Almost 15 months since my Bandit ZT stump grinder smashed my leg to bits and almost took it off. Remember!! - turn that cutter wheel off before walking away from the controls!.....anyway, I didn't think I would have cause to post here again so quickly, but this week I had a nice surprise;
I had an appointment with my surgeon and an x ray. Regarding the x ray, he told me that the new 71mm of tibia bone is calcifying really nicely. But the appointment got better than that, because he assessed my foot and ankle, and told me that he had no medical reason, much less an personal reason, as to why the footplate could not be removed!
He then told me that they only ever remove 2 pins in clinic, any more than that and its sedation and operating theatre. I asked how long for theatre slot, he said 2-3 months. So I said can't we just get on with it, I have had plenty of practice with unbearable pain so far on this journey, and so, after some discussion, with much warning from him as to the pain, he agreed to pull all 4 pins out of my foot in clinic. They said the only thing they could give was gas and air.
They first loosened and removed the little nuts and bolts which hold the pins to the black frame. This resulted in a sudden, unpleasant twang as the pin "relaxed" - each pin is loaded with 100kg. This was fairly unpleasant, even with gas and air. But the worst bit was when they pulled the pins out because the bones grow really tight around the pins so the pins have to be wrenched through the bones. The pins go right through from one side to the other.
I wouldn't want any more done in clinic like that!! See before and after pics below. Now I can start to put some weight through my leg, and when that bandage comes off my foot I can put a shoe on...but who would have thought how hard it was to learn to walk again! The brain gets trained to the different centre of gravity and one legged hopping when non weight bearing, now I have got to train my brain again.