Good stuff VI, real grassroots (or should that be treeroots?๐} conservation in action. I've under taken a similar project - albeit on a much smaller scale - on 18 acres of poor quality arable land that I've converted back to rough grassland with the long term aim to create wood pasture. Obviously I wont be around to see it to fruition, but in the decade I've been doing this, Dormouse have occupied the scrub woodland and hedgerows and a pair of Barn Owls have taken up residence in the box (tea chest) I put up in my old tractor shed.
Impressive bird list, I'm old enough to remember when Cuckoo were widespread - we haven't had one for years - and we've recently lost Willow warbler. Haven't seen a Lesser-spotted woodpecker for 20 years, nor Lesser Whitethroat for 10, and Stock dove are increasingly rare vagrants these days. On the plus side, we do still get all the other red and amber listed species on your list - with the obvious exception of Nightingale, which we haven't had down here for decades.
Keep up the good work, it's brilliant when individuals can make such a significant contribution to the conservation of our native wildlife.๐