Hi there,
Done some number crunching for you..
Just to carry 16A with the required max volt drop over that distance, [35m] works out at 2.5mm2 cable.
BUT, as i said the governing factor will be EFLI [so that the circuit breaker operates] and, do not forget that to START the motor will take about 6 to 10 times this current, so you are in practice, to start the motor reliably you are going to want a much larger cable or the motor simply will not start [and contactors will drop out due to undervoltage] and you will end up in a right mess..
So, taking an educated guess at the SUPPLY characteristics, you want the following, assuming the breaker protecting the circuit is a C32.
I am also assuming that you require a neutral too
IF, you want an armoured cable to bury in the ground, you want a 10mm2 four core, and you will use the armour as CPC [earth]
Note, you CANNOT use an armoured cable as "flex", it is not designed to be repeatedly bent, and besides, it would be terrible to handle.. This cable would be about 21mm in diameter and weigh about 36kg.
IF, you want flex, you want something called "HO7" This is the most beautifully supple, lovely, rubber covered stuff, Lovely to handle even in the freezing cold. With this, you want 10mm2 FIVE core..This cable would be about 24mm in diameter and weigh about 35kg.
The armoured cable will cost you about £264, plus the glands and adaptable boxes to terminate it into, and someone that knows what they are doing to fit the glands and terminate it for you.. [this is very tricky to do properly unless you know what you are doing]
If you want the HO7 flex, it will cost you about £390, plus a "trailing socket" for one end and a plug for the other..
Any questions, ask..