  19. You will be fine. If/when he is discharged from S3 then S117 is automatic providing a person has an ongoing care need which i presume he will, so no worries there. As for how long S117 lasts though, how long is a piece of string.. Some people start off on S117 and later are deemed to get a bit better and not to need care.. Next time they need care they are told the S117 has expired if you like, other people it seems to go on for ever.. Suppose it depends on where you live.. Here is what you need to be careful of. Now, all social workers are liars. Maybe not by nature, but they are forced to lie by their bosses. Instead of a sectioning order under the MHA there is an alternative, that is, DoLs, which is "deprivation of liberty safeguards" which has the same effect, a person is detained, but instead of it being under the MHA, it is under the "mental capacity act" Social workers are all for this and when questioned will tell you that; [and they will use these exact words] "it is the least restrictive way of detaining a person] Utter bollocks!! You are either detained or you are not!! They are mad keen to use the MCA and NOT the MHA, as then, they can charge you, as no S117.. it is no accident, trust me.. You will have two people in EXACTLY the same position, one on DoL's having to pay the full cost of their care, and the other on an MHA section followed by S117, not having to pay a penny.. There was someone across the road from me, they owned a house worth about £275,000 another house worth about £200,000 and they sold their flat in london for nearly £500,000 too. God knows what money they already had. Anyway, they became ajudged to be unable to care for themselves, [despite taking themselves on a 300 mile round trip and organising the sale of the flat] and had home care for about 12 hours a day, every day. This went on for YEARS [until they died]. As they had once been sectioned, they did not have to pay a bean, thanks to S117, despite the fact that they were almost certainly a millionaire.. john..
  20. I see what you are saying, but the basic problem is twofold. First off it is great that you have such dedication to your parents, and i KNOW you will do all you can to care for them, but, and i hope this does not happen to you, often it is not possible for a person to provide care for their parents as they would wish. You see, as people live longer, their kids can be best part of seventy themselves, and simply cannot provide the care required, indeed, they might need care themselves.. In addition, again, with people living longer, more and more people develop one of the various forms of dementia. Now, people with dementia often become aggressive, very aggressive.. Say you have a strong working man, say one of you arb types that have spent your life up and down trees and lugging stuff about. You can be 70, 80 [and more] years old, and still as strong as a horse.. Now, you add in that people with dementia often develop personality changes and can become VERY aggressive and you simply could not care for them yourself, no matter how devoted to them you might be. It would not be safe for you or them to try to do so.. When it comes to inheritance, do not forget we are living in a different world now.. When i was younger a working man with a decent job, say british steel or whatever, could buy a nice house and his partner stay home. Thanks to inflation, [the working mans friend] the mortgage might have been a lot for the first few years, but after that, well, the rates would be more than your mortgage.. Now though, what hope have the youngsters got?? Unless they inherit a house, or they are both solicitors or doctors, they have NO CHANCE of ever buying a house of their own.. I have not got kids, but my partner is a lot younger than me, with no family either.. I want my house to go to her, so that without me to help, at least she will have the means to look after herself in her old age.. Does it worry MP's getting the state to buy them a house by falsely claiming they need it to "be near westminster" when their ACTUALLY house might be nearer still??? No, it does not.. Do all you can to protect your parents assets, that way, IF they need help and care that you cannot provide in person, you will still be able to provide the best for them [think care home fee "top up" so you can get them the best] john..
  21. If you sold it to a third party, then then person needing the care would be treated as if they still had the asset. How this would work in practice i have no idea, as they could not be charged if they did not have the money.. Nobody has the RIGHT to NHS care either, you cannot force the NHS to help you. You DO have a right to care from the local authority though following and assessment under the care act, but by law the LA cannot provide health care.. With regards to the political bit, i does make me laugh when i talk to people that think they are "a cut above" shall we say, that cannot see that by voting tory, they are voting to lose everything in old age. It is like turkeys voting for christmas. Fact remains that the local authorities have defrauded hundreds of thousands of old people and so far as i know are still paying compensation now.. john..
  22. I know it is upsetting, of course it is, but if there is ONE thing i know about it is the care system. My mother is in a care home and, as it happens, i also work for the NHS. Fact of the matter is, unless you are placed in a care home for VERY strictly limited health needs and qualify for CHC [google "the Coughlan case"] you WILL be means tested, and if you have assets of more that £23,000 you WILL, be paying the full cost yourself.. Read this, the most important case concerning CHC... The Coughlan Case For Care Funding CARETOBEDIFFERENT.CO.UK The Coughlan Case is a landmark legal case whereby Pamela Coughlin challenged the NHS and won Care Funding - Read... In ANY other case, INCLUDING if you are forcibly detained in a care home by means of DoLs, [by virtue of operation of the mental capacity act] you will be means tested and if you have assets of more than £23,000 paying yourself. HOWEVER. If you are forcibly detained there by means of a sectioning order, [by virtue of operation of the mental health act] you will be entitled to S117 aftercare which is free, and therefore you will not have to pay at all.. Suggest all those that think they know best read this [carefully] WWW.AGEUK.ORG.UK Trust me, the local authority will grab every penny they can. A persons home is included in their assets too, and in fact, even if a child of the person concerned actually lives in their parents house, unless they are under the age of 18, or are disabled, or are a partner or relative aged over 60 of the parent, the house will still be sold from under them to pay for the care costs UNLESS, the person in care qualifies for CHC, [and this is reviewed from time to time] OR they are sectioned under the MHA and therefore S117 applies.. A lot of people might not like this, but that is the way it is. Anyone care to disagree???? Go find evidence that i am wrong.. Good luck with that one.. When it comes to transferring ownership of a house to avoid having it taken as part of "assets" people will tell you a lot of rubbish about "It needs to have been done more than 6 years ago" This is a lot of nonsense.. There IS no time limit, the deciding factor is whether, at the time the property was transferred, the person concerned knew or suspected that they would need care. It is irrellevant if this was last week or 20 years ago. If the court decides the transfer was with the intention of avoiding care costs the court will simply reverse it. [Same applies if it were not a proper transfer, [transferred but remained living there etc] john..
  23. If it is actual nursing care, so in other words, your need is primarily a health need, then NHS CHC are supposed to pay and NOT you, but local authorities are liars and hope you never find that out.. Google "monica coghlan continuing healthcare" john..
  24. Yes, but it does not matter how much money you have got, you would have to be TERRIBLY rich.. My mum has a private pension of about £2500 a month.. Social services take every penny from her apart from £30 a week, so unless you have about £500,000 you do not mind spending.... john..


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