There is no magic bullet, if you need a regular supply then you need a financial arrangement with a local supplier. If you are accepting cast-offs from arb waste then you can not expect a regular reliable source.
Having said that, it might be possible to get more than you need in arb-waste but you will need to build a relationship with one or more local companies and come to an agreeable arrangement for all of you. It took me a few years to get this arrangement with a local company but there are no guarantees, even if you are spending a cash to make it worth their while. It is harder if you want cast-offs.
Clearly if there is more cash in it for them to keep the wood and sell dried logs then they will, that is business. If you are lucky then your place will be close to a work site so it is quicker (I.e. cheaper) for the logs to be dropped at yours than take them somewhere else (pretty much how my arrangement works).