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Everything posted by xdarkknight

  1. Hi, I haven't posted in quite a while. Work has slowed down for me, giving me freedom to offer help where needed. I live near Longleat, but can travel a bit if necessary. I'm an experienced and certified climber and groundsman for tree work. I also have Lantra recognised Hedge Cutter and Brush Cutter cert/training. In preparation for structural work, I trained in Aerial Access, ISO 9001. Which is similar to IRATA level 1, but with fewer agency strings attached. In the last couple years I've subbed for a contractor to Network Rail and Highways Agency, so I am certified in PTS with Lookout/Site Warden competencies as well as CSCS Card holder. To top it off, I've got the obvious First Aid at Work cert. I'm from the Northwest Coast of the US, near Seattle. If you're interested in a couple days a week help or have a good opportunity coming up, give me a Message and I'll get back to you soon. Thanks
  2. Hi, I haven't found any recent threads on doing bat surveys, but I understand the training is out there, even for those without ecology degrees. I know it can be difficult to get into as (it seems) it's a who knows who type industry. It's something I've been interested in getting into, but haven't known where to go. Also, I need to pay the bills, so voluntary work is generally kept to a minimum. Any thoughts or direction? I'm in the southwest, by the way. Thanks
  3. Sounds interesting, who's it with? Have you got a link too the school (or am I being blind)?

    <p>In Somerset now! lived here for 2 years thus far. (TWO YEARS!!!)</p>

    <p>Literally JUST passed my CS 38, on to 39 in a couple days. Cheers to Broadsword for a brilliant course near Bridgewater.</p>



    <p>Hey Mate,</p>

    <p>Cheers for the course last week. All passed, and I got the "No Problems Here" on my review. Couldn't be happier!</p>

    <p>Hope all's well.</p>



  6. Hi all, I'm looking for work in East Somerset. I live in Frome, so nearby would be beneficial, but I'm willing to travel if necessary. I've got CS 30 & 31 and all my own PPE. I'm a decent cutter for woodland thinning and am an experienced groundie for Arb work. I know it can seem like grunt-work to mow lawns and strim and cut hedges, but it's my idea of a good days work. If you like what you see, PM me and I'll send you my CV. ALSO, If you have ANY leads send 'em my way! Thanks! Bryce T.
  7. This sounds like a great opportunity for the right person. I'm looking forward to hearing how this turns out for you! I'd have broken your hand off if I'd have been nearer to you... as it is, I'm dawn sawth. G'Luck!
  8. I've never had to get a work visa for tree work in the states... but that's cause I'm american. I would have to second Mike's plan. If you want more of a foresty area, maybe look for businesses near Kelowna. It's a gorgeous place, central on the southern border of British Columbia, right off the eastern slope of the Cascades. Jack Kerawac did much of his writing for a few of his books from a Wild-Fire lookout in the North Cascades National Park, just south of the Canadian border. That's ALSO a direction to look. If you want some serious badass skills, look into doing some Wildland Fire training. It's well worth the asskicking. Stick with Mike's suggestions and good luck! It'll be a hell of a ride! Bryce T.
  9. Hey Mate. Tree stuff in the US differs greatly in some respects and not at all in others. One major one is that, in the states, most chainsaw safety trousers aren't tested to UL (independent testing laboratory) standards. However, chaps (Arseless trousers) are all the fashion at the moment. Canada has some big trees and many are felled. There are, however, lobbyists who do their best to put old-growth forests (ancient woodland) and large trees like the redwoods under protected status. I have no problem with that as these trees are majestic and it will be a shame when the last one hits the ground. I am from Washington state where we had about enough forest to carpet at least half of the UK (no kidding). The state of Oregon, just south, is a landmass roughly the size of the UK and it's covered in forest also. British Columbia, in Canada, just north of Washington State, is particularly well known for it's forestry. Do some searches and you should be able to find a few posts on a job going in Kelowna, BC (I think... maybe just search British Columbia) that looked pretty spectacular for the right applicant. As far as Arb stuff goes, it was entirely normal to have to gaff (spur/spike) up a 180 foot tree, knock out it top and come down and bring down the other half... and that's in relatively normal peoples back garden! As far as pay is concerned, I had a friend who was looking to work with me in the Tree Care business I was with at the time. I was paid the norm which was about $10-$20 an hour. $20 if you're good and experienced, $10 if your boss is thrifty with his nickels and dimes. I got a little more than pocket lint. My mate was thinking of coming out of full-scale logging operations. I found out how much he was paid and nearly had a heart attack. He was coming home with about $28/hour, nearly £3000 a month!!! That's a friggin Professional's wage! The best part is that he was basically just setting the rigging. No cutting, no brashing, just tying lines. SO, if you're up for finding the job in this harsh economical climate, you could have yourself a good time with a career over there. I'm over here living closer to my wife's family for the moment, but would jump at an opportunity to be back there if the situation was different. Best of luck to you mate. Keep up the search. and enjoy whatever you find! Bryce
  10. Mate, I love this thread. I've been following it since you stuck it on here originally. It sets a really good standard. A bit harsh sometimes, but I think that's what we need sometimes. My last great boss was the biggest badass I may ever know, but in the absolute best of ways. He yelled at me and the other guys, cussed us out for the smallest things, but was calm when the chipper became unhitched from the truck and crashed into the tail-gate. I was slightly more unnerved by the calm, collected cussing than the honest, pure aggression of normal. I knew exactly where I stood. The guy expected a lot from us. When we didn't have the skill to perform a task (or the gonads), he'd fly up the tree and take it down as if it was friggin straw and he was a razor sharp scythe. He expected as much from us as he demanded from himself in the same situation. With more recent bosses, I've said that I will do my absolute best for them. I have learnt habbits that may be wrong or unnecessary. I will unlearn the bad ones in order to make your business run smoothly. The one thing I ask is that you let me know when I'm doing something wrong. Give me CONSTRUCTIVE criticism and don't just let crap blow over and have it continue to stick to your boots. In the end, if your worker can't take the critique and continue to be a crap worker, get rid of em. I now tell bosses to give me a bruise to remember their request. Blacken an eye, break a tooth, threaten a chainsaw wound, whatever it takes to make it clear that the business is THEIRS, not mine. If their reputation is ruined because of something I'd done, but they said nothing to me, it's their fault. But if they'd been beating things into me for months, then it's mine and I can get the boot to the backside. Steve, It'd be great to join you in that gorgeous neck of this island. I'm just not there at the moment. and, hell, who's to say you'd have me! Props to the winner of this killer job and even bigger props to Mr. _P, who is aforementioned badass!
  11. Email sent
  12. So I'm looking at extractors of the future of a small forestry firm and am wondering if anyone has any thoughts on this little marvel. Tremzac's Oxtrac (formerly Forcat) Skidder. It's strong, does perfect doughnuts around trees, and has an ultra light impact on the forest floor. I saw it at Cannock Chase this year and it looks a treat. My big thought is that it's good, but is it good enough? Is it strong enough? Is it improvable (by the manufacturer or other fabricators)? If anyone has had any contact with this or has some sound thoughts, please let me know. Also, there's a great video on YouTube demonstrating some of this things abilities. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=InYaqkYKR1c]Berfor Forcat 2000 Mini Track Skidder[/ame]
  13. Heyya, My name is Bryce Tangvald. I've recently moved from Seattle, WA, USA to the Market Harborough, Leicestershire, UK at the beginning of June '10. I've been working with an Arborist/Climbing trainer for the last 6 months after other jobs doing wilderness trails work and working as an EMT with a local ambulance svc. I'm a US NREMT certified Wilderness-Emergency Medical Technician with 2 years of experience. I have started training in Arboriculture, Pruning Operations, Tree Climbing and Rigging Procedures and am constantly improving upon my skills. The last 6 months I have been the Groundsman for a 2 man crew. I am proficient in the operation and use of Chainsaws, brush cutters, Tree-Stump Grinders & Chippers. As an EMT, I drove a large vehicle all day long. Now, as the groundsman, I drive the Chip-Truck with Chipper Trailer to every job-site. I am knowledgeable in basic to intermediate pruning operations and have basic experience Tree Climbing. As I've moved from the USA to the UK in June, I only have some necessary PPE. However, I now have NPTC Certs CS30 & 31 under Lantra Certified Training with an aim to get CS 38, 39 & 40. As such, I am hoping to find an employer who is willing to put my experience to work and maybe help sponsor me into the other Certifications I need. Currently, we will be spending some time in southern Leicestershire, but are hoping to move to Somerset, between Bath & Yeovil. The Precise location depends upon the availability of work for my wife & I and the availability of suitable/affordable housing within that area. My experience has been working with 20-30 year veterans who either hold ISA Arborist certification, have extensive old-growth logging or wildland firefighting experience, or a combination of it all. I Hoping for someone with a good few years in the industry, but I'm flexible. I am, however, looking for a good quality operation to join. If that's you, give me a Call, PM or Email! I've been particularly looking to work alongside someone who's managing a woodland, coppicing & hedgelaying, etc. However my experience has been working alongside Arborists & Tree Surgeons. For further information, please see my CV below. Thanks for your interest!! I look Forward to hearing from you soon! Bryce Tangvald Tangvald CV (UK) 2010-08-18.txt
  14. Thanks guys! Rupert, I'll be there! (I'll be the american hanging out at the ArbJobs stall ALSO, if anyone's up for parting with some UK required PPE kit, climbing gear or chainsaws, I'd be up for taking it off their hands (for a semi-reasonable price, of course)AT said arb show!
  15. Well, here I am. Sitting, staring out the window at cars driving on the WRONG side of the road (there's a REASON we call it the "right" side!), which can mean 1 of several things: *I'm upside-down. in which case maybe I need to work on my work-positioning abilities. *I'm IN the UK. which explains why I'm seeing strange animal crossings, only 1 of which is a locally found animal and only one of which is at all likely (equestrian crossing) (look at your local "highway-code" book) *I'm not working yet. which is true, if you don't count working on my father-in-law's burnt out Stihl E14 Chainsaw... burnt out due to a dead-dull chain and RR sleepers. as well as lifting and moving said sleepers into a back garden. so I need employment. You know my details as listed above. Give me a PM or a bell if you have ANY CONTACTS or any Advise about schools for nptc certs, gear, etc. Thanks guys! Hope to hear from one of you soon! Bryce T.
  16. Thanks a bunch mozza! I'm looking at these also. I have been depending on the Cirencester show to help me decide. Let me know if you find another good price for em. I think I found the best price on eBay HAIX PROTECTOR EXTREME CHAINSAW ARBORIST BOOTS 8 - eBay (item 110496297761 end time Apr-19-10 02:08:04 PDT) it's from GM Tools (Garden Machinery Tools) in Northamptonshire. BryceT
  17. Well, The power pole pruners were absolutely killer. The saw... Well, it went through that little dead birch (I think) ok, but what about some ugly poplar or thick as brick pine... Wires and saws make me skiddish... a little too much crazy added to the picture. What's the power on it like? If it has ok power, how long will it last when it's pushed to it's limit? How do you replace the battery (easily) when you're up 80 feet? Also, are there any online links to the rumours of stihl bringing out a battery op'd chainsaw? All the same questions.
  18. Looks like a mean bit o' letterhead you got there, mate. Just don't do like my old Jeffe & misprint Arborist. My mates and I keep wondering if he bids jobs based on his amazing skills as an ABorist... ... man, I want to be an aborist... that sounds cool.
  19. Ya know, I've been wearing mine daily for a while. and, as a rock climber, I've had it for about a year and a half. it's a great helmet that I'd trust for top impact hits. Side impact, like with the stein helmets in the US, is a bit of a problem (the material folds in pretty far). I'd be happier with the Petzl Vertex Vent. It's heavier, but it has a suspension system that (I think) is more common in spelunking. I love lightweight helmets, but the side-impact resistance is a quality that is very lacking in stylish pink fairy helmets like mine (which is actually charcoal colour) I had a coworker who wore the Vertex. his stunk like nothing else. I refused to wear it if needed. in fact everything he wore stunk after an hour of wear. My helmet on the other hand is fine. smells like moderate sweat/use. no stink. 6 months of use.
  20. Ok, so here's the news: all our stuff is headed via ocean going freight from Charleston SC to the UK (6-8 weeks). My wife & I have left our apartment, sold, charity shopped or trashed many of our belongings. sold my Jeep (RIP). am now staying with family for a week and a bit. We fly out on 2 June and arrive late 3 June (if Eyjafjallakjofull has calmed itself down some). Unless some unforeseen advent occurs, I'll be at the Arb Show in Cirencester, 11th & 12th June. If you want to meet me, PM or Email me. (though someone's been messing with my email, so I've had the powers that be lock down the account. Don't know what I'll find when I get back into it.) And, again, if you're interested in meeting me and showing me the ropes of arb work in the UK, let me know. Who knows, maybe you'll have a hard working new co-worker on your hands!
  21. ok, back to my glossary... what's all this "loler" jazz about? don't know the term.
  22. so I haven't looked for the bigwall ledges I just described, but I know Mammoth Mountain store in Bellevue, WA has em. They're way cool. I'd just feel a little funny about setting up a sleeping bag on one and trusting my life to it. a little breeze and you're earthbound. ON the otherhand, the NEWTRIBE Treeboats look pretty awesome! The company is built for pro & Rec climbers, so their stuff is pretty comfy... New Tribe store
  23. not a logger, sorry... don't even watch "swamp loggers".
  24. Also look up bigwall ledges/tents. Guys use them to bolt big climb walls or to ascend huge sheer rock faces... Way cool.


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