Basically,this Country is alarmingly close to being ****************ed now.We are raising a generation pretty much doomed to minimum wages/20 hr weekly contracts-or less.A generation who will never be in a position to buy their own home-or indeed thanks to airnb,not in a position to even rent a home in their area.This means there is no impetus for our Economy,Our stagnant/zero growth over the last 10 odd years is hugely worrying,compared to virtually every other Country in Europe-we are way,way down the lists.Ok,the pandemic didnt help,but also brexit will go down in history as the U.K.basically cutting its own throat due to 'Empire fantasists'- most of whom have no plans/desire either to live or indeed invest in their home Country.I'd love to see an up to date poll of how Brexit has worked out for the fishing/farming sector-or more recently the horticultural nursery industry that imports live plants-but I already know that result.BT/our utility companies +the train network is beyond a disgrace.And meanwhile,these clueless tw*ts in power try to seduce us with tax cuts!No one likes paying tax,but really given half a brain,most of us understand thats what pays for a half-decent infrastructure.