Hi, just thought I’d start a thread on my 2 ish acre woodland, my dad inherited it along with 15 acres of grassland from our family farm - then gave me the task of looking after it 🙈 (no complaints) to provide our firewood, and improve it for nature and game shooting. All possible in my opinion
2 years ago was the first time the woodland got touched other than having a pheasant pen for our game shoot (only relevance this has is that I can’t do anything until February when shooting season finishes) the majority of the wood is fairly dense hazel and ash, with two areas of very very dense mature blackthorn mixed with a bit of hazel, about 10 - 15ft tall, absolutely dead underneath. Not even squirrels were really present.
so i hit it hard and full cleared an area.
that was it for that year and left me with plenty of firewood.
come summer, the wood had the most life I’ve ever seen in it. Muntjac, roe, rabbbits, field mice, birds of prey. Oh and the squirrel population went mad.
I’m going to write more up later and find some more photos, but thought this thread might help people in the future whilst also giving me a way to keep note of what I do over the years