It is a long story but I once got into a similar-ish situation. I suppose I might have been doing some paid work; hedge trimming, fencing, landscaping using sometimes my tractor and trailer, a vintage one, one of several. This was a fairly short period 2 months between one job ending and another starting. From my mothers property which was a 1/3 acre plot and although not isolated didn't have any close or overlooking neighbours. My mother did run a business from the house. However shortly after I had started my new job and was luckily completely, officially full time employed, 250 miles away, there was a visit from a council official; investigating reports we were running unauthorised businesses from the property.
He agreed that my stored and mothballed tractor collection all like 30 years old or much more, did not constitute any form of business and that kind of pastime is in no way a problem in a rural area.
However my mother was doing some dog grooming, mobile and in her home and had done for years. The official was most helpful and said that as long as the business does not require any special modifications to the fabric of the building that would really make it no longer a normal house, then that is not a problem. I don't see that your shed would really be anything other than a normal "household" shed. In fact the official played a blinder; he in no way thought there was a problem, hence the complaint was of a nuisance nature. He also let my Mum know that in fact; there was some kind of initiative at that time to promote her kind of enterprise and a grant was available to improve business. She did and got a few hundred quid; obviously she told all the locals that she mixed with, this made sure that whoever complained got to hear for sure!