Anyone else find these to be junk?
my second one in 2 years is already on its way out.
first one not much over a year, took to my local dealer who stripped it to the bone, tbh cant remember the reason exactly but the basic advice was it wasnt worth fixing. I guess i dont remember as i was in shock over a £800 machine dying so quick.
thought must be a one off but no stupidly tried a second and its going the same way. Harder and harder to start.
new plug filter and air filter makes no difference.
given previous experience i reckon ive got a few weeks at best before it wont start at all.
now i am just done with Stihl
got a couple of HS 86(?) hedge cutters. Holds a tune for about a month then bogs down constantly. My local dealer cant get them to run right.
my 201 run ok for about a year and then goes wrong.
pole saw. well basically fell apart, went back to stihl HQ who rebuilt / replaced about 80% of it.
now i dont want to sound like some old winger but back in the day the BR600 would go for yours, barely show it a spark plug, filter clean about every 3 yrs and it wouldn't miss a beat!
best thing is you could chuck it on ebay afterwards and get a fair price as a second hand unit.
HSA 86 (extendable hedge cutters) ive gone though soooooo many, if i get a season out of one im lucky.
MSA 220 T. randomly just cuts out for no reason. have to remove battery or change and it starts again (swap between a 300S and 500). Thats back at the shop looking into why
one of the batteries just stopped charging for no reason , now just a paperweight.
SO what to go for blower wise?
Never had great success with Echo, every tool seems either very heavy or the balance on the top handle was just not right. but surely they cant get it that wrong with a backpack blower?
Husky blower any good?
Many thanks