Hello all many different opinions which is all well and good. I’m from rural Suffolk obviously, but I’m now based in Oxfordshire although i have worked all over the east, south east and as far west as Wiltshire as a subbie.
I’m currently working within the High Wycome area just down the road from Burnham Beeches where you’re based.
I think people need to understand in Suffolk you could rent a period listed cottage for the same price as a room in Oxford, South central is EXPENCIVE!
I’ve been climbing now six and a half years and would consider myself to be a competent climber that will tackle most not blowing my own little trumpet but you have to be ok to get the work in.
Beechwood your offer is fair and you seem to care about keeping your staff happy with their kit and all the rest of it which is more than some do!
It the point you said yourself I charge anything from £120 to £150 I’m not greedy and it keeps me busy, but I can take time off when I want within reason normally working hard to cover the rent haha.
I build up my own kit new contacts and have a sense of pride from doing that. I normally end up organising the team as any lead climber would but I don’t oversee maintenance of chippers nor am I really responsible for staff and all their issues and let’s face it we all have them.
Yes I have the pressure to get the job done on time but that also comes from me out of a sense of pride and the drive to keep the contract haha.
If subbies are busy and earning that much building up their own little show why would they chuck it to go on the books……… I mean TAX!!
As for the comment about being ready for that position in a month it’s not real worth me commenting on that, but he does have a point! It is serious money but you have to really go for it to bring that home in a year and a subbie rarely works a solid year of 5 days a week and if you have you will be trashed.
There does seem to be a large gap in skill level from the new college kids to top climbers, no offence some new college lads are great and will do very well for themselves but there are more useless ones. Most experienced climbers want independence and it is possible in Arb that’s why this industry is so great!
A lot of experienced climbers would love a chance to do the AA Tech and other higher learning but they are too ****** at the end of the day to study THAT’S YOUR ROUTE BECCHES development!! We can’t keep climbing forever (sell it) and up the wage by a ten quid. Give a top climber a chance to develop further in the industry and they will come. (**** me sorry for the rant never comment normally)