Hi all,
Long time no post.
Apologies to Surveyor for the Very Very slow response to the emails, sooo little time.....
I have had the pleasure of using an OAR/Bulldog since mid late 2012 and it has been in use ever since. It is easy to set on the rope and easy to use with minimal changes to my technique. The only change was pulling slack down as opposed to the side/away with my HC, this was changed again at a later date with the addition of a roller (which I don't always use as I keep misplacing the thing), as seen in one of the photos, back to tending slack like a HC if you wish.
I have used it on Tachyon and Tachyon Teufelberger with no creep and it is currently in use on Yale blue tongue and another rope who's name escapes me (orange with black fleck!!!). These 2 ropes required a slightly larger diameter roller on one arm (approx .2mm larger). The photos show what I have done to modify my Bulldog to suit me, what can't be seen is that the rollers each have two bearings internally, no huge improvement on the original but it gives me a warm glow! I have also added another link hole to allow me to clip on a sling which moves the whole thing out to arms length, this allows a full arms length pull on the rope for long ascents. The Bulldog slides and holds EVERY TIME. It has been used in this configuration on an almost daily basis, it works a treat having put a line in then pantin/ascender/frog walked my way up, clip in then move it all back down closer to you. It's not adjustable under tension like a true "O" rig but does the job.
Very pleased with the kit, original and the modded version.
There is still room for improvement I feel, but, the actual bare bones basic job it has to do, which is hold you, let rope slide and hold it then let it feed out again under control, it does very well. As with all climbing kit the set up is a personal thing, this works for me.