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Everything posted by Youngstu
that's not my opinion no, it was a tongue in cheek statement! However there are some on here who appear to raise issues of nationality when people in their chosen articles have skin colour that isn't of the pale northern european variety.
I don't dispute the gravity of the crimes committed by your chosen offenders whatsoever, they are horrific and those responsible should be locked up for a very long time, and if they are citizens of other countries, be sent back there after completing their sentences. But it is also just yet another one of your posts about bad things that "immigrants" have done, and let's face it, you seem to have a preference for criminals with darker skin and ideally muslim sounding names! Judging by the prevalence of this type of post that you share, I can only assume that you either go searching the news providers for crimes committed by people who may have come here from somewhere else, in ordero share with everyone on here who may have missed them, or that the algorithms on your social media fields highlight this type of news story for you due to your reading and sharing history.
Here we go again...... Evidently these four men aren't "white british", but from the articles about them I can't see anything about their recent immigration status, or even nationality at birth. Maybe for balance we should have some random white people who've also committed reprehensible sexual crimes... will the country ever be safe with all of these home grown predators strolling the streets? These were all from the first page of a google search for "sex crime convictions this week uk". There were a few others in there but they had darker skin or foreign sounding names so wouldn't have helped me to illustrate my point....... Hopefully the very important links work! Just a moment... WWW.HAMPSHIRE.POLICE.UK Just a moment... WWW.SOUTH-WALES.POLICE.UK Just a moment... WWW.THAMESVALLEY.POLICE.UK https://www.nationalcrimeagency.gov.uk/news/man-jailed-for-21-years-for-abusing-children Former Olympian guilty of raping teenage girls | The Crown Prosecution Service WWW.CPS.GOV.UK “Jekyll and Hyde” character convicted of violent sexual offences over more than 20 years | The Crown Prosecution Service WWW.CPS.GOV.UK Prosecutors authorise sex offence charges against former police officer David Carrick | The Crown Prosecution Service WWW.CPS.GOV.UK Just a moment... WWW.STAFFORDSHIRE.POLICE.UK Just a moment... WWW.SOUTH-WALES.POLICE.UK Men raped woman they had just met on nightclub dancefloor then ran off high-fiving each other WWW.INDEPENDENT.CO.UK Attackers left vulnerable victim with 'severe' injuries The last pair could be mistaken for bona fide brits if you were to glance at them, but they are actually Italian and undoubtedly arrived here without all of the checks that someone with darker skin from further afield might be expected to undertake, but they still turned out to be sexual predators!
Excluding yourself of course!
Should the police/press/authorities respond and react differently in different situations? If the "trouble makers" are those that have been aggrieved by a particular incident, and/or are from the immediate surrounding area and local tensions have bubbled over when compared to trouble makers who have gone to an area in order to start trouble, using an incident that ultimatley has nothing to do with them to provide "justification" for their own actions and to further their agenda. If it was an incident for example in a school or a workplace, would an individual who had been relentlessly harassed and finally lost their temper, punching someone be deserving of the same punishment as a "bully" who just goes around and punches someone just because they don't like them?
Just curious about why some of the articles refer to the pride march as a political rally, this seems to be a key point for some of the objectors to this. Since when is someone's sexuality a political point?
Legality of guns used in mass shootings in USA: Mass shootings in the U.S.: legality of weapons 2023 | Statista WWW.STATISTA.COM 100 of the mass shootings in the United States between 1982 and December 2023 involved weapons which were obtained...
To be fair, going through all of your posts in the last 4 years would be a bit of a mission! (aren't you over 1400 posts on one single thread?!) (I may be wrong/mistaken as opposed to lying as I can't see the info on my phone)
I discovered today that it's not a good idea to pull a trailer (or log splitter in this case!) with your finger in the towball socket bit! Somehow I managed to flick the latch/spring bit, resulting in something hard /sharp doing a good job of removing half my fingernail. I'm not the best with blood so wrapped it up quick smart🤮 Lesson learned!
Still sticking to your New Year's resolution at that point? Now it's broken all is back to normal.
It was very calm and peaceful on Arbtalk for a few weeks whilst you and your mate were banned/ gagged/ underwater/on holiday/away from the internet/playing with your new toys/having a rest! (please feel free to delete as appropriate!) Normal service has now resumed, same arguments, insults and keyboard demonstrations of manliness! I'm sure I'm not the only one who was a bit worried about your wellbeing for a while, but glad to see you're back to your cheerful old self again. 😉
I'd been reading this thread earlier as I' fancied having a go at some point then I saw this post on a fb group. A specialist shingle making machine and I think he's still got all of his fingers too Garnet Davison restores a Lloyd Shingle Machine dating back to 1888,... FB.WATCH 43 K views, 843 likes, 24 loves, 121 comments, 184 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Leopold Photographic Art: Garnet Davison restores a Lloyd Shingle Machine dating back to...
It's the recommended wood for building some solid wooden surfboards, there's a finless type of board called and alaia (I think that's the right spelling!) and that seems to be the chosen wood. I planned on making one once but sourcing the wood wasn't particularly easy and little ones scuppered the plans too!
The same thing is found in the distillery towns in France: The Angels' Share, La Part Des Anges, that's what they call those elusive vapors that are constantly escaping from the production of cognac, and which feed a black mold that covers all buildings where cognac is aging.
Those ones! 🤣
I had these guys in a few years ago before getting my own mill. Great machine if you're organised and want dimensional timber from your logs. Your access to this site has been limited by the site owner WWW.WEALDENHEARTWOOD.CO.UK
With regards yo the use of NHS funds, it's a difficult one and a case of weighing up the pros and cons of carrying out procedures. Do you take account of a child's strongly beld feelings and "beliefs" about how they feel, or dismiss them and tell the child that they're too young to know what they think or feel. From what I understand the decisions aren't made lightly or quickly and certainly shouldn't be as highlighted in the case currently in the news, but in pre-pubescent children there is an understandable reason for using those drugs sooner rather than later. If that child's wishes are denied and their feelings/beliefs continue, the cost to the NHS etc as a consequence of subsequent mental health issues could be much higher. Obviously they may change their mind in some cases, but they may well continue to hold the same feelings. Regarding the whole science thing, a male child with X and Y chromosomes will always have those chromosomes, will never be able to have a womb and will never be able to get pregnant. So I suppose you could say they will never be genetically female. However they may wish to be regarded and treated as a woman. Is that last big wrong and should her wishes as such be respected?
Ok, I'll try one more "what if scenario" and see if you'll give a straight answer... If a good friend of yours had a son, who for example at the age of 12 made it clear that they wanted to "present" as a girl and be regarded as such by everybody and the family respected this wish, accepted the name change, their choice of clothing etc. Would you be willing to refer to them as she, use their chosen name etc, or would you refuse to do so, sticking to your principles and beliefs and insist on calling them a boy, using their original male given name etc, even though their family asked you to follow the child's wishes?
Or, as Johnsond has expressed how professional and tolerant he is in the workplace, I wondered how he would behave in such a situation in his professional capacity, even though he holds such strong views on the subject in question (that he brought to this thread!). Like it or not, this is something that has to be dealt with at the current time and I'm curious how someone holding such strong views would keep them in check when in the workplace in order that they don't end up coming up against discrimination allegations etc. It's not a subject that I find easy to understand or deal with either, but having seen friends have to deal with children in this situation and being aware of the massive mental health impacts on those young people, I appreciate that it is something that needs to be understood/accepted/tolerated by those around them, one way or another.
So, just out of curiosity, how would you respond if you found that one of the "men" that you'd been working with was born female, or one of the "women" had been born male and had undergone gender reassignment surgery earlier in their life, with the majority , if not all of their documents stating their current gender?
So if there is a child who has "felt they were in the wrong body" and has presented as the opposite sex, and this has been accepted by the family, medical professionals etc, should they just be expected to accept the adolescent changes associated with they gender they were born as even though they may have intentions of undergoing gender reassignment surgery when they are old enough? Such decisions can have massive implications for a young person's mental health, greatly increasing the chances of long term psychiatric difficulties, self harm, suicide etc. Why do you think that this kind of help/treatment should not be available through the NHS?
Thanks for that Stubby. I'll see if the same thing happens to the current one, if it does I'll give it a go on the next. I assume there's no definite way of knowing beforehand whether or not this process has been done wrong or testing the hardness of the different parts of the blade without particular tools/equipment. Thanks again
Over the last year I've milled about 30 tonnes of larch. I've worked through plenty of blades, some have ended up very sappy, some pretty blunt before changing without any other issues, but I've now had three from one pack of blades break on the weld for no apparent reason. When they broke the blade was appropriately lubricated, they were not sappy, or blunt or going through anything unusual, they just snapped without any warning.